Course syllabus
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TDA518 Kommunikation engelska och ingenjörskompetens/English and Professional Development for Engineers
LP3 VT21 (7.5 hp)
Course offered by the Department for Communication and Learning in Science
This course is designed to enhance skills from the communication course LSP310 (from year 1). It provides additional perspectives on academic and professional communication in English, through different textual genres, rhetorical structures, style, and delivery. The course is also connected to the work taking place in the ongoing Bachelor’s projects.
As this course has two parts, English for IT and ingenjörskompetens, please note that this syllabus contains information about both parts, labeled and color coded (as indicated earlier in this sentence) so as to clarify what tasks and information appertain to each. Please note that it is the responsibility of each individual student to keep track of their completion of the various components of the course. The sections of this page are, in order: contact information, purpose of the course, learning goals, schedule, examination, course literature, course structure, and changes from previous run.
Kontaktuppgifter/Contact information
English for IT
Examiner and instructor: Kathryn Strong Hansen,
Instructors: Carina Sjöberg Hawke,; Anthony Norman, (currently on leave)
Examiner and instructor: Marie Hagman,
Kursens syfte/Purpose of the course
English for IT
The English part of the course aims at developing a variety of critical thinking skills that are essential for effective communication in professional and academic contexts. The goal is to develop reading, writing, and communicative strategies that can be transferred to other contexts and languages. For this reason, the course comprises activities such as guided reading and analysis of discipline-relevant academic texts (for example conference papers, bachelor essays), overview and practice of effective argumentative and rhetorical structures in writing, peer review, and reflection for planning and self-assessment. The course requires students to apply these skills in writing and in speech, by producing a text that critically summarizes a discipline-relevant topic and argues for a point of view, and by orally presenting this work and giving feedback to others.
The aim of this part of the course is to enhance students' understanding of academic and professional genres of communication in their discipline, and their ability to apply this knowledge to communicate effectively in English both in writing and speech, preparing them for future professional and academic contexts.
The learning outcomes described in this syllabus are achievable through a series of course activities. Specifically, the first outcome is connected to the reading and analysis workbook, which guides students in the analysis of texts of different nature, including shared texts for the entire class and texts that are chosen by the students themselves. This workbook is individual and is tied to class activities already in the first Spring term. The completed workbook however is due 10 March, and as such is part of the 3.8 HC associated with the second Spring term. The second learning outcome is connected to the final assignment, the conference paper, and the third outcome is connected to other course activities, such as the final presentation and the exchange of peer feedback both on the paper and the presentation.
Ingenjörskompetensmomentet syftar till att göra teknologen medveten om de kompetenser som behövs för framtida studier och yrkesliv samt öka förmågan att reflektera över hur hon/han, med sina individuella förutsättningar, på ett systematiskt sätt kan bygga upp samt dokumentera sin utveckling.
Lärandemål/Learning goals
English for IT
Intended learning outcome | Connected activities and assignments |
Analyze, read critically and summarize different types of academic and professional written genres. | Workbook; in class discussions; peer review activities; reflection |
Apply this knowledge in a text that critically summarizes state of the art knowledge on a topic and argues for an evidence-based perspective. | Conference paper (plan, draft and final); workbook; peer review activities (how you work with received feedback) |
Provide constructive feedback to others, and communicate clearly and effectively their work in speech. | Review activities (plan; paper draft); presentation (dry run and final presentation, with exchange of peer feedback both in writing and speech) |
The learning outcomes described above are achievable through a series of course activities, including assignments and in-class work. Course topics include:
- Analysis and comparison of various academic and professional written genres
- Academic writing strategies: rhetorical moves, referencing, evaluating sources, summarizing
- Language focus: style, conciseness, clarity, and grammar
- Oral skills: presentation and argumentation
- Critical skills: reflection, peer and self-assessment
Få insikt om och förståelse för den mångfald av yrkesroller det finns för en It ingenjör.
Få insikt om de krav och förväntningar som ställs på en It ingenjör
Skapa en bild av egna professionella styrkor och motivationsfaktorer som en förberedelse inför arbetslivet
English for IT
The English for IT sessions are:
- 18 January, 13:15-16:00
- 1 February, 13:15-16:00
- 8 February, 13:15-16:00
- 15 February, 13:15-16:00
- 25 February, 9:00-11:45
- 26 April, 13:15-16:00
- 3 May, 13:15-16:00 OR 5 May, 9:00-11:45
However, more detailed information about each session is found on the page for each session, linked in the above list and found in the English Sessions module. Compulsory sessions are: 18 January, 1 February, 25 February, and the assigned presentation date (3 May).
Klicka här för att se schemat.
English for IT
The English for IT grades (U. 3, 4, or 5) for 3.8 course credits are based on completion of:
- the final conference paper assignment (in groups, graded (U. 3, 4, or 5) and
- the individual Reading and Analysis Workbook (U/G). See the upload slot for that assignment for a suggested schedule of completing the different parts of the workbook.
Earning a passing grade for 1.5 course credits for English for IT is based on satisfactory completion of the following tasks/activities (G/U):
- Conference paper plan
- First draft of conference paper (including summary of comments received)
- Peer review of partner group paper (feedback for another group)
- Presentation (presentation + feedback for two other groups)
Specific requirement for and information about each assignment can be found at each separate assignment upload site. There is a possibility for raising or lowering your conference paper grade based on your work in the Reading and Analysis Workbook. A workbook that exceeds the minimum criteria (completes all sections, including the bonus tasks, fully and at a high level) may result in a +1 point on the grade of the conference paper (for you individually, NOT for the entire group). An incomplete or insufficient workbook will result in a -1 point on the grade of the conference paper. (for you individually, NOT for the entire group). Workbooks that are empty or do not present any analysis will not be accepted.
