Course syllabus


FFR120 / FIM750 Simulation of complex systems lp2 HT20 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the Department of Physics

Contact details


Main lecturer and examiner: Giovanni Volpe
Office address: Room S1019, Fysik Soliden


Aykut Argun, Laura Pérez García, Martin Selin, Giovanni Volpe

Course purpose

Much of modelling in the sciences focuses on simple models, highlighting key mechanisms using small sets of moving parts. However, in complex systems interesting features are often a direct result of having large sets of interacting particles or agents with different characteristics. This makes new tools a necessity. This course introduces simulation techniques frequently used in complex systems to handle models with many heterogeneous parts. Specifically, we will look at agent-based modelling, evolutionary game theory, cellular automata, and networks, with application to physics, biology and social sciences. We will also learn how to validate the outcomes of simulation models in order to reach scientifically sound conclusions.

Course literature

There is no single book that covers all the topics in the course so we have no required books. However, we provide a set of compulsory (and additional) readings assigned to each lecture that covers and perhaps broadens the content of the lectures. 

Course design and schedule

IMPORTANT: All classes will take place online via ZOOM. The link to the ZOOM meeting for all classes and homeworks is:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 694 6315 6819
Passcode: 498113

Date, time & place Topic

Readings / Materials to prepare

Additional readings

Tue Nov 3

Lecture 1

The role of simulations in the study of complex systems. 

Course information.

 Resource letter CS-1:
Complex Systems

Methods and techniques of complex systems science: An overview

Excellence in computer simulation

Evolutionary phenomena in simple dynamics

Thu Nov 5

Exercise 1

Help for HW1.

Code HW 1


Fri Nov 6

Lecture 2

Brownian motion

Agent-based models

Simulation of the active Brownian motion of a microswimmer

Agent-based models

Novel type of phase transition in a system of self-driven particles

Meltdown modelling

Fri Nov 6

Project groups announced

The project groups will be formed randomly. If, for a very good reasons, this is not optimal for you, inform the instructor before Thu Nov 5.


Tue Nov 10

Lecture 3

Graph theory

The structure and function of complex networks

Network science

Wed Nov 11

Project Proposal

Submit your project proposal by email to your tutor


~ Nov 12-20

1st meeting with tutor

Arrange a 45-minute meeting with tutor to discuss and receive feedback on the project idea and outline


Thu Nov 12

Exercise 2

Examination: Correction HW1.

Help for HW2.

Report HW1

Code HW2


Fri Nov 13

Lecture 4 by Aykut Argun

Compartmental models (e.g. SIR)


Optimal targeted lockdowns

Tue Nov 17

Lecture 5 by Marj Tonini (EPFL)

A data science approach for wildfires risk assessment

Fuzzy definition of Rural Urban Interface

Evolution of forest fires in Portugal

A Machine Learning-Based Approach for Wildfire Susceptibility Mapping.


Thu Nov 19

Exercise 3

Examination: Correction HW2.

Help for HW3.

Report HW2

Code HW3


Tue Nov 24

Lecture 6 by Aykut Argun

Cellular automata

 Cellular automata:

Statistical mechanics of

cellular automata


Game of Life


Thu Nov 26

Exercise 4

Examination: Correction HW3.

Help for HW4.


Report HW3

Code HW4


Fri Nov 27

Project report scheme

Submit a scheme of your project to your tutor  

~ Dec 1-10

2nd meeting with tutor Arrange a 45-minute meeting with tutor to discuss and get feedback on the progress of your project and its presentation  

Tue Dec 1

Lecture 7 by Aykut Argun

Active particles

Active particles in complex and crowded environments Simulation of the active Brownian motion of a microswimmer

Thu Dec 3

Exercise 5

Examination: Correction HW4.


Report HW4


Tue Dec 8

Lecture 8 by Aykut Argun

Graph theory


Fri Dec 11

Lecture 9 by Mite Mijalkov (Karolinska Institute)

Graph theory and brain connectivity

BRAPH: A graph theory software for the analysis of brain connectivity


Tue Dec 15 23:59

Project presentation

Submit your project presentation (8-minute video, format MOV)  

Wed Dec 16

Draft of project report

Submit a draft of your project report to your tutor  

Thu Dec 17
8:00-11:45 & 13:15:17:00

Project Presentation

 Presentation project

Draft report project


Sun Jan 10

Project report

Send your final project report to your tutor


Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

-Describe the fundamental ideas behind the simulation methods discussed in the course, in particular agent based modelling and networks.
-Implement simulation codes in each of the methods.
-Analyse and discuss the results of simulations.
-Plan, manage, execute and report a small-scale simulation project.


Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen:

Study plan

Link to the GU website:

Examination form

There will be no written final examination in this course.

The examination consists of homework assignments and a project, each accounting for 50% of the final grade.


Homework information

The purpose of the homework problem sets is to provide you with hands-on experience of the material presented in the course. You are strongly encouraged to team up and collaborate on the homework, to ask your classmates if you are stuck at some point, and to assist classmates in need of advice. But you must write your own implementations, run your own simulations, and have your own work assessed. No late assignments will be accepted.

Grading: There are four problem sets available, each accounting for 25 points. A perfect score is therefore 100. The problem sets account for 50% of your total course grade.

Note: A necessary (but not sufficient) requirement for passing grade is that 10 points are achieved in each homework.

Computer labs: The computer lab sessions serve two purposes: 1) To get help if you are stuck in a problem set (and have not managed to get unstuck by consulting some of your classmates); and 2) To have your homework graded. The time we have available for computer lab is limited, so it is essential that you come prepared to the lab, with specific questions you need to have answered. Everyone involved will appreciate the reduced queue times. 

Assessment: We will assess your work during lab hours. Be prepared for the assessment: Generate all your figures and/or videos up front. There will be no time for running simulations during assessment. Check that you have answered all questions carefully. You should be able to give reasoned answers regarding your modeling choices as well as being able to discuss the implications of your results. If you have worked together as a group, you're encouraged to have your assessment done together. You will still need to prepare your assignments individually, and will receive individual grades. 


Project information

Modeling and simulation project

The purpose of the project work is to provide you with training in

  • Developing your own small research-style project.
  • Executing a collaborative project.
  • Presenting your independent work in writing and as a summary talk.

The deliverables are a 8 minute presentation + 10 minute questions (30% of project grade) and a written report (70% of project grade). The project will be presented to the class on Thursday December 17. The project accounts for 50% of your total course grade.

The deadline for submitting a project proposal to your tutor (see below) is by 23:59, Wednesday, November 11, 2020. Groups with late submission will not receive tutoring.

The project will be presented to the class on Thursday December 17. The draft report is due by 23:59, December 16. The final written report is due by 23:59, January 10, 2020. No late reports will be accepted.

General information

You will be randomly divided into groups (exceptions are possible only for very good reasons). The reason for this is twofold; it will assure a broad distribution of skills and interest; it is a realistic scenario for later work in academia or industry.

  • Each group will be paired with another group, and they will act as review groups for each other.  
  • Each pair of groups gets a tutor assigned and has 2 meetings, 45 minutes each, with this tutor during the course.
  • The tutor’s job is to give you general advice on anything you need as best as he or she can. The tutor’s job is not to formulate your project for you, nor to debug your code.
  • Should you experience problems with the group assembly, you need to take this up with your tutor as soon as possible.

Your project needs two things to get started: a topic and a question (or problem formulation). A topic explains what you are going to do, a question explains why. A typical topic description could be "we want to do a agent-based simulation of a predator-prey system." A corresponding question could be "to see whether space changes the stability as compared to the behaviour in the standard ODE models.”

The first meeting with the tutor is to ensure that you’re embarking on a feasible project. Before this meeting you should:

  • Define your project.
  • Write a two paragraphs long proposal; one explaining the background of the project, possibly with references to relevant literature, and another outlining what you aim to do and why.
  • Discuss your project with your review group and revise your proposal accordingly.
  • Send the proposal to your tutor.
  • Prepare for the meeting; prepare questions, comments, simulations, results, or whatever is relevant for a most efficient outcome of the meeting.  

The second meeting with the tutor is to ensure that you have progress and direction so that you are on course to completion. Before this meeting you should:

  • Have ready an implementation of your model.
  • Have a set of preliminary results from simulations.  
  • Have ready the outline of a report.
  • Have met with your review group to discuss model, results and report outline.
  • Send the report outline to your tutor.
  • Prepare for the meeting; prepare questions, comments, simulations, results, or whatever is relevant for a most efficient outcome of the meeting.  

General advice

If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on it, I would use the first 55 minutes to formulate the right question because as soon as I have identified the right question I can solve the problem in less than five minutes.

—Albert Einstein

Everything takes longer time than you expect, so getting started with your model implementation is essential for a successful project. Do not interpret the time ratio in the quote too literally; the moral is that you need to have a question you want to answer with your model. This provides the project with direction and makes navigating it much easier. But research (as much else) is a highly iterative process, so don’t expect a perfect question from the start. If you realise your question didn't make sense half-way through your project, take the time to try and formulate a new one. In a lot of real research the question at the end of a project ends up being quite different from the one that started the project (similarly among start-ups, many end up with a completely different product than their initial idea).

Start simple. It is fine to have a grand idea, but make sure the steps to the goal have some value in themselves. Not only does this prevent you from being stuck with nothing to show at the end of the course, it also gives you feedback on your big idea as early as possible. Start with a small question and iterate it towards greatness.

If there is a simpler model of what you are trying to do that shows some of its interesting features, at the very least think about how they compare. Ideally, implement both and do a careful comparison. You can often get great project ideas out of thinking about what you lose when you remove features.

It's OK to fail. Research has a large portion of luck involved. If you have a good idea that don't work out, analyse why and we'll be all happy.


The presentation of the project should take maximum 8 minutes and be prerecorded (MOV format), with an additional 10 minutes for questions and discussion. 

Put the emphasis on what your problem formulation is, a general discussion about how you tackled it, what problems you had, and what your conclusions are.


The report should be written in RevTex 4.2 (see, using the format of Physical Review X with a limit of 8 pages in double-column reprint format (including pictures and references). If needed, you can have an extra document containing an unlimited amount of Supplementary Materials.

Structure your report like a scientific article, with an abstract summarising the rationale and results of the project; an introduction shortly explaining its background and motivating why the question is interesting; methods and/or results section(s) describing your model and what you do with it; a discussion section; and ending with a conclusion. Put some work into the discussion and conclusion sections. This is where you demonstrate that you truly understand the implications of your work, including shortcomings and uncertainties. It is important that the discussion does not fall out as a simple summary of what the figures show.

Write in plain language and write enough to say what you need to say. Don't think "the report feels short, better throw in some extra figures." If you can say the same thing in fewer words, do so.

Be sure to reference any source you use. The report should be readable and understandable on its own, but there is no need to reproduce for example derivations of equations from your sources; a citation is enough.

Figures are an important part of the report, but only those that substantially contribute to your analysis should be included. Make sure that each figure is well designed with informative captions (not just "Fig. X shows how quantity A depends on quantity B"). If you find it hard to do this, you probably are not clear on why you include an figure, so cut it out.

Most importantly, use your own judgement and try to write a report you would like to read.

Evaluation criteria for report

Criteria that will be considered are:

  • Structure: Is the project report well structured (see above)?
  • Motivation: Does the project have a clear research question?
  • Originality: How original is the research question?
  • Background: Is the background of the research question well explained, including references to the literature?
  • Methods: Are the methods and analysis appropriate for convincingly answering the research question?
  • Execution: Does the project answer the initial or iterated research question?
  • Figures: Are the figures included informative with descriptive captions?
  • Format: Is the format of the report as required?
  • Outlook: Are the implications of the results clearly stated?
  • Contributions: Is there a contributions statement in the report? 

Note that the research question does not have to be answered in the affirmative. A negative result is equally valid as long as an analysis is carried out that properly explains the negative result and what eventually would work better. 

Evaluation criteria for presentation

Criteria that will be considered are:

  • Structure: Is the presentation well structured for a 8-minute presentation?
  • Clarity: Is it clear from the presentation what is being investigated?
  • Format: Does the presentation fit the requested format? 
  • Motivation: Is it explained well why the project is important? 
  • Conclusion: Are conclusions and implications clear? 
  • Methods: Are the methods explained sufficiently but not excessively?
  • Presentation quality: Is the presentation engaging and visually appealing?

Calculation of final grade

You can get at most 100 points from the homework and 100 points from the project. The maximum combined score is 200.

The grade limits will be 100 points for grade 3, 140 points for grade 4, and 180 points for grade 5.
For GU the limits will be 100 points for G and 160 for VG.

Course summary:

Date Details Due