Course Syllabus
TDA497 / TIA104 Interaction design methodology lp1 HT19 (7.5 hp)
Course is offered by the department of Computer Science and Engineering
Contact details
- Examiner: Mafalda Samuelsson Gamboa (
- Co-Teacher: Yemao Man (
- Co-Teacher: Mohammad Obaid
- TA: Elio Brian Venero (
- TA: Molly Zelmerlöw Sigander (
- Guest lecturer: Staffan Björk
- Guest lecturer: Becky Bergman (
- Guest lecturers from industry
Course purpose
The aim of this course is to provide (interaction)designers in spe with a solid knowledge about the design process and its different phases, as well as give an overview of the most common methods used in various phases. In addition, numerous methods will be used, analyzed and compared, in this forming a useful toolkit for upcoming courses.
The course covers the following topics, which together serve in giving knowledge about the entire design process
- The design process
- Understanding Users
- Evaluation and Data Analysis
- Ideation and selection of ideas
- Evaluation
- Co-design
- Iterative design
Course literature
John Zimmerman, Jodi Forlizzi, and Shelley Evenson. 2007. Research through design as a method for interaction design research in HCI. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’07). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 493–502. DOI:
Cross, N. (2001).Designerly Ways of Knowing: Design Discipline Versus Design Science. Design Issues 17:3, pp. 49-55.
Moggridge, B. Designing Interactions. (2006), MIT Press. Chapter 10: People and Prototypes. Available at the Chalmers library
Hallnäs, L. and Redström, J. (2007). Interaction Design; Foundations, Experiments. Chapter 1. CTF, Borås.
Frauenberger, C.; Rauhala, M.; and Fitzpatrick, G. (2016) In-Action Ethics. Interacting with Computers.
Lindberg T., Meinel C., Wagner R. (2011) Design Thinking: A Fruitful Concept for IT Development?. In: Meinel C., Leifer L., Plattner H. (eds) Design Thinking. Understanding Innovation. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Blomberg J., Giacomi J., Mosher A., Swenton-Wall P.(1993)Ethnographic Field Methods and Their Relation to Design. Participatory design Principles and practices Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates. 123-155.
Virginia Braun & Victoria Clarke (2006) Using thematic analysis in psychology, Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3:2, 77-101
Djajadiningrat, J.P., Gaver, W. and Fres, .W. (2000) Interaction relabelling and extreme characters: methods for exploring aesthetic interactions. In Conference proceedings on Designing Interactive System (DIS) 2000, pp. 66-71. ACM Press.
Kelly, T. (2000). The perfect Brainstorm. In Kelly, T. & Littman, J. The Art of Innovation, chapter 4, Doubleday.
IDEO Method Cards, 2003.
Preece J., Rogers Y., & Sharp H. (2015) Interaction Design - Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, Fourth edition. John Wiley & Sons, USA (Available online at Chalmers Library)
Jones, J. C. (1992). Design methods, second edition. John Wiley & Sons. Preface
Sanders, E. & Stappers, P.J. (2008): Co-creation and the New Landscapes of Design, in Journal of CoDesign , 4:1, pp. 5-18
The UX Book: Process and Guidelines for Ensuring a Quality User Experience. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Available Online at Chalmers Library
, and . (2012)
Course design
The course runs Mondays 09.00-17.00 and Wednesdays 09.00-17.00ish, mostly online, with some exercises on campus. The lectures and activities will be synchronous which means the students should available to engage with the class during the class hours. See the Schedule page for details on exact times and rooms.
The course is given in English. The course features both practical and theoretical parts, as well as work in groups and individual work. Lectures, literature and literature seminars give a theoretical foundation, which are immediately put into practice in the form of exercises.
Focus is upon turning analysis and reflection into practical action. Focus is also on exchange of thoughts, feedback, designs and ideas. Hence, the course requires active participation; participants will spend most of their study time at school, working in pairs or groups.
Relation between the learning outcomes and the parts of the course
Lectures: KU1, KU2, KU4, JA1, JA2, JA4
Literature + Literature seminars: KU3, KU4, SA2, SA5, JA3,
Exercises: SA1-5, JA2, JA5
Seminars: KU3, SA2, JA3, JA4, JA5
Changes made since the last occasion
The main changes are as follows:
- The course is now mostly conducted as a distance course, with some exercises with the possibility to work on campus.
- There is a stronger connection to the Prototyping in Interaction Design course to make the work more efficient for the students.
- The project theme has changed and the hand-in is now a report rather than a presentation for this course.
Learning objectives and syllabus
Learning objectives:
Knowledge and understanding
- KU1: Describe stages of the design process
- KU 2: Describe methods for working with interaction design
- KU 3: Describe the similarities and differences of different design methods
- KU4; Describe considerations for involving users in the design process
Skills and abilities
- SA1: Design technology with regards to users
- SA2: Modify design methods to fit the context and needs of users
- SA3: Identify needs and requirements for users
- SA4: Develop and describe new design methods
- SA5: Plan design projects with respect to design goals, stakeholders' requirements, and available resources and expertise
- SA6: Conduct work in an inter-cultural environment (including both cultural and educational backgrounds)
Judgement and approach
- JA1: Analyze designs taking into account the needs of users
- JA2: Make an informed evaluation of the ethical and societal impacts of a design
- JA3: Criticize designs and design processes with respect to the methods used
- JA4: Identify ethical and social dilemmas in interaction design research and practice
- JA5: Reflect on your own design process objectively
Link to the syllabus Chalmers.
Link to the syllabus GU.
If the course is a joint course (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet) you should link to both syllabus (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet).
Examination form
The course is examined through two modules, namely:
- Exercises, project, seminars, 3.0 credits (Fail/Pass)
- Home Exam, 4.5 credits (Fail, 3, 4, 5)
In order to pass the entire course, the student needs to receive Pass on the first module and at least 3 on the second module. If you fail one or more parts, you cannot get a final grade, but you will get a grade and the credits for the parts you did pass.
A note on the distribution of credits: It may seem odd that the eight weeks of practical work are only worth 3 credits, whereas the home exam in itself is 4.5 credits. This is because much of the time and effort spent on reading and doing exercises goes into the home exam as well, where they come together to express the students’ understanding of process and methods; the points do thus not reflect work time, but learning.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |