MVE055 / MSG810 Mathematical statistics and discrete mathematics Autumn 21
På denna sida finns programmet för kursen: föreläsningar, räkneövningar och inlämningsuppgifter. Övriga uppgifter, såsom t.ex. kursmål, lärare, kurslitteratur, examination och gamla tentor finns i ett separat kurs-PM.
Kursens schema finns i TimeEdit.
Lecturer: Moritz Schauer Link
The lectures will be given in English. The course is given in Hybrid Format with lectures on Campus which will be made available through Zoom and recorded.
Exam: On campus, see PM.
Discussion board and online exercise classes (Zulip): (Invite link
Formula sheet (en/sv): formulasheetensv.pdf
Lectures (Hybrid format)
During the first weeks, lectures will be given on Campus, in addition they will be streamed on Zoom, and a recording will be made available.
Screen cast of past lectures:
Moritz Schauer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: MSG810GU/MVE055
Moritz Schauer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: TimeEdit.
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All slides in one pdf without pauses
Dag | Avsnitt | Innehåll | New Slides | Old Slides | Old Swedish Slides | |
Måndag 30/8 |
(MA) Kap. 1-2 | Grundläggande sannolikhetsteori | Lecture 1 (1+2) | lecture1 | ||
Ons 1/9 | (MA) Kap. 3.1-3.5 | Bayes sats & diskret stokastik variabel |
Week 1 (3) |
Lecture 2 (3) |
lecture2 | |
Mån 6/9 | (MA) Kap 4.1,4.2,4.4,4.6 | Kontinuerlig stokastisk variabel | Week 2 (4) | Lecture 3 (4) | lecture3 | |
Ons 8/9 | (MA) Kap 3.6-3.8, 4.3 | Negativ Binomial, hypergeometrisk, Poisson, chi-kvadrat, exponentiell | Week 2 | Lecture 4 (5) | lecture4 | |
Mån 13/9 |
(MA) Kap.5.1-5.4 |
Gemensam fördelningsfunktion |
Week 3 |
Lecture 5 (6) | lecture5 | |
Ons 15/9 |
(GS) Kap.11.1-11.2 |
Markovkedjor |
Week 3 markovchains.jl |
Lecture 6 (7)
Mån 20/9 | (MA) Kap 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 7.1+Exempel 7.3.2 och Sats 7.3.4 | Deskriptiv statistik. Punktskattning | Week 4 | Lecture 7 (8) | lecture7 | |
Ons 22/9 | (MA) Kap 7.4,8.1,8.2 | Intervallskattning. Centrala gränsvärdessatsen | Week 4 | Lecture 8 (9) | lecture8 | |
Mån 27/9 | (MA) Kap 8.3-8.5 | Hypotestesting | Lecture 9 | Lecture 9 (10) | lecture9 | |
Ons 29/10 | (MA) Kap 9.1-9.3 | Skattning av proportioner. | Lecture 10 | Lecture 10 (11) Link to program |
lecture10 | |
Mån 4/10 | (MA) 10.1,10.3 | Att jämföra väntevärden | ||||
Tis 5/10 | (EG) Kap 6.4,6.6 | Generande funktioner | Scripts Generating functions |
Generating functions | ||
Ons 6/10 |
(MA) Kap 3.4, 7.3 (GS) Kap 8 |
Momentgenerande funktioner. Chebyshev's olikhet. Stora talens lag |
Scripts: |
Mån 18/10 | (MA) Kap 11.1-11.3 | Regressionsanalys | Lecture 14 | Lecture 13 (14) | lecture13 | |
Tis 19/10 | ||||||
Ons 20/10 |
Rekommenderade övningsuppgifter
Facit jämna
Extra Exercices - Solution
Dag | Uppgifter | |
Tis 31/8 | (MA) Kapitel 1: 1,3,5,7,11,13,14,19,21,23,26,32,33,35,36 | |
Tors 2/9 | (MA) Kapitel 2: 2,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,18,19,21,23,26,27,32,33,35,37,38,40 | |
Tis 7/9 | (MA) Kapitel 3: 7,9,14,20,21(acdg),24,25,35,36(abcde),41,42,43(bcd) | |
Tors 9/9 | (MA) Kapitel 4: 1,3, 5,6,9,13,15,21,39,41,42,52,73,82,85(bcd) | |
Tis 14/9 |
(MA) Kapitel 3: 47, 57, 62, 63, 64, 76,79,80 (MA) Kapitel 4: 35, 37, 87(a-d) |
Tors 16/9 | (MA) Kapitel 5: 1,3,5,15,16,20,25,26,29 | |
Tis 21/9 | (GS) Kapitel 11.1: 1,2,8,9,11,19 (GS) Kapitel 11.2: 1,2,3,19 |
Ons 22/9 |
(MA) Kapitel 6: 17,23,24(bcd),28(bcd) (MA) Kapitel 7: 1,5,6 |
Tis 28/09 | (MA) Kapitel 7: 47,49,53,56,64 (MA) Kapitel 8: 1(bcde),2,3,5,10,11,13,15,17 |
Ons 29/9 | (MA) Kapitel 8: 21,32,37,41,58(cde),59(abd),62 | |
Tis 5/10 | (MA) Kapitel 9: 1,2,3,5,6,11,13,15,17,19,33,35 | |
Ons 6/10 | MA) Kapitel 10: 1,2,4,13(bcd),14(bcd), 15(bcd) (assume equal variances in 13,14,15) (EG) 6.18, 6.19(abc) (A) Section 13.3: 1,3,7,11,13,25,31,35 |
Tis 12/10 |
(A) Section 13.2: 1,3,5,7,11,14,19,21,23,25,29 (MA) 3.32, 7.38, 7.39, 7.40,7.46 |
Ons 13/10 | (GS): Section 8.1: 1,5,10 (GS): Section 8.2: 1,4,5 |
Tis 19/10 | (MA) Kapitel 11: 7,10,11,12,19-22 |
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I kursen finns tre obligatoriska inlämningsuppgifter. Dessa görs i grupper på 2-4 personer och lämnas in via Canvas.
Information and link will be provided.
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Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |