Intro and verification page (START HERE)

  • Due No due date
  • Points 1
  • Questions 1
  • Time limit None


The questions will be opened at 08:30.

Course: TDA493 / TIA106 Graphical Interfaces

Time: November 25th, 2020, 08:30-12:30 (4 hours)

Video meeting for teacher communication: (For questions, no ID check, no continues surveillance, and no recording)

Examiner: Thommy Eriksson

Authorized aids: It is allowed to use any tool including the course book, and any existing information online as support. It is NOT allowed to collaborate or get help from another person.

The written exam is worth 2 credits (course module “0315 Examination”). The written exam is given in English.

Grade limits and grading scale TDA493

The max points on the written exam is 100 points.

60 points = grade 3

73 points = grade 4

85 points = grade 5

Grade limits and grading scale TIA106

The max points on the written exam is 100 points.

60 points = grade G

80 points = grade VG


You must approve this agreement, otherwise your exam will not be graded.

I hereby certify that the answers I give on this written exam are all created by myself during the time of the exam (November 25th, 08:30-12:30), and that I have not received any help from any other person.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes