Course syllabus


TEK211 TEK211 Brand management lp3 VT21 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Technology Management and Economics

Contact details



Course Manager


Course administrator


Course purpose

The purpose of the course is to give the student practical and hands-on experience as well as a thorough theoretic knowledge of how brands are designed, constructed and used as intellectual assets in knowledge-based business. The course places a special emphasis on the interplay between business and legal considerations in the construction and use of brands.


The course has block schedule C with classes on Monday 13.15-17.00, Thursday 8.00-11.45 and Friday 15.15-17.00.

Please note that changes to the schedule may occur, and that some adaptions to guest lecturers might be needed. 




18 Jan 13-14

Course intro

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

18 Jan 14-17

Intro to brand management

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

21 Jan 8-10

Fundamental concepts in brand management

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

21 Jan 10-12

Trademark law – voluntary lecture

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

22 Jan 15-17

Design law - voluntary lecture

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

25 Jan 13-17

Fundamental brand elements: descriptive concept and distinctive mark

Ulf Petrusson, University of Gothenburg

28 Jan 8-10

Marketing law - voluntary lecture

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

28 Jan 10-12

Trademark law and marketing law in practice

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

29 Jan 15-17

Introduction to patent and copyright law - voluntary lecture

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

1 Feb 13-17

Control of brand elements

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

4 Feb 9.30-12

Brand protection and counterfeits

Ann-Charlotte Söderlund, Gozzo Law Firm

5 Feb 15-17

Presentations and feedback: Brand deconstruction  


8 Feb 13-17

Introduction to brand based business models

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

11 Feb 8-12

Franchising in practice

Jonas Ideström and Anders Fernlund, FranchiseArkitekt

12 Feb 15-17

Basic principles of brand valuation

 Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

15 Feb 13-16

Brand strategy and portfolio management

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

15 Feb 16-17

Alumni inspiration - Brand building

Hanna Olvenmark & Johanna Johansson, Portionen Under Tian,

18 Feb 9-12

Managing multinational brands

Frederick Mostert, Oxford University and King’s College

19 Feb 15-17

Presentations and feedback: Brand based Business Models


22 Feb 13-17

Differentiating brand experience

Tony Leidenkrantz, Leidenkrantz & Partners

25 Feb 8-12

Brand management in practice

Alice Hedlund, Lynxeye

26 Feb 15-17

Exercises in preparation of final exam

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

1 Mar 13-16

Brand communication

Joakim Hökegård, High Q

1 Mar 16-17

Alumni inspiration - Brand building

Adam Lindberg, Nufferton

4 Mar 9-12

Branding strategy in multinational corporations

Jan de Visser and Alexmarie Alberto, Philips

5 Mar 15-17

Brand communication


8 Mar 13-17

Ethics in branding

Frida Berlin & Michaela Ahlberg, Getinge

11 Mar 8-12

Presentations and feedback: Brand strategy development     


12 Mar 15-17

Voluntary Q&A for final exam

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

Course literature


Keller, K.L., Apéria, T. and Georgson, M. (2012). Strategic Brand Management – A European Perspective. 2nd ed. FT Prentice Hall.


Additional articles and a reading guide will be presented on Canvas.

Course design

The course has a simulated company environment based on role-play pedagogy, in which the students perform branding-related tasks of various length and complexity. The students also work with real companies on brand related challenges from a strategy perspective. In addition to this there are supporting lectures, which, together with the literature, provide the theoretical fundament needed to achieve excellent results throughout the simulations.

Lecturers involved



Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

Course intro

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

Intro to brand management

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

Fundamental concepts in brand management

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

Trademark law

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

Design law

Ulf Petrusson, University of Gothenburg

Fundamental brand elements: descriptive concept and distinctive mark

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

Marketing law

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

Trademark law and marketing law in practice

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

Introduction to patent and copyright law

Frederick Mostert, Oxford University and King’s College

Managing multinational brands

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

Control of brand elements

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

Introduction to brand based business models

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

Basic principles of brand valuation

Jonas Ideström and Anders Fernlund, FranchiseArkitekt

 in practice

Tony Leidenkrantz, Leidenkrantz & Partners

Differentiating brand experience

Alice Hedlund, Lynxeye

Brand management in practice

Ann-Charlotte Söderlund, Gozzo Law Firm

Brand protection and counterfeits

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

Brand strategy and portfolio management

Joakim Hökegård, High Q

Brand communication

Jan de Visser and Alexmarie Alberto, Philips

Branding strategy in multinational corporations

Frida Berlin & Michaela Ahlberg, Getinge

Ethics in branding

Marie Murphy, Forsman & Bodenfors

Brand communication

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, University of Gothenburg

Brand strategy

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

- Define and explain trademarks and other intellectual property rights as tools and building blocks for competitive positions in utilization processes as well as business creation processes.
- Explain and critically discuss how trademarks and other intellectual property rights contributes to value creation in utilization processes and business creation processes.
- Be able to apply trademark and other intellectual property information sources to identify and construct intellectual assets and creations as property and portfolios of property for controllable communication processes and communication strategies.
- Be able to apply intellectual property and other information sources to evaluate intellectual assets and creations as competitive resources and positions in product and service markets.
- Evaluate how intellectual creations in the form of intellectual property portfolios contributes to sustainable utilization processes and sustainable business development.
- Analyze and evaluate ethical and moral approaches in relation to brand design, marketing communication and marketing strategies for tech-based innovation processes.

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen:

Study plan

Examination form

The students are graded on their performances in the form of written hand-ins, oral presentations and a final exam.The course includes the following mandatory examination events, combining for a total maximum score of 30 points:





Assessing trademarks


Fri 29th Jan


Brand deconstruction


Fri 5th Feb


Brand based business models


Fri 19th Feb


Brand communication


Tue 9th Mar


Brand strategy development


Thu 11th Mar


Final exam


Tue 16th Mar

30 points

There are no limitations on support documentation or tools.

The final exam will be a digital home exam. If a student misses an examination deadline or a mandatory oral presentation, the student will be offered a written re-take assignment or re-exam.

A student has the right to request a change of examiner if failed twice on the same exam, if this is practically possible. Such a request should be put forward in writing and addressed to the department.


The limit for passing the course is minimum 40% or pass on each individual examination.

24-30 points: Grade 5

18-23 points: Grade 4

12-17 points: Grade 3

Course evaluation and development

The course will have one or several student course representative(s). They act as eyes and ears of the student group and communicate with the course faculty. During and after the course they will participate in meetings with the faculty. Notes from these meetings will be published on Canvas.

At the end of the course an on-line questionnaire will be sent out to all course participants. In order to have useful course feedback it is important that everyone responds to the questionnaire. The questionnaire will act as basis for the final course evaluation meeting, where course management and student representative(s) will be present.

Contact information

Anna Holmberg Borkmann, You can also post questions in Canvas.