Notes from the second course evaluation meeting: ---------------------------------------- Ana asks when we think is best to discuss the solutions to the assignments: the first exercise class after submission (as we do now) or the first after the correction is done. Students think it is better to keep things as they are now, hence closer to the submission of the assignment. Whe the students asked about the duration of the exam Thierry and Ana answered that they were thinking to make it 3.5 hours instead of 4 since students now have more material available to them during the exam. We did not reach any final decision on whether this is necessary or not, but students had doubts about the amount of time saved by being able to look up things mid-exam. Students find it more difficult to follow lectures in the second half of the course. This may be because the second half of the course is simply harder. Uneven pacing of lectures, some of the content in the course is not given the time it needs. Guest lecture about SAT-solving was appreciated. A suggestion was to put guest lectures closer to the end of the course, as to not introduce new material which may be confusing/distracting from the current part of the course. The exercises are working well, and the difficulty of the course seems reasonable. Overall, the course is working fine.