Overview of compulsory English for IT assignments
The table below is a summary of the main assignments and their assessment form. The Canvas calendar, as well as each assignment upload site, includes the deadlines for each of these elements.
Compulsory assignments | Group/individual | Assessment format |
Conference paper plan | Group | U/G |
Plan and conference paper draft peer responses (attendance and activity) | Individual | U/G |
First draft of conference paper | Group | U/G |
Genre analysis workbook | Individual | U/G, with +/- possible (see assignment upload) |
Presentation | Group | U/G |
Final conference paper | Group | U-3-4-5 |
Obligatorisk närvaro i ingenjörskompetensens samtliga delar.
Kurslitteratur/Course literature
English for IT
Selected reading material will be assigned during the course, including self-selected secondary sources. All assigned readings, Powerpoints, handouts, and other materials are posted on the course Canvas site in the English sessions/materials module.
Material till måndagsövningarna kommer att finnas tillgängliga på kurshemsidan alltefter kursens gång. Artiklar som rör arbetslivet och Ppt presentationer från föreläsningarna kommer också att laddas upp på kurshemsidan.
Kursens upplägg/Course structure
English for IT
The course is organized into seminars, workshops, and lectures, and during this run of the course all sessions are conducted online through Zoom (to ensure safety from the Corona virus, as this is a large group). Aspects dealt with in the lecture series include the communication process, strategies for effective communication in speech and in writing, report writing, and oral presentation techniques and strategies.
This English course comprises both in-class sessions, including guided discussions and presentations, and out-of-class assignments. Your personal engagement and participation are vital throughout this course. This portion of the course is structured around the writing and presentation of a conference-like paper on a topic of your interest, possibly connected to your BA project. Additionally, the course requires reading and analyzing different written academic texts through an analysis workbook, preparing a short oral professional presentation, and giving peer feedback. The various required assignments should be completed on time.
Starta din karriärplanering. Kursstart 11 mars. Introduktion till Starta din karriärplanering. Klassen kommer att delas in i två grupper inför momentet "Karriärplanering i grupp" och du väljer själv om du vill tillhöra förmiddags- eller eftermiddagsgruppen på måndagarna. De två måndagsgrupperna kommer därefter att delas in i mindre grupper om fyra personer.
Kursen innehåller följande 3 delar, för samtliga gäller obligatorisk närvaro:
1. Karriärplanering i grupp
Måndagar på fm eller em. i läsvecka 1, 2, 3 och 5. Du jobbar individuellt och i mindre grupp med karriärplaneringens tre första faser; Självanalys (vem är jag?) Resursinventering (vad kan jag?) samt delvis med mål (vad vill jag?)
2. Fyra föreläsningar
I kursen ingår följande fyra föreläsningar, ”IT branschen och dess yrkesroller", "Att samarbeta framgångsrikt", "Entreprenörskap" och "Att skriva en bra jobbansökan".
Syftet med föreläsningarna är att vidga dina perspektiv, få dig att se nya möjligheter och vara ett stöd i din karriärplanering. Föreläsningarna ges i mars och april på torsdagar kl.10-11.45 och fredagar 15.15-17.00
3. Studiebesök på ett företag, presentation/redovisning av studiebesöket och självreflektion.
Studiebesök på ett företag och intervju med en IT ingenjör. Den grupp du arbetar med i karriärplaneringen gör gemensamt ett digitalt studiebesök på ett företag och intervjuar en IT ingenjör.
Studiebesöket/intervjun redovisas i form av en gemensam skriftlig rapport på 5–8 sidor. Följ gärna den mall för rapportskrivning som lärts ut i åk 1. Mallen hittar du under fliken Dokument. Redogörelsen laddas upp på kurshemsidan senast den 4 maj. Samtliga studiebesöksrapporter kommer att laddas upp på kurshemsidan, för att den som vill ska kunna ta del av dessa.
Presentation/redovisning av studiebesöken. Presentationen görs digitalt och i form av en PowerPoint redovisning där hela gruppen är aktiv. Presentationen görs inför andra grupper och varje grupp får ca 20 minuter i anspråk. Presentation 10–12 minuter som följs av ca 10 minuters frågestund.
Presentationer av intervjuer/studiebesök kommer att schemaläggas under lp4, läsvecka 7 och 8
Självreflektion om studiebesöket. Du ska skriva en egen reflektion på 1–2 sidor om studiebesöket. Reflektera över om det är ett jobb för dig, varför/varför inte? har du de personliga egenskaperna som uppskattas på det företag du besökt? Är du anställningsbar ur företagets synvinkel? Stämmer dina värderingar överens med företagets? Vad kan du tillföra? etc. Självreflektionen laddar du upp på kurshemsidan senast 4 maj.
Förändringar sedan förra kurstillfället/Changes from previous course run
Students in the previous run of the course primarily asked for changes to the Canvas page. The two sides of the course, English for IT and Ingenjörskompetens, have tried to make the Canvas page work better for this course. Changes made to achieve that goal include compiling one combined syllabus (instead of keeping syllabi for each part separate) and organizing the modules for both course sides to "match" each other in idea and design better.
English for IT
In this 2021 run of the course, all English for IT components are also executed online, via Zoom, so as to minimize the risk of Corona virus transmission. Accordingly, sessions have been reworked so that some material will be accessed asynchronously (usually done by pre-recorded films/screencasts that students will watch outside of class), leaving the in-class time to be used for more workshop activities.
Kursen kommer med stor sannolikhet att helt och hållet ges digitalt.
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |