Course syllabus

ARK415 Building design lab lp1 HT21 (7.5 hp)

The course is offered by the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Contact details


Alexander Hollberg


Klas Moberg - Unit Arkitektur AB

Max Tillberg - EQUA Simulation AB

Jon Tibell - Unit Arkitektur AB

Linda Wäppling - Bengt Dahlgren AB / PE Teknik och Arkitektur AB

Giovana Fantin Silva - Bengt Dahlgren AB


Student representatives:

MPDSD: Hilda Alfredsson                           

MPARC: Barne Haferkamp                           

MPARC: Victor Hjalmarsson                           

MPDSD: Prem Madugula                           

UTBYTE: Cosima Vogel       



Course purpose

The aim of the course is to deepen the skills in the use of advanced modelling tools for the development of an architectural design project. Applications will be buildings for work and activities, such as offices and other places for work, where specific requirements like generality, flexibility, optimization systems for climate and energy can be formulated. The architectural design process is based on, and driven by the possibilities that the simulation tools can give early in the design process. 



If there are any changes, you will be notified through a Canvas Announcement.

Tuesday - August 31

09:00 - 11:45

Introduction SB-L227

Introductory lectures.

Introduction to this years task.

Participants divided into Groups.

Tuesday - August 31

13:15 - 15:00

Site- and study visit

Merkurhuset - We will meet outside Hotel Riverton

The closest tram stop is Stenpiren.

A visit to the site.

Friday - September 3

09:00 - 11:45


Max Tillberg


External solar studies and daylight.

Tuesday - September 7

09:00 - 11:45

Guidance in Studio

Jon Tibell, Linda Wäppling

SB-K582 (ACE)

Each group will have an appointment with the tutors.

Friday - September 10

09:00 - 11:45


Max Tillberg

Alexander Hollberg



Embodied Carbon

Tuesday - September 14

09:00 - 11:45

Computer Lab

Linda Wäppling


Tuesday - September 21

09:00 - 11:45

Mid Critique

SB-K582 (ACE)

Friday - September 24

09:00 - 11:45

Computer Lab

Linda Wäppling, Giovana Fantin Silva


Tuesday - September 28

09:00 - 11:45

Guidance in Studio

Jon Tibell, Linda Wäppling

SB-K582 (ACE)

Each group will have an appointment with the tutors.

Tuesday - October 5

09:00 - 11:45

Computer Lab

Linda Wäppling, Giovana Fantin Silva


Friday - October 8

13:15 - 17:00

Guidance in Studio

Jon Tibell

SB-K582 (ACE)

Each group will have an appointment with the tutor.

Tuesday - October 12

09:00 - 11:45

Computer Lab

Linda Wäppling


Tuesday - October 12

13:15 - 17:00

Optional Guidance in Studio

Jon Tibell

SB-K582 (ACE)

Each group will have an appointment with the tutor.
Friday - October 15 Upload Project posters

Upload project posters to BOX.

You can work on slideshows after this deadline up until the Final Critique.

Friday - October 22

08:15 - 12:00

Final Critique


October 26 and 29 Portfolio work and possible supplement after Final Critique


Course literature

Building Optimization, Max Tillberg, Klas Moberg, Chalmers School of Architecture, ARK415 Building Design Lab, 2018 (pdf) - Found in: Files\Course Literature\

Please check the "Documents" folder as well for further reading. Tutorials, lecture slides etc. will be uploaded to the "Files" section during the course.


Course design

The course consists of two parts.
An initial preliminary study of a new office building in Skeppsbron, Göteborg. This part starts with an introduction to the course and a visit to the site. Students will be divided into groups and these will examine the site and its context in terms of both daylight, sunlight, and urban qualities.
During this period, the groups will produce...
…initial drafts of at least two designs. Including a digital 3D-model of a typical office unit.
…initial drafts of standard figures including a section detail in scale 1:20.
…methodology for documentation of the upcoming iterative design process in part 2.

In part two of the course, groups will choose one design to elaborate and optimize in an iterative process. During this period, the designs will also be evaluated for more parameters, both technical and architectural/urban.

Students will benefit from getting up and running quickly since the course will emphasize an iterative process. Early drafts are optimized through a repeating process of draft, evaluation, and modification. The final evaluation of the student work will emphasize process more than the final design, so continuous documentation of group work and a clear presentation of this is key to success.

Due to the current pandemic, some teaching might be done through zoom. This depends on how comfortable participants are with meeting in person. Links to zoom sessions will be distributed through Canvas. Material should be uploaded to a box folder for before each “Guidance” session. Each group and session will have a dedicated folder. There will also be folders for uploading material before the mid-critique and final critique sessions.

Below is a summary of activities in the course.

Part 1

  • Introduction and site visit
  • Technical Lecture 1
  • Guidance 1 (Group tutoring)
  • Technical Lecture 2
  • Technical Lecture 3 / Lab 1 Software introduction
  • Mid Critique

Part 2

  • Lab 2 Software tutorial
  • Guidance 2 (Group tutoring)
  • Lab 3 Software tutorial
  • Guidance 3 (Group tutoring)
  • Lab 4 Software tutorial
  • Guidance 4 (Group tutoring)
  • Final Critique
  • Portfolio Work

Consult The table above for dates and times. Zoom links will be distributed on Canvas before remote sessions.

Changes made since the last occasion

A new site is used this year. This year will also feature an introduction to embodied carbon.

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:
- structure and document their optimization process of the design solution
- through several design iterations describe and evaluate design choices and their outcomes in terms of their visual and technical qualities, using results from simple architectural visualization and simulation of building physics
- design the climate shell in a section 1:20 (one floor) and detail 1:5
- present the proposal in a digital hand-in
- describe, argue for, evaluate and discuss their own and other's proposals during a final critique together with university faculty and external reviewers

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

Examination form

Hand-ins, final exhibition and critique.

Joint introduction and investigation will be graded pass or not passed. Project including initial

studies will be graded: Five, Four, Three, Not passed

3 = minimal requirements for pass

4 = in addition to 3; committed project work, interaction between partial and overall design

5 = in addition to 4; improved and explorative interaction between partial and overall design


Course summary:

Date Details Due