Course syllabus


SSY226 Design project in systems, control and mechatronics lp1, lp2 HT21 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Electrical Engineering

Contact details

Petter Falkman
Phone: 031-7723723
Workplace: Room 5339  

The aim

Using engineering and research skills acquired in previous courses to deliver a result that satisfies the hard-to-please customer (i.e. the supervisor).


Tuesday 29 Sept. at 12.00-12.45: Introduction and presentation of projects

Monday 4 Oct.: Each student has sent in a list of five preferred projects. 

Thursday 7 Oct.: Final project groups and supervisors will be sent out by mail and created on Canvas. 

Friday 8 Oct.: Contact your supervisor and arrange a first meeting.

Before study period 2: Prepare a project plan.

Monday 1 Nov. - Friday 5 Nov: Presentation of project plans to supervisors and submission of project plans on Canvas.

Monday 13 Dec.: Draft paper submission on Canvas.

Friday 17 Dec.: Paper-review submission.

Friday 14 Jan.: 11.00-14.00: Presentation/demonstration in M-building.

Friday 14 Jan.: Final paper submission on Canvas.


Projects and Contacts

  1. Falsification of Autonomous Driving Systems using Reinforcement Learning, Contact: Yuvaraj Selvaraj,
  2. Up for a challenge? Robot Table Organization Challenge, Contact: Ahmet Tekden,
  3. Modelling and simulation of the TIAGo robot in a Virtual Reality environment to help unpacking boxes, Contact: Karinne Ramirez-Amaro,
  4. Collaborative-Robot Assistant for Technicians, Contact: Karinne Ramirez-Amaro:
  5. Control Strategies for Advanced AWD Electric Vehicle Architecture, Contact: Fredrik Von Corswant,
  6. Scheduling of a fleet of autonomous transport robots, Contact: Sabino Roselli,
  7. Grasp Planning with Robotic Arms, Contact: Ahmet Tekden,
  8. Formal verification of deadlock avoidance rules for automated guided vehicles system - FoVe, Contact: Martin Fabian,
  9. How to trigger Dynamic Speed Limits signs?, Contact: Balazs Kulcsar,
  10. Learning a formal model of a production system, Contact: Martin Dahl,
  11. Motion planning and control for robot manipulator subject to force constraints, Contact: Yiannis Karayiannidis,
  12. Obstacle avoidance for mobile robots subject to velocity and acceleration constraints, Contact: Yiannis Karayiannidis,
  13. Pose estimation in a collaborative robot system, Contact: Martin Dahl,
  14. Virtual preparation for efficient and flexible commissioning of a production system at Volvo Cars Torslanda, Contact: Anton Albo,
  15. Virtual Reality modelling of a collaborative workstation, data collection, and time-series prediction, Contact: Julius Pettersson,
  16. Robust Optimal Model Predictive Control for ATRs, Contact: Emmanuel Dean,
  17. Development of a Bluetooth App for Home Tuning and Maintenance of an Osseointegrated Prosthesis, Contact: Eric Earley,
  18. Comparing State-of-the-Art Algorithms for Vision Tracking of Deformable Objects, Contact: Yiannis Karayiannidis,
  19. Which Technology is Best for Climate Neutral Long-haul Transport?, Contact: Anders Grauers,
  20. Classification of road users close to truck, Contact: Fabian Melvås,
  21. eOutlook and navigation control of Porpoise, Contact: Robert Rylander RISE,
  22. Controlling a self-driving bike using compiled Simulink code, Contact: Jonas Sjöberg:
  23. Investigating of design parameter on control performance of a self-driving bike, Contact: Jonas Sjöberg:
  24. Pedestrian reaction test using a selfdriving bike, Contact: Karinne Ramirez-Amaro:
  25. 3D surface snapshot, Contact: Rikard Karlsson,
  26. Arm pose estimation using a shoulder scissor link for exoskeletons, Contact: Rikard Karlsson,
  27. Design and construction of drone camera with gimbal, Contact: Rikard Karlsson,
  28. Foot pressure slipper system, Contact: Rikard Karlsson,
  29. Knee extension measurement tool, Contact: Rikard Karlsson,
  30. Safe Construction Site Entry and Exit, Contact: Fredrik Von Corswant,
  31. Multiple robot coordination, Contact:
  32. Fleet robot coordination using model-predictive control, Contact:
  33. Semantic segmentation of the factory floor using multiple camera perspectives, Contact:


The groups

Each project group will consist of 3 to 5 persons. Mixed project groups will be created based on student interest and the aim is to achieve a mix of students based on bachelor degree and university.



There are two workplaces that can be used if necessary. CASE-lab in the ED-building and the Production Systems Laboratory in the M-building. These rooms are equipped with tools that can be used. If you need more machines we can arrange so you get access to the prototype laboratory in the M-building basement. 



This course has five parts:

  1. Preparing and presenting a project plan, 
  2. Delivering an engineering result
  3. Writing an article
  4. Peer review another groups article
  5. Presentation and demonstration of result


Writing an article

Being a researcher is fun and interesting. Even if you do not plan to continue as a PhD student, a successful engineer should approach new challenges a little bit like a researcher.   In this part of the course the group will identify some challenges of the project and write a research article. The article should not be a project report! Read about writing papers. 

The suggestion is to find a detailed challenge that you will solve during the project, for example evaluating various algorithms or defining a model for something. Find other articles by searching at that may have done the same thing. Based on the literature study do some evaluation / testing / modeling / hard thinking and write down the result. Then spend some time on writing a discussion about it.

Each paper will be “peer reviewed” by the other students and the supervisor.



The marking grades used are fail, 3, 4, and 5.

50% of the grade is based on the article and 50% is based on the project execution and result.

In the middle of the course you will have a discussion with your supervisor about the grade.  If you continue on the same track, that grade is what you will get. If you would like to change the grade up or down, the supervisor will give you hints.

Each group member will review and grade the group and the group members after the final article has been submitted.

The deadline for the draft-paper, the final paper and the presentations are hard ones. So do not miss them.

Course summary:

Date Details Due