Course syllabus


SSY300  Applied Mechatronics (Tillämpad mekatronik) lp4 VT20 6 hp

The course is given by the department of Electrical Engineering (Kursen ges av institutionen för Elektroteknik)

Division of Systems and Control (Institutionen för signaler och system), EDIT hus, Hörsalsvägen 11, våning 5 öster

Contact details

Examiner and lecturer: Nikolce Murgovski,, EDIT-huset room 5408 (available by appointment)

Course assistant: Yixiao Wang,, EDIT-huset room 5339 (available by appointment)
The teaching assistant will be available for consultancy according to the supervision schedule. 

Department exam office: Madeleine Persson, , room 3342

Student representatives

Comments and suggestions for improving student learning in this course may be discussed with the student representatives. They will compile all suggestions in an anonymous report and we will discuss them during the mid-term course evaluation meeting. The meeting will take place on Thursday, April 15 15:00

We have also pinned a Discussion item, Leave a comment!, where you may leave a public comment about the course. 

Emma Asker 
Kåre Göthner
Victor Mannerstråle
Alice Olofsson
Alicia Sjödin 


Course description

The course aims to provide an introduction to mechatronics - the integration of sensors, actuators and computers with the mechanical system. It provides knowledge on how the most common sensors and actuators work and its underlying physical principles. It also provides introduction to microcontrollers and their programming, and provides practical experience in the design of micro-computer-based systems.

Lectures are designed in a problem-based style, addressing the main building blocks of a generic mechatronic module.

Generic mechatronic module

The mechatronic module is also used as the course outline, wherein different components and links are highlighted when being addressed on lectures.

With the goal of encouraging learning for understanding, lectures are followed with swift questions from the taught material and recognition tests for electronic components. The lectures include designated slides for cognitive activation focusing on material taught previously, and a quiz on the new material to be taught during the lecture. 

One of the goals of this course is to enable teamwork and creativity. All assignments, except the final exam, are performed in groups of two students, and a forum is organized during one of the supervision sessions where you may exchange ideas and ask questions while discussing within a larger group.


For a tentative schedule, please see the Calendar or Course summary here TimeEdit_SSY300_Applied_mechatronics.pdf
Scheduled events can also be seen in TimeEdit.

Course literature

Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 5:ed (4:ed and 3:ed are also ok)
David G. Alciatore, Mcgraw-Hill. (The book is sold at Cremona.)
Link: (Links to an external site.)  


Course structure

The course is organized in three parallel branches; 1) a fundamental knowledge taught through lectures, 2) offline recorded problem solving sessions and 3) a design project, where students,  in groups of two, build a robot and perform several tasks. Supervision sessions are booked roughly twice per week.

Assigned problems to work at home are provided from the course book and from a compendium of selected problems in extrauppgifter.pdf. A Solutions_Manual_5ed.pdf for the exercises from the book is also provided. Numbering of the exercises may differ for different book editions, but similar exercises can be found in the 4th (Exercises_4ed.pdf) and 3rd edition. Solutions to old exams can be found in Old exams. A collection of all needed formulas can be found here formelsamling.pdf

To enhance learning while balancing workload, some of the book material has been excluded from the course or from the final exam, and other has been covered through the lab/project sessions and home assignment.

  • Chapter 5 has been completely excluded from the course.
  • Chapter 1, Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 will be partly covered, but will be excluded from the final exam.

More details are provided below. Book sections that are marked as mandatory are necessary to read in order to be able to pass the final exam. Book sections not listed as mandatory are excluded from the final exam.

Lectures and Exercises

Zoom link for the lecture sessions:, Password:

Lecture 1: Introduction
Mandatory: no mandatory material
Additional material (excluded from exam): BB8-projectUnmanned Motorcycle
Multimedia: Slides: L1-introduction.pdf, Video:


Lecture 2: Microcontroller and Programming
no mandatory material
Additional material (excluded from exam): What is this loop thing.pdf, Shield-Bot-manual-v1.1.pdf
Multimedia: Slides: L2-programming.pdf, Circuit:, Video:

Lecture 3: Electrical components
Mandatory: Chapter 2: Introduction, Basic Electrical Elements
Multimedia: Slides: L3-el-components.pdf, Video: 

Lecture 4: DC circuits
Mandatory: Chapter 2: Kirchhoff’s Laws, Voltage and Current Sources and Meters, Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits
Multimedia: Slides: L4-DC-circuits.pdf, Video:

Exercise 1: DC circuits
: book exercises 2.1, 2.18, 2.21, extrauppgifter 1.4
Work at home: extrauppgifter chapter 1, book exercises 2.1-2.34
Multimedia: Slides: E1-DC.pdf, Video: 

Lecture 5: AC circuits
Mandatory: Chapter 2: Alternating Current Circuit Analysis, Power in Electrical Circuits, Transformer
Additional material (excluded from exam): Repetition komplexa tal.pdf
Multimedia: Slides: L5-AC-circuits.pdf, Video: 

Exercise 2: AC circuits
Problems: book exercises 2.36, 2.37, 2.40, 2.50, extrauppgifter 2.1-2.2
Work at home: extrauppgifter chapter 2, book exercises 2.35-2.50
Multimedia: Slides: E2-AC.pdf, Video:

Lecture 6: Active components
Mandatory: Chapter 3: Introduction, Semiconductor Physics as the Basis for Understanding Electronic Devices, Junction Diode
Multimedia: Slides: L6-active-components.pdf, Video:

Exercise 3: Active components
Problems: book exercises 3.3a,b, 3.9a, 3.13, 3.17, extrauppgifter 3.3
Work at home: extrauppgifter chapter 3, book exercises 3.1-3.17
Multimedia: Slides: E3-active-components.pdf, Video:

Lecture 7: Actuators 1
Mandatory: Chapter 10: Introduction, Electromagnetic Principles, Solenoids and Relays, Electric Motors, DC Motors
Multimedia: Slides: L7-actuators1.pdf, Video:

Exercise 4: Actuators 1
Problems: book exercises 10.4, extrauppgifter 4.1-4.2
Work at home: extrauppgifter 4.1-4.3, book exercises 10.1-10.4
Multimedia: Slides: E4-actuators1.pdf, Video: 

Lecture 8: Actuators 2
Mandatory: Chapter 10: DC Motors, Selecting a Motor
Multimedia: Slides: L8-actuators2.pdf, Video: 

Exercise 5: Actuators 2
Problems: book exercises 10.11a,b, extrauppgifter 4.4-4.5
Work at home: extrauppgifter chapter 4, book exercises 10.11a,b
Multimedia: Slides: E5-actuators2.pdf, Video:

Lecture 9: Signal characteristics
Mandatory: Chapter 4: System Response, Amplitude Linearity, Fourier Series, Representation of Signals, Bandwidth and Frequency Response; Chapter 8:  Introduction, Quantizing Theory, Analog-to-Digital Conversion
Multimedia: Slides: L9-signal-characteristics.pdf, Video:

Exercise 6: Signal characteristics
book exercises 4.7a, 8.2, 8.8, extrauppgifter 5.1, 5.6
Work at home : extrauppgifter chapter 5, book exercises 4.1-4.14, 8.2, 8.5-8.6,8.8-8.11
Multimedia: Slides: E6-signal-characteristics.pdf, Video:

Lecture 10: Digital theory 1
Mandatory: Chapter 6: Introduction, Digital Representations, Combinational Logic and Logic Classes, Timing Diagrams, Boolean Algebra, Design of Logic Networks, Finding a Boolean Expression Given a Truth Table
Multimedia: Slides: L10-digital1.pdf, Video:

Exercise 7: Digital theory 1
Problems: book exercises 6.2, 6.4a-b, 6.19a, 6.21, extrauppgifter 6.3
Work at home: extrauppgifter 6.1-6.4, book exercises 6.1-6.6, 6.7b-d, 6.8-6.34
Multimedia: Slides: E7-digital1.pdf, Video: 

