Course syllabus
ACE060 ACE060 Deep foundations lp4 VT21 (7.5 hp)
Course is offered by the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Course purpose
Short description of the course purpose and content: can be copied from syllabus in Studieportalen.
Course literature
note that these are links to the Chalmers library. If they don't properly work use the title to search the catalogue and make sure to be logged on the Chalmers network.
Excavations and foundations in soft soils (e-book)
Basic background (e-book Craig's soil mechanics)
Changes made since the last occasion
Due to COVID fully online
Project work is split in two parts
Some of the tutorials, need to be handed in.
Learning objectives and syllabus
Learning objectives:
● Knowledge
○ Describe the principles, benefits and limitations of various foundation and retaining wall types and in-situ instrumentation and monitoring concepts.
● Comprehension
○ Distinguish the difference and select between undrained and drained analysis in the context of ultimate and serviceability limit state design
○ understand the limitations of various analytical and numerical design methods for geotechnical structures.
○ understand the role of the soil and the structure in the analyses of soil-structure interaction in context of retaining walls and foundations.
● Application
○ calculate bearing capacity and settlements of shallow and deep foundations.
○ calculate earth pressures (at rest, active, passive) for drained (long-term) and undrained (short-term) conditions.
○ calculate stability of earth retaining structures.
● Analysis
○ analyse stress paths in the soil adjacent to foundation elements.
○ analyse strength in soils as a function of initial state and load path.
○ calculate stability and consolidation & creep settlements of foundations.
○ analyse soil-structure interaction problems.
● Synthesis:
○ dimension retaining walls and the response of shallow and deep foundations using theoretical knowledge and engineering judgement
○ Compare predicted and expected soil response, e.g. comparing results of advanced numerical methods against monitoring data or hand calculations.
Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.
If the course is a joint course (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet) you should link to both syllabus (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet).
Examination form
Pass/fail of tutorial work, project (groups of 4) will be graded.
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |