MVE495 Mathematical statistics Autumn 20

This page includes information about aim and learning outcomes, teachers, literature, examination, examination procedures and course evaluation. The program for all teaching sessions can be found on a separate Course PM page.

Aim and learning outcomes

The course MVE495, Mathematical Statistics gives an introduction to probability and statistical theory as well as to modern computational statistical methods provided by MATLAB software package. Make sure you have MATLAB installed on your working computer. It is freely available to you as a Chalmers student through the Chalmers student web place. The aim of the course is to give students basic techniques to analyze and present data and account for variability. It assumes a general mathematical knowledge, no other prerequisites are assumed.

The teaching of the course is based on the Virtual Learning Environment system (VLE).

Mathematical Sciences department's Stats VLE is a web-based system providing students with all the necessary tools to learn basic Probability and Statistics and practice problem solving on your own. It contains a variety of computer-generated questions covering the course curriculum as well as all the necessary supporting materials: statistical tables, hints, demos, etc. One may re-run the question-solution cycle as many times as felt necessary to deepen understanding of Statistics and to practice the techniques. It is complemented by the Study Guide with all the necessary theory which is directly accessible from within the VLE.

A registration to the VLE is now open. Follow instructions here to get in. The student's work on the VLE is supported by theory survey lectures and assisted computer labs where all questions on the content of the course could be asked and help sought. All the teaching this year is held online with the help of the web-conferencing tool called zoom.  To start with zoom smoothly, it is recommended that you Sign in at using your Chalmers CID email (like Link to the lectures and consultations are shown in the timetable on Home page of the VLE.

Distance study

Due to coronavirus outbreak, all the study is carried online. The first lecture is on Monday 31st of August at 15:15-17:00, follow this zoom link to participate. Make sure you read this document on how the distant study is organised this year. Handouts of the introduction lecture is available from VLE and here.

Changes compared to the last occasion

All the teaching is brought completely online


Examiner: Sergei Zuyev

Lecturer: Sergei Zuyev

Teaching assistants and Lab supervisors: 

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Course literature:

  1. Statistics Study GuideAvailable from within the VLE.

Also recommended:

  1. Learning MATLAB, Tobin A. Driscoll. Provides a brief introduction to Matlab to the one who already knows computer programming. Available as e-book from Chalmers library.
  2. Matematisk statistik, Ulla Dahlbom. HB Matematiklitteratur i Göteborg, 2003.
    ISBN 91-974428-0-1

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The course has the total of 3 LADOK credits. The grade for the course is based on the results of the final examination on Thursday 24th of September 2020 taken within the VLE environment. In order to pass the course, the examination mark should be at least 40%.

The student's grade for the course is U, 3,4 or 5, if the mark is, respectively, in the range 39% or less, 40-59%, 60-79% or 80% or more.

The resit examination is planned for January 2021, details will follow.

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Examination procedures

The exam consists of the same type of questions used in the VLE studies. You do not need to register centrally for the exam, but to book yourself via VLE during the registration.  You will be provided a zoom access link to the exam when it starts. Matlab and the course Study Guide will be available during the exam. Your camera should be on during the whole duration of the exam clearly showing your face. You should acknowledge that a video recording will be done but delete immediately after the exam results are issued.

At the exam, you should be able to demonstrate a valid identification to the camera when asked.

After the exam has been graded, you can see your results in Ladok.

 Any complaints about the marking must be first submitted by email to the examiner.

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Course evaluation

At the beginning of the course, at least two student representatives should have been appointed to carry out the course evaluation together with the teachers. The evaluation takes place through conversations between teachers and student representatives during the course and at a meeting after the end of the course when the survey result is discussed and a report is written. 

Guidelines for Course evaluation (Links to an external site.) in Chalmers student portal.

Student representatives

TISAM Reza Ahmadi
TKSAM Carolina Borre
TKSAM Summeya Diriye
TKSAM Viktor Kjellsson
TISAM Henrik Sabel

Here are the Minutes of the Staff - Student representatives meeting held on the 15 of September 2020.


The program can be found on the Course PM page.



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