Lecture 11: Digital theory 2
Mandatory: Chapter 6: Sequential Logic, Flip-Flops, Applications of Flip-Flops
Multimedia: Slides: L11-digital2.pdf, Video:

Exercise 8: Digital theory 2
Problems: book exercises 6.40, extrauppgifter 6.6-6.8
Work at home: extrauppgifter chapter 6, book exercises 6.35-6.46
Multimedia: Slides: E8-digital2.pdf, Video: 

Lecture 12: Sensors 1
Mandatory: Chapter 9: Introduction, Proximity Sensors and Switches, Potentiometer, Digital Optical Encoder
Multimedia: Slides: L12-sensors1.pdf, Video:

Lecture 13: Sensors 2
Mandatory: Chapter 9: Electrical Resistance Strain Gage, Measuring Resistance Changes with a Wheatstone Bridge, Force Measurement with Load Cells, Temperature Measurement
Multimedia: Slides: L13-sensors2.pdf, Video:

Exercise 9: Sensors 
Problems: book exercises 9.10, extrauppgifter 7.1, 7.4-7.5
Work at home: extrauppgifter chapter 7, book exercises 9.1-9.5, 9.8-9.10, 9.14, 9.17-9.26 
Multimedia: Slides: E9-sensors.pdf, Video:

Lecture 14: Control theory
Mandatory: no mandatory material
Additional material (excluded from exam): Control_refresher.pdf
Multimedia: Slides: L14-control.pdf 

Lecture 15: Design of a mechatronic system
Mandatory: Chapter 10: Selecting a Motor
Multimedia: Slides: L15-mechatronic-design.pdf, Video:

Exercise 10: Design of a mechatronic system
Problems: extrauppgifter 8.1
Work at home: extrauppgifter chapter 8, book exercises 10.11
Multimedia: Slides: E10-mechatronic-design.pdf, Video:

Lecture 16: Repetition
Multimedia: Slides: L16-repetition.pdf, Video:

Exercise 11: Repetition
extrauppgifter 3.1, 5.5, 7.6, 8.3
Work at home:
extrauppgifter, old exams, book exercises
Multimedia: Slides: E11-repetition.pdf; Video:

Lecture 17: Reserve

Supervision sessions

The following Zoom meeting will be used for all supervision sessions:

Supervision sessions are scheduled roughly twice 2*2 hours every week. The teaching assistant will be available for answering questions on individual problem solving and for checking the completion of the laboratory assignments. 

Forum and supervision of home assignment will take place during the supervision session on April 27 15:15. You will have a guided discussion by the teaching assistant and will have the opportunity to exchange ideas within a larger group.

In order to use the supervision time effectively, students will need to sign up by writing their name at the end of the following list 

Following the queue, students will be admitted to the online meeting. If it is someone's turn according to the list, and that student is not on Zoom, the student will automatically be removed from the list and will need to book another session later.

Project work

During the project, you will go through the document Shield-Bot-manual-v1.1.pdf and implement activities and challenges as described in the document. For the questions on programming, you may consult the lecture on programming, or you may directly check the results in Arduino or its emulator at material that facilitates the project assignments can be found in Files/Project. You will work in groups of maximum two students; the same group working on the home assignment. 

NOTE! Always turn off the power to the equipment when building or modifying your electrical circuits to avoid short circuits or damage the equipment. Turn the power switch to 0, unplug the USB cable and the cable from the battery pack.
NOTE! To conserve battery power, always plug out the cable from the battery pack when not in use.

All projects tasks should be demonstrated to the teaching assistant during supervision sessions. Don't wait until the last sessions before deadlines, since they might be fully booked! 


