Course syllabus


ARK137 ARK137 Future visions for healthcare, housing and work 2: Housing inventions lp3 VT21 (22.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Contact details


Björn Gross, Architect, Lecturer, +467036547344,


Anna Braide, Architect, Lecturer, TD, +46317722467,

Ola Nylander, Architect, Professor, +46 31 772 22

Kaj Granath, Architect, TD, Visiting Researcher, +46317726538,


Henrik Markhede, Architect, Lecturer, +46 72 188 05 15

Hanna Morichetto, Architect, TD, +46 073 539 10 60


Susanne Pettersson, +46 31 772 6102,

Course purpose

The studio work focuses upon the exploration of crucial factors in the building market changing the design conditions of the residential future. Urban and architectural challenges towards climate neutrality. The participation in the student competition Solar Decathlon will be connected to the course. Timber construction and integrated solar systems becomes a part of the theme. The subject 2021 will be INNOVATIVE DENSIFICATION with focus on WOOD.



Course literature

Eleb, Monique & Anne Debarre, (1995). L-invention de l-habitation mod-erne, Hazan, Paris

Eleb, Monique & Anne Debarre-Blanchard, (1989). Architectures de la vie privée. Maisons et Mentalités XVIIe-XIXe siècles. [Introduction de Michelle Perrot.] AAM/Hazan, Bruxelles/Paris

Gausa, Manuel & Jaime Salazar (1999). Single-family housing: the pri-vate domain, Barcelona, Birkhäuser.

Gromark, Sten & Fredrik Nilsson, (2006). utforskande arkitektur [eng. exploring architecture]. Axl books Stockholm

Gromark, Sten, (2007). -Extreme housing : La cité manifeste, Mulhouse 2005-, Paper presented to the CB W69 Conference Housing Frontiers in Port Elisabeth, South Africa, feb 2007.

Leach, Neil, (2006). Camouflage, MIT Press

Nylander, Ola & Sten Gromark, eds, et al (2007). Bostadens rum - arkitekter om bostadens kvaliteter, [eng. Spaces of Residence - archi-tects on housing qualities], Chalmers Arkitektur, tema modern arkitek-tur & boende

Nylander, Ola, (1999). Bostaden som arkitektur, Byggtjänst, Stockholm.

Nylander, Ola, (2002). The architecture of the Home, Academy Press, London

Riley, Terence, (1999). The Un-Private House, Moma, NY

Course design

The start-up assignments are organized with separate work models for each assignment. These aims at starting up the design process, providing perspectives on subjects related to the issues for designing the housing. Complementing the startup process will also be lectures, presenting issues related to the subject. The course is divided into three phases, a first phase with assignments presenting different methods to approach housing invention. In the second phase the conceptual part of the project starts up and during the third phase the project is developed further, finalized and presented. After the first and second working-phase a mid-critic seminar will be held to give feedback on the ideas and comment upon the proceeding work. The project will end up with handing in followed by a final critique. The students shall work in groups during the assignments and individually or in pair with the project.


The course is completed with a final critique. On this occasion, you shall present your project with an oral presentation using digital projections on the wall. During the session, you will have the opportunity to discuss qualities and get feedback from tutors and fellow students. Seminar groups, times and rooms for this occasion will be presented on canvas. You shall also present your project as a poster-exhibition. The material to hand in is described in the text ‘HANDING IN´ in this program. Time and room for the poster-exhibition will be announced on canvas.


The mid seminars will require that you present your digital material on zoom together with an oral presentation.


All information is communicated on canvas. E-mail will also be sent out to the students on the Chalmers e-mail-address. Schedule is presented on Time Edit.


Each student will work individually or in pair on different plots. The task is to design a housing project according to the Solar Decathlon program. We will work in groups with each group connected to one teacher. When the Housing project starts, student will be divided in to these groups.

Group 1 Björn Gross                  073 654 73 44

Group 2 Henrik Markhede            072 188 05 15

Group 3 Hanna Morichetto    073 539 10 60


The design proposal should cover these questions:

  • What are the advantages of building a housing project, as an innovative densification?
  • How can you in an innovative way use the advantages of a densification in your design?
  • How can you in an innovative way use the advantages of timber in your design
  • What is the architectural quality in your housing project?
  • How have you improved the living conditions through your design?
  • Can you develop a strategy for an innovative densification in a way that others become inspired to follow in the same direction?

Changes made since the last occasion

The course is delivered mainly digitally, lectures, presentations, tutoring/supervising are done over Zoom. More and new assignments.

Learning objectives and syllabus

Objectives: The course aims at developing the student’s knowledge and skills in the work with good housing design focusing on new building typologies that challenge the conventions. The object is housing design coping with building dwellings as innovative densification, in an urban context. Variables are for example innovation according to typology, adaptability, circulation and spatial configuration.

Goals: Skills after completed course:

  • Ability to apply widened insights on experimental and innovative best practices in housing designs in order to foster innovation.
  • Ability to perform advanced architectural analysis on housing design and to produce adequate solutions to new potential future demands to accomplish sustainable solutions.

Learning objectives:

Possess knowledge of emergent issues affecting social- and ecological sustainability, relevant for housing design.
-       Practice a widened perspective of the urban dwelling and use this as an essential tool in both housing- research and design.
-       Obtain a critical view on current societal factors influencing residential design.
-       Perform advanced architectural analysis on housing situations and produce adequate solutions to emerging new potential future demands on the housing market
-       Apply widened insights on experimental and innovative best practices in the European context to future housing designs in order to foster innovation

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

Examination form


Qualifications for the master program. Basic knowledge in housing planning and knowledge in the Swedish housing standards.


  • Degree 3: Ordinary floor plans, sections, facades and volumes. Similar to houses built today with a vision of new ways of living.
  • Degree 4: Extra ordinary floor plans with a strong vision of new ways of living, an integrated and a well-designed solution and with ordinary sections, facades and volumes. Or common floor plans, an integrated, well designed solution and with a strong vision of something extra ordinary in sections, facades and volumes.
  • Degree 5: Extra ordinary floor plans and extra ordinary section, facades and volumes with well-designed solutions. A house that in all is an example of Housing Inventions.


  • All exercises are mandatory for approved course.
  • For approved course 80% attendance on lectures are required.
  • Supervising sessions are mandatory (be well prepared and bring printed material and models)
  • Mid seminars and final critiques are mandatory sessions (both handing in project material and attending the critique sessions).
  • For the final critique, it is mandatory to hand in the housing project and physical model on time (set in schedule). This concerns both the A1 posters that shall be hanged on walls and the digital material that shall be handed in on Canvas. If difficulties with the printing, A3 posters can do until A1 can be printed. Not handing in on time for final critique means that the teacher will not comment your project.

Not fulfilling mandatory moments in course will require complementing assignments to pass the course. On each mandatory moment that student do not perform/attend the reading of a book and the writing of a report will be required. The size of the report will be decided out from the existing circumstances.

Course summary:

Date Details Due