Course syllabus


ARK123 ARK123 Matter, space, structure 1 Default term (22.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Contact details

Daniel Norell (Examiner)

Naima Callenberg (Course Leader)

Jens Olsson (Teacher)

Peter Christiansen (Teacher)

Malgorzata Zboinska (Teacher)


Matter Space Structure (MSS) understands architecture as a cultural practice.
Architecture has the ability to transform urban culture and shape relations between individuals, collectives, objects, and environments in ways that go beyond mere problem solving.

It does so through physical intervention as well as through the production of effects and desires.
In addition, the practice and discipline of architecture can be understood as a culture in itself – as the result of a combination of buildings, discourse, technology, and media.

By engaging aesthetical, practical, as well as theoretical concerns, an MSS project should be able to contribute to both these aspects of architecture as culture.

MSS Theme
The overall theme for the studio in 2020 is a critical engagement with the notion of architectural appropriation. The term can be understood as reuse of physical objects, the mixing of motifs, materials and typologies but also reuse is terms of ideas, concepts and even cultural signifiers. We will explore how design can depart from an existing stock of buildings, materials or found forms in order to address a context. We will experiment with technologies such as scanning that allows us to capture, represent, and transform aspects of real entities and environments.  The fundamental character of the theme means that it can be well “appropriated” to the particularities of each individual project. 

Course purpose ARK123

In the studio course of this year we will embark on a speculative journey where we will investigate the city and its alternative forms of development, specifically through the use of narrative as a design tool. We will base our work on the specific MSS pedagogy and, in both courses running this semester, an investigation of the movement from large to small scale will be made through the focus of the detail. This will permeate the course and your process is expected to relate to these issues.

The studio course aims to augment skills in architectural design with an understanding of the research by design approach. Emphasis is put on the iterative design process driven by physical representations such as model making and drawing, and informed by experiments in computational design. The course aims to create space for an open design exploration of an individual interest, relating to the theme of the course. We will actively use the term of New Public Landscapes as a starting point and vehicle for this individual research.

Through the course the process of shaping your architectural approach and practice deepens. You are expected to develop your own practice, methods, research and relate critical to your own progress. The project is expected to be developed through an iterative design development of prototypes and development of representation techniques for the topic at hand. The aim of the course is to strengthen the theoretical discourse with the concrete act of making, and improve the individual methodology within the research by design approach.


The schedule for the course will be available on Canvas and TimeEdit
Any changes to the schedule will be communicated via Canvas and further information will come during the duration of the course.

Course literature

List of MSS literature will be uploaded shortly.
We encourage and expect for each student to find further literature relating more specifically to the individual project focus.

Course design

Your process in relation to your project during the course is expected to be performed in direct relation to your specific project. You can work both individual or as a group. The following is a common structure for the course:

> Project idea
> Project documentation and reflection
> Critiques and seminars
> Final critique
> Collective display / Exhibition
> Portfolio hand-in / Reflection

The course is split into four modules. Each module is finished with a documentation hand-in and a critique session (except for the last module for which there is only a portfolio hand-in). The tutoring is organised in group’s and individual sessions. 

Workshops and seminars will be introduced on Monday mornings and resulting work will be presented on Friday afternoon and will be shared with the other Matter space structure course ARK258. Note that there are exceptions to this main structure so keep an eye on the schedule for the details and latest updates.

Any late changes to the schedule will be communicated on email and updated on Canvas (and Time Edit) accordingly. The schedule can be found under the Course Information-module here on Canvas. Also see CoursePM for further information.

There are in total 3 workshops included in the course, which aim to strengthen skills in terms of tools and methods related to the theme. More information about the workshops can be found in the description that belong to each Module.

  • Workshop #1 - Digital form representation – Photogrammetry Part1               
  • Workshop #2 - Photogrammetry Part 2                            
  • Workshop #3 - Photogrammetry Part 3

Communication with the teachers involved in the course can be done here on Canvas and also on email (email address as above). All hand-ins will be uploaded here on Canvas with a timer (set on 23:59 for the day of hand-in), so make sure to keep track of the deadlines.

Facilities Resources and Equipment - Corona

The studio will occupy desk space for the course participants in the 5th floor which is shared with the other students in the Matter Space Structure studio. Due to the unusual situation with the corona-virus the number of available desks is very limited as a response to Chalmers guidelines for social distancing. Therefor access to the studio space is limited to Monday afternoon and all day Tuesday. For critique weeks  we will have manage additional access. 

To manage the corona situation all mandatory parts of the course, including tutoring, will be accessible over zoom. That means the course can be taken on distance. However, some tutoring sessions will also be offered in the studio space. Tutoring groups will be arranged to manage desired tutoring option.   

We normally encourage that the work is carried out in the studio environment which is an important milieu for learning of each other. To facilitate a type of studio culture while following social distancing recommendations the reference groups will be an important asset. A reference group “catch up” will be scheduled as a weekly event and mandatory for all participants. More info regarding this during course introduction.

The workshop is available weekdays between 9:00 - 16:30 but in a reduced capacity. Students will need to sign up for a time slot in order to be let at the door. Access to the workshops requires that you take an introductory course with Peter or Tabitha. More info regarding this during course introduction.

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

Demonstrate knowledge about a variety of methods to obtain understanding of the context after the course.
Demonstrate basic understanding of a conceptual design process and knowledge to control of the design process and maintain the initial conceptual properties in the final design proposal.
Refer to relevant knowledge of the topic and demonstrate a critical understanding of architectural history and theory in general 

Synthesize ideas and intentions into physical models and make an informed selection among alternative design proposals.
Apply various techniques of the conditions that frame the site such as modelling, collaging, diagramming.
Practice the iterative method from the alternative design concepts, the spatial sketches, to the designs presentation
Prove prolificness in conventional drawings and model skills along with experimental abilities in alternative representations. 
Use the informed drawings and models as evocative arguments in the contemporary architectural conversation.

Use the design as a rhetoric approach based on a clear set of values
Put forward arguments for the discourse in the project itself.
Reflect chosen approaches, values and evaluation criteria associated with the design iterations

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

Examination form

For a completion of the course the student is expected to:

>  Hand in a project description  in Module #1.
>  Hand in document booklet for each module showing process and reflection. 
>  Participate and present at each of the three critique sessions.
>  Participate in the joint discussions and seminars relating to the three critique sessions.
>  Compile and hand in the final project in portfolio format / reflection.

Absence from any of the mandatory critiques will be result in complementary task to be handed in online in agreement with the teachers.

Course summary:

Date Details Due