Changes since the previous course meeting

  • The project work is re-designed to better align with remote learning. Each student takes the project kit at home and tasks can be executed without needing the lab.
  • Problem solving and lab sessions have been joined into online supervision sessions. 
  • Pre-recorded videos have been generated for all problem solving sessions.
  • More swift questions, quizzes and cognitive activations tasks have been introduced to the lectures in order to encourage more discussions and better understanding.


Learning outcomes

  1. Discuss the possibilities and limitations of mechatronics and reflect on its impact on people and society as well as on product development.
  2. Gain basic knowledge on design of microcomputer-based systems, including programming in C.
  3. Understand simple electrical circuits in a system perspective, including typical electrical components, such as resistors, capacitors, inductors.
  4. Understand the differences between direct and alternating current.
  5. Understand how active electrical components operate, especially diodes and transistors.
  6. Gain basic knowledge on digital theory and logical components, especially logic gaits and flip-flops.
  7. Understand the principles of how electrical actuators operate, especially DC motors.
  8. Understand the principles for measuring and controlling a simple mechatronic system.
  9. Gain understanding on how sensors work and be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of various sensor types.
  10. Select a suitable electric actuator and gearing to a mechatronic system.



In order to pass the course, you will need to complete the project work, one home assignment and pass a written exam

Project work

The aim of the project is to gain basic knowledge on programming microcontrollers, electrical circuits and components, sensors and logic/control. The project work directly addresses learning outcomes 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and contributes in learning part of the outcomes 4, 5 and 7.

In order to pass the project work, you will need to complete 5 out of 6 tasks and return the borrowed platform. It is required that you solve the assignment within a group of 2 students and show/demonstrate the solutions to the course assistant.

Home assignment

The course includes one home assignment solved in groups of two students. The goal is to design and select an electric motor and a gearbox to a mechatronic system. The assignment is solved on your own but a supervision session is scheduled and a forum is organized where you may exchange ideas and ask questions. The home assignment addresses learning outcome 10, which gathers the knowledge learned from the previous outcomes. 

In order to pass the assignment, you need to collect at least 16 points out of 20; otherwise, you will be given one more week to re-submit it. No grades are given, just pass or fail.

Written exam

The course includes one written exam that consists of questions that add up to 25 points. Questions will be selected from the mandatory course material that relates to learning outcomes 3 to 10. The mandatory book sections are listed above under each of the lectures. The answers must be motivated and all steps in the solutions explained. Preliminary grade thresholds are: 10/15/20 for grade 3/4/5. All aids are allowed. However, it is not permitted to cooperate with or take help from another person.

In LP4 2021, the exam will be conducted remotely, via Zoom. Chalmers will use video streaming (without recording) to watch students during the examination period, to check that it is the right person taking the examination, and that the student is not collaborating with others. Students with a decision of prolonged examination time should contact the examiner in advance. 

  • The exam paper will be published as an assignment, called "Exam", in a specific Canvas room
  • You will need to show your ID during the exam, but you should NOT upload a copy on Canvas. This is due to GDPR and for integrity reasons.
  • Exam solutions may be written in a text editor or on paper, and subsequently be photographed or scanned. 
  • Make sure that each paper is clearly marked with your name, exam problem number and page number.
    • For scanned or photographed solutions, make sure to have a good lightning and preferably use a document scanning app, e.g. CamScanner or Genius Scan.
    • Submit your solutions by uploading the document(s) via assignment "Exam" in Canvas (or "Exam (extended time)", for students with prolonged examination).
  • Additional 30 min after normal examination time will be given to upload solutions. 
  • If it is not possible to hand-in the exam through Canvas, it should be sent to the examiner by e-mail as soon as possible.

Further information on the examination process can be found here: 

Examination date:
2021-05-29, 08:30 -12:30, remotely via Zoom:

Exam screening (tenta visning) will take place on 2021-06-14 and 2021-06-15, 13:00 to 14:00. Zoom link:

First re-examination date:
2021-08-17, 14:00 -18:00

Second re-examination date: information will be added later.

Link to the syllabus in the Study Portal: Studieplan

Course summary:

Date Details Due