MVE220 / MSA400 Financial risk

The exams are now corrected


This course covers some modern techniques and concepts for measuring risk in a financial setting. It requires no prior knowledge of finance, but is quite mathematical.

This page contains the program of the course: lectures and projects. Other information, such as learning outcomes, teachers, literature and examination, are in a separate course PM.


Stuart Coles, Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values. Available in STORE or here. We will mainly cover 2.6.3-4, 2.6.7, 2.7, 3.1-4, 4. Everything related to profile likelihood is omitted.


Carl Lindberg, Lecture notes:

Comment on Structural Credit Risk 20231211.pdf

ExtremeValueTheory 20240306.pdf

Fisher Information 20240123.pdf

Insurance Risk 20240305.pdf

MarkovTheory 20240302.pdf

Guest Lecture:

Credit Risk Modelling at Norion Bank.pdf

Risk Project Slides

Enron Niclas Lindmark Daniel Alsén.pdf


Faulty CDOs and Stupidity - Brechter & Krantz.pdf

Stanford financial crisis.pdf


Rise and Fall of FTX.pdf

The Financial Crisis 2007 Krantz Brechter.pptx



Example exam



The schedule of the course is in TimeEdit.



Week Topic Content
1 Introduction to Financial Risk, Extreme value theory Derivation of the extreme value distributions and the Generalized Pareto Distribution
2 Statistical Modeling: Classical EVT with Statistics, Threshold models, Value-at-Risk, Expected shortfall Distributions, independence, Fisher Information
3 Week 2 continued, Risk projects General EV distributions with statistics
4 CHARM days, Risk project presentations Generalized Pareto distribution, Peaks over Threshold
5 Guest Lecture on 13/2, Insurance risk, structural Credit risk Cramér-Lundberg model, structural credit risk models
6 Markov Theory, Credit risk Basic properties, hitting times, Strong Markov property, invariant distributions, Markov based credit risk models.
7 Project supervision
8 Project supervision


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Recommended exercises

Learn all the derivations and examples covered in the lectures.


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Statistical project

Each student is welcome to apply threshold models to a financial time series, e g from a stock or an equity index. The student should calculate VaR and Expected Shortfall for that time series, given an investment of 1 million "moneys" (I e, use SEK if you analyze Swedish stocks, USD if you analyze American stocks, and so on..). I will supervise these projects during week 8, and choose at least one exam question related to this particular problem, so doing the project can be regarded as studying for the exam. No bonus points are awarded for doing the projects.

Presentation risk project

Groups of 2 people will some time during week 7 present a topic related to financial risk (such as the Madoff scandal, Enron, LTCM, the Financial Crisis) during a 10 minute presentation. The presenting groups will hand in 1-2 pages (ChatGPT-tools are allowed, but check your facts!) The best presentations will be rewarded in the sense that I will choose exam questions from their presentations, so doing the project can be regarded as studying for the exam. No bonus points are awarded for doing the projects.

Guest lecture

There will likely be a guest lecture, held be a knowledgable industry practitioner. In that case, I will probably choose an exam question from that lecture, and alter the course schedule to fit that person's agenda.


Reference literature:

  1. Learning MATLAB, Tobin A. Driscoll. Provides a brief introduction to Matlab to the one who already knows computer programming. Available as e-book from Chalmers library.
  2. Physical Modeling in MATLAB 3/E, Allen B. Downey
    The book is free to download from the web. The book gives an introduction for those who have not programmed before. It covers basic MATLAB programming with a focus on modeling and simulation of physical systems.


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Course summary:

Date Details Due