Course syllabus


ACE130 Construction logistics and supply chain management, Study period 1 HT20 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, division of Construction Management.

Contact details

  • Course examiner and course administrator: 

Viktoria Sundquist, Phone: 772 34 82, E-mail: , Construction Management: Sven Hultins gata 6

Course purpose

The purpose of the course is to provide a fundamental understanding of construction logistics and supply chain management. The course aims for students to be familiar with logistics and supply chain management terminology, models and methods to develop practical skills and facilitate analysis of logistics and supply chain management issues in the construction industry taking into accounts sustainable goals and concerns.



Course literature

Core textbook in construction logistics and supply chain management complemented by journal articles available through on-line databases at Chalmers library. A more detailed outline and list of readings are presented on the course web page before the course starts.


Sullivan, G., Barthorpe, S. and Robbins, S. (2010) Managing Construction Logistics, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN: 978-1-405-15124-5. 

Course design

The course is based on a combination of lectures, guest lectures, seminars, individual work and/or group work. The course mixes theory with practice, critical thinking, collective reflection and discussion. Lectures and seminars typically include interactive sessions and students are expected to take active part in all learning and teaching activities in class-discussions and to individually prepare for each session.

Changes made since the last occasion

Study year 2020/2021 is the first year the course is running, hence, no changes are made.  

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

  • Describe the logistics and supply chain objectives in construction.
  • Describe the processes, resources and main actors in the construction supply chain.
  • Apply acquired knowledge to synthesize logistics solutions in construction projects.
  • Compare, analyse and evaluate alternative structures of construction logistics arrangements, including sustainability effects.
  • Explain the design and function of packaging, storage, transport and materials handling in physical material flows in construction.
  • Describe and explain the role of logistics and supply chain information systems.
  • Describe and evaluate planning and control mechanisms of construction logistics and supply chains.
  • Analyse the features and function of interaction and relationships in construction supply chains. 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of contemporary opportunities and challenges for construction logistics and supply chain management in the context of sustainable development.

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

Examination form

The examination forms include written group work; presentations; participation at the compulsory lectures, guest lectures and seminars; and a final written exam.