TMS088 / MSA410 Financial time series


Please do not call me on my private phone with questions, email them instead!

Exam June 2 Exam1_2023.pdf

Suggested solutions FTS 2023 Exam 1 Solutions.pdf

Exam August (no solutions): Exam 2

A detailed schedule for the course can be found here.

The aim and intended learning outcomes of the course can be found here.

Examiner and course organizer: Michael Björklund (


Course structure:

Lectures (Föreläsningar)

Exercise sessions (Lektioner)



The exam:

The regular exam (ordinarie tentamen) will take place on June 2, 2023 (14.00-18.00).

Grade scales  (Total: 60 points):

Chalmers: 3 (30-39), 4 (40-49), 5 (50-60).

GU: G (30-44), VG (45-60)

Note: For the exam you are allowed to bring four pages (two sheets) of your own handwritten notes and a simple calculator.

The re-exam (omtentamen) is scheduled for August 21, 2023 (8.30-12.30).

Old exams can be found here.


Course literature:

Course literature and additional learning material can be found here.


Differences from previous years:

  • There will be no quizzes this year (the only bonus points come from the projects).
  • No discussion board. If you have questions regarding the course, please email me.