Course evaluation meeting 3/3-22 Present at the meeting: Viktor Kjellberg, Ana Bove, Hjalmar FridŽn, Jacob, Simon Engstršm, Ronja Hedberg Sent comments by mail: Kinga Jenei Labs and assignments: - Pleasantly surprised by the meaningful questions demo. - The assignments are interesting and people generally enjoy doing them - the given time is enough and the feedback is detailed. - Assignments have been working great. - The TAs are really helpful and answer the questions quickly. - Quick response time for help in the labs. Ana: Labs seems to work fine, will monitor demonstrations next week. Lectures: - Has been working great with hybrid format. - Lectures have been very good lately since concepts have been more advanced. In the beginning it was a bit slow if you read the material in advance. - Enjoyable guest lecture. - Positive response on the quiz. Ana: Will look if one can incorporate more quizzes in the future round of the course. - The sound of the lecture on Zoom is not always the best. Ana: Will check into the microphone problem for zoom for the next round of courses. Ana: Would like more people in the lecture hall but it is how it is. Exam: - A student has asked for an exam that Ana designed herself. Ana: Will upload August 2021 re-exam which was designed together with Jonas to Canvas page. Ana: Style of the exam is the same as those in Canvas. Approx. 6 questions 10 points each, can vary a bit.