Course syllabus


ARK605 ARK605 History, theory and method 4 lp3 VT21 (3 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Contact details

Examiner: Monica Billger (, 0706-931316)

ZOOM room:


 Course purpose

Our primarily perspective will be based in architectural colour- and light research. However, the colour and light field is truly multi-disciplinary, and in order to get a deeper understanding we will make explorations through different research disciplines.

The course will deal with colour and light concepts, daylight and artificial light, colour appearance, spatial experience, and psychological effects. We will discuss design strategies in architecture and planning to deal with different aspects and research findings. The aim of the course of this course is to further the students’ knowledge about colour and light phenomena and concepts, thereby giving tools for design strategies in architecture and planning.

The course will further train the student’s ability to use source texts as a basis for formulating a research question, an individual position, and a line of argument. It will also train the student in analysing arguments laid out in other texts, and appropriately use citation, references and bibliography

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

Knowledge and understanding
Demonstrate an understanding of a particular theoretical trajectory in architecture and urban design.

Abilities and skills
Understand and analyse arguments laid out in theoretical texts.
Use theoretical texts as basis for formulating a position or query.
Appropriately use citation, references and bibliography.

Ability of assessment and attitude
Promote the value (and joy!) of history, theory, and method in architecture.
Critically relate their own writing and arguments in the course to larger issues or questions in architecture and urban design, as outlined in the brief.

Examination form

Students are required to participate actively in a minimum of 80% of the seminars. The course examination is based on active participation in lectures and seminars, and the submission of an academic text of minimum 2000 words and max 3000 words, complete with references and a bibliography.. Each student paper is reviewed and graded after submission at the end of the semester.

Course design

During the course, we will meet for 4 sessions of 3 hours each plus a final whole day paper seminar. The seminars are organized in short lectures, literature based seminars, and paper production workshops. Each student will write and submit a short paper using some of the texts we deal with in the seminar or other texts that will be recommended.

Canvas will be used for course information and uploading assignments. The information on canvas will be updated during the course. Communication between teachers and students takes primarily place on canvas, however email may be used. Please ask if you find information missing!

Please contact when you miss a seminar or the deadline for assignment.


24/2 9-12            Seminar 1 - Introduction:     

  • Welcome! Short about the course
  • Lecture: Overview over the area
  • Paper production workshop 1: Formulate questions – discuss in groups
  • Introduction to paper requirements

3/3  9-12         Seminar 2 : Colour and light concepts

  • Lecture: Magnus Österbring, NCC, on Daylight rand regulations
  • Lecture: on Measurements, perception and experience
  • Workshop: Colour and light concepts
  • Group discussions on paper ideas - choice of theme

3/3   13-17          Individual study time

10/3  9-12 Seminar 3 : Literature seminar and concept reflections

  • Reflections on PErCIFAL and other important concepts
  • Literature seminar in theme groups – presentations for the whole group

8/4- 9-17   Individual study time - paper production (developed synopsis)

9/4- 9-17   Individual study time  - theme group paper seminar

21/9-17     Seminar 4:  Group supervision and discussion (separate schedule)/individual study time

30/4 9-17   Individual study time

5/5 9-17     Individual study time /Supervision available

12/5 9-17   Paper seminar

14/5 9-17        Individual study time – deadline to hand in the final paper

Course literature

Compulsory book for the whole course

Karin Fridell Anter & Ulf Klarén (Editors), 2017, Colour and Light: Spatial Experience, New York Routledge, 2017. You need to have access to this book through the whole period. Cremona sells the book.

The Swedish version of the book "Färg och Ljus" from 2014, can be used in the course.

Seminar literature

Seminar 1 Introduction and overview - mandatory to read:

  • K Fridell Anter, To conceive the concepts, In: Fridell Anter & Klarén (Editors), 2017, Colour and Light: Spatial Experience, New York Routledge, 2017, pp. 67-79

Seminar 2 literature. - mandatory to read:

  • Scan the course book:Karin Fridell Anter & Ulf Klarén (Editors), 2017, Colour and Light: Spatial Experience, New York Routledge, 2017 Assignment: Check the table of content and scan through the book with the aim of getting an overview over the field. Think about your own interest in the field of light and colour. Specifik chapters will be assigned to read to following seminars.

Seminar 3 literature (see literature list for each theme)

Assignment: One text is mandatory for all in each theme group. Esxept this one, everyone chose and read 2 texts on the list for this theme. Folders for each theme can be found in FILES, and under each theme you can find one pdf that shows an overview of the texts. The articles/reports are also added to this folder. 

Focus on when reading: 

  • Concepts that are defined and central in the text 
  • In the studies presented:  What is the problem? Why are they studying it? Research methods? The results? Are they pointing out needs of further studies? 

Additional proposed literature

References to additional literature will be added to the additional literature folder under files  here in CANVAS.

Course summary:

Date Details Due