Course syllabus


KSK041 KSK041 Paper technology lp2 HT20 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Contact details


Course purpose

The aim of the course is to give the students knowledge of the processes applied in the production of different paper grades. Different properties of paper and paper recycling will also be covered in this course. In the laboratory session, some important principles in papermaking will be illustrated.



Course content


Lectures (Preliminary)                                                                                                                                                           


  1. Introduction, overview of papermaking (HT)                                            2/11              13-15           
  2. Pulp characteristics, fiber suspensions, beating (HT)                               5/11              8-10             

      (Mainly related to chapters 3.5, 3.7 in PPCT)

  1. Paper physics, development of properties during drying (HT)                 5/11             10-12            

(Mainly related to chapters 4.2 4.3 and 4.4 in PPCT)

  1. Web forming, short circulation, water and material balances (HT)       9/11                13-15           

      (Mainly related to chapters 3.6, 3.8 and 3.10 in PPCT)

  1. Wet pressing, thermal drying (HT)                                                          12/11            8-10             

      (Mainly related to chapters 3.12 and 3.13 in PPCT)

  1. Recycling of paper (HT)                                                                            16/11            13-15            (Mainly related to chapter 2.15 in PPCT)
  2. Paper chemistry I (TM)                                                                              19/11            10-12                                                        
  3. Paper chemistry II (TM)                                                                             23/11            13-15                                                                             

     (Mainly related to chapters 3.14, 4.6 and 4.7 in PPCT)

  1. Coating, calendering, optical properties, printing (TM)                          30/11            13-15             (Mainly related to chapters 3.15, 3.16, 4.5 and 4.9 in PPCT)
  2. Paper products for packaging (TM) 7/12              13-15           

(Mainly related to chapter 4.10 in PPCT)

  1. Tissue and fibres for tissue and other paper grades (Guest lecturer)     10/12           10-12
  2. Consultation/Summary (HT)                                                                      14/12            13-17


Laboratory session

(8-12  1 Friday, to be determined )

Selection of fibres to different paper products              (Beatrice Swensson)

Room 3180                        


Course literature

1.     Paper Technology (e-book available at Chalmers libary).

De Gryter: Pulp and paper chemistry and technology (PPCT)

Pulping Chemistry and Technology, Volume 2

Paper Chemistry and Technology, Volume 3

Paper products and physics, Volume 4

2.     Hand-outs and lecture notes


Also list reference literature, further reading, and other non-mandatory texts.



Examination form

The examination includes a written exam, one laboratory session and attendance at the study visit. The final grade will be set by the written exam. The written exam can give 80 points.

 < 40 points                        failed

40-51.5 points                    grade 3

52-63.5 points                    grade 4

≥ 64 points                         grade 5

Written exam: 14/1-2020, PM



Course summary:

Date Details Due