Course syllabus


For more detailed information see MMF092_PM_2020.pdf

MMF092 MMF092 Machine design lp2 HT20 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Industrial and Materials Science

Contact details

  • examiner:
    • professor Rikard Söderberg
  • lecturer
    • Rikard Söderberg, IMS-PU (Product developement)
    • Andreas Dagman, IMS-PU
    • Markus Vestergaard, Morgon Coffee Roasters
    • Daniel Samefors, Solme
    • Kristina Wärmefjord, IMS-PU
    • Prof Johan Ahlström, IMS-MT (Material and Production technique)
  • supervisors
    • Samuel Lorin,, tel: 031-772 42 83, FCC (PU)
    • Roham Sadeghi Tabar,, tel: 031 772 67 45, PU
    • Hugo Hultman,,
    • Marcus Johansen,, tel: 0733-20 83 98, MT
    • Claudia Schwerz,, 0765-91 52 63
  • course administrator:
    • Samuel Lorin,, tel: 031-772 42 83, FCC (PU)

Course purpose

This course aims at teaching and train the student in systematic methods and tools for redesign and analysis of product concepts with respect to different central aspect. The course is held in project form. 



Course literature

  • Notes from the lectures.
  • reports and PPT-slides that will be provided during the course.
  • Otto, K. N. and K. L. Wood (1996), “A Reverse Engineering and Redesign Methodology for Product Evolution”, Proceeding of the 1996 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Irvine, California, August 18-22 (Finns på Canvas)
  • Swift, K. G. and J. D. Booker (2003), “Process Selection - From Design to Manufacture”, Elsevier Ltd, Oxford ((Finns online på

Recommended read

  • Johannesson, H., J.-G. Persson, et al. (2004), ”Produktutveckling - effektiva metoder för konstruktion och design”, Liber AB, Stockholm
  • Ulrich, K., T., & Eppinger, S. D. (2008), ”Product Design and Development”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education.


Course design

Information about is in the PDF "projekt-PM".

Changes made since the last occasion

A number of changes have been implemented since last time. The material regarding robust design and variation simulation have been extended. The material covering material selection has been reduced since many students have been exposed to the material prior to this course. Because of this, only one "dugga" will be held.

A number of changes aiming to maximize safety due to the COVID-pandemic has also been implemented. See "kurs-PM" document. 

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

Apply scenario techniques to describe the use situation/environment intended for the product. - Apply function structures to describe and analyse the functional structure of a product. - Apply Ischikawa-diagram to categorize and analyse parameters and related aspects. - Apply requirement and features profile in order to identify and specify critical material features. - Use software for robust design and tolerance analysis on a simple assembled product. - Use software for DFA-analyse to evaluate the assembly friendliness of an assembled product. - Use software for systematic materials selection in order to identify suitable design materials based on a requirement profile. - Apply FMEA to identify and envisage the effect of different error sources. - Apply LCA-analysis in order to analyse a product s negative effect on the environment. - Critically evaluate both results and usefulness of the respective methods. - Run a group development project. - Present results in writing and orally, also of work carried out.

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

If the course is a joint course (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet) you should link to both syllabus (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet).

Examination form

This course do not have a written exam. Instead, to pass this course the student needs

  • To be present at a minimum of 75% of the lectures
  • Approved labs. 
  • Approved final presentation of the project, both orally and in written form.
  • Approved "dugga"
  • Take part of the feedback meeting of the mini-report. 

The grades for the course covers U (Not approved), 3, 4 and 5. The Grade is weighted from the "dugga" and project work respectively 25 %and 75 %. Observe that the resulting points of the dugga is counted, not only the grade. 

Course summary:

Date Details Due