Course representative meeting Databases TDA357 / DIT621 LV3 Attendees: Ana Bove (course responsible) Chalmers IT2: Jacob Bengtsson, Simon Engström Applied Data Science: Kinga Jenei, Vitkor Kjellberg Sent feedback by mail: Ronja Hedberg, Hjalmar Fridén * There was a request to be more specific on which parts of the chapters to read. * Someone had experience that the notes were more specific compared to the book while the book has more information in general. There are several resources to get information, notes, book, lectures and slides, and the internet as well. Up to each and everyone to chose what fits best. * There were some comments regarding how questions from students are answered. Sometimes answers given could be interpreted as a bit “hostile”. We know this isn’t the intention of course, however, this could lead to students being afraid of asking honest questions and that in turn might reduce/hinder discussion. This will be kept in mind for future lectures. * Ana asks how difficult the course is for applied data science students, but they think it’s going fine. * The hybrid format is appreciated. When people are sick, covid or not, and you have to stay home, it is appreciated that you can attend the lectures from home. In general, it is appreciated that you don’t always have to attend physically on campus. * Not many people attended the lab sessions the first week. None of the course representatives felt the need to. This might be change in the coming weeks since lab 2 is a bit more challenging. Still the lab session seems to work fine, students get the help they need. * Automatic testing on Fire works great and is very helpful!