function i = resampling(q) % Resample indeces using Multinomial sampling. % q is a vector of probabilities. % Returns a vector of indeces "i" (positive integer values). % The function samples length(q) times with replacement from the discrete % distribution taking values on {1,2,...,length(q)} with associated probabilities {q(1),q(2),...}. % In the context of sequential Monte Carlo this implies producing indeces corresponding % to the particles we will sample at next time. % See N = length(q); % Multinomial resampling u = rand(N,1); qc = cumsum(q); qc = qc(:); qc=qc/qc(N); [~,ind1]=sort([u;qc]); ind2=find(ind1<=N); i=ind2'-(0:N-1); end