Course syllabus
DAT171 DAT171 Object-oriented programming in Python lp3 VT21 (7.5 hp)
Course is offered by the department of Industrial and Materials Science
Contact details
Examiner: Thomas Svedberg, IMS,, tel. 772 1522
Lecturer: Mikael Öhman, Physics,, tel. 772 3191
Assistant: Kristoffer Carlsson,,
Assistant: Fredrik Ekre, IMS,, tel. 772 1227
Course purpose
Short description of the course purpose and content: can be copied from syllabus in Studieportalen. Additional information can be added.
The course schedule is available here: Course schedule DAT171 VT21.pdf
And in TimeEdit
Questions are primarily answered at computer sessions and lectures. You are also welcome to contact the teachers for questions. Email is preferred.
During consultation sessions on Zoom please use this document to add your name to the help queue: Help queue
Schedule of zoom meetings are found on Canvas. The password is Python21
Course purpose
The aim of the course is to provide the students with good opportunities to develop a fundamental understanding of object-oriented programming, particular in Python and how to use standard libraries for development of graphical user interfaces, numerical computations and plotting.
Course literature
[1] C. Horstmann: Python for everyone 3rd ed., ISBN: 978-1-119-63829-2 (optional)
[2] Python tutorial:
[3] Python 3 course:
[4] NumPy & SciPy references:
[5] Matplotlib reference:
[6] PyQt 5 reference: and
[7] NumPy for Matlab users:
All references to chapters and sections in the course material will also refer to free online material as well for those who choose not to buy the book.
To use your own computer you have multiple options when installing Python. Make sure to get version 3.6 (or later) and a compatible version of NumPy, SciPy, PyQt, and IPython.
If you are using a Linux machine, the packages should be available in the software repository. Mac and Windows users can get a hold of a Python 3 distribution such as Anaconda at
Installation support for personal laptops are held on the first computer lab.
The editor PyCharm is highly recommended
Course specific prerequisites
Good working knowledge of basic programming structures such as variables, conditionals, loops and functions in any programming language (for example Matlab).
Students who feel they lack sufficient knowledge in programming can have a look at (at least the “Learn the Basics” part).
Learning outcome
After successfully passing the course, the student should be able to independently write object oriented software using Python. Furthermore, the student should be able to read reference literature for the Python programming language as well as being able to use the SciPy/NumPy package for numerical computations and PyQt for writing graphical user interfaces.
Course design
The course is given in the form of lectures and tutored hand-in assignments.
Time budget
About 200 work hours per student, where 32 hours are spent on lectures, 48 hours of tutored computer sessions. The assignments are worth 1 hp each and should represent ~26 hours of work per student.
- Basic building blocks of a Python program (variables, conditional statements, loops, libraries, functions, errors).
- Data structures (trees, dictionaries, tuples)
- Object Oriented programming (classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes).
- PyQt for creating graphical user interfaces for interactive programs
- NumPy (Matrices, vectors, linear algebra)
- SciPy (Package for numerical computations)
- Matplotlib (Plotting)
- Interactive Python (IPython)
Examination form: Examination is in the form an exam where you write solutions (code) to given tasks on provided computers. These solutions are graded.
To pass on the course, the three compulsory computer assignments must have been completed and approved.
The exam will not contain anything on the GUI (5 hours would not be sufficient).
Examination dates: Will take place at 16th of March 2020 from 8:30-13:30. The re-exams will be on June 9 and August 17.
Note! Last day to register for the exam is February 28!
The exact from for the exam is not decided at this time, the following information might change!
Internet access will be prevented at the exam, but the PDF version of the Python 3 -, SciPy-, Numpy- and Matplotlib manuals as well as the Lecture Notes will be available on the computers. You are also allowed to bring the course book to the exam.
The exam will consist of 4-5 questions with will be determining the final grade of the course.
Maximum total of 25 points. For passing grade 10 points is required, for grade four 15 points is required, and for grade five 20 points is required. The examination time is 5 hours.
Old exams will be available on the course homepage.
Course evaluation
The course will be evaluated at 2 occurrences throughout the course. In addition, there will be a course survey for all students at the end of the course. The course board representatives are:
- Fredrik Angervall,
- Edward Brask,
- Jonathan Falk,
- Fredrik Rasmusson,
- Robert Sugumaran,
There will be 3 compulsory assignments, which covers most of the content of the course. The assignments will be performed in groups of two students.
In addition, there will be practice problems available that are not compulsory, but come highly recommended.
Corrections for returned assignments must be handed in before the exam!
Assignment 1:
- Getting familiar with Python
- Reading files
- Using NumPy for numerics
- Using more advanced data structures
- Matplotlib
Assignment 2:
- Creating a library
- Creating classes
Assignment 3:
- Interactive programs
- Creating a GUI with PyQt
- Creating classes with multiple inheritance
Knowledge checklist
Before the exam, please go through the checklist to know you have mastered the components of the course!
This list tries to be as detailed as possible
Python language
- Built in documentation: help(...)
- Variables
- pass
- Conditionals: if elif else
- Looping: for, while, continue, break
- with as
- Boolean operators: and, or, in, is, not, ==, !=, <>, <, >, >=, <=,
- Bit operators: >>, <<, ~, ^, |, &
- Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %, **, //
- Assignment operators: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, **=, //=
- Functions
- Lambda functions / anonymous functions
- List/set/dictionary comprehensions
- Exceptions: try, raise, except, finally
- Libraries
- Common errors
- Documentation with PyDoc
- *args (e.g. foo(*x) ➔ foo(x[0], x[1], x[2]) )
Common structures
- Strings
- Lists (indexing, slicing)
- Tuples
- Sets
- Dictionaries, del
Object oriented programming
- Classes
- Inheritance and polymorphism
- Constructors and destructors
- Abstract methods and decorators
- Operator overloading
- Being able to look up what you need in the reference!
- numpy.array
- numpy.linalg
- Being able to look up what you need in the reference!
- scipy.spatial
- scipy.sparse.csgraph
- Matplotlib
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |