Exercise Sessions

There are weekly exercise sessions on Thursdays, immediately after the lecture. In these sessions, the students are expected to solve problems and have discussions in small groups during the first half, while in the second half, the teacher will lead whole-class discussions on (selected) problems or discussion points. The weekly exercises will be published the day before the session at the latest. For some exercises, students are expected to download some code in advance so please check for preparation the day before the exercise session. The material is designed such that the students work during the exercise session itself, there is no need to solve the exercises in advance.

Week, date Teacher Thursdays
45 PJ

Exercise 1: Intro to Testing

46 PJ

Exercise 2: More on Testing

47 DL

Exercise 3: Debugging + a little bit of logic

48 GD

Exercise 4: Formal Specification

49 GD

Q&A Session on Lab 2 and on  Exercise 5: More on Dafny

50 GD

Q&A Session on Lab 2 and 3 and on  Exercise 6: Formal Verification

(DL = David Lidell, PJ = Prabhat Kumar Jha, GD = Guilherme Horta Alvares Da Silva, )