Course syllabus
SJO571 Environmental impact from shipping lp1 HT21 (7.5 hp)
Course is offered by the department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences
Contact details
Ida-Maja Hassellöv
Kent Salo
Daniel Eriksson
Anna Lunde Hermansson
Amanda Nylund
Student representatives:
Dennis Allerth
Max Hansson
For general information of this task: Being a Student representative | Chalmers studentportal
Course purpose
The aim of the course is to increase the student's awareness and knowledge about:
- The concept of Sustainable development
- The environmental impact of shipping, today and in the future.
- Instruments and analytical methods for environmental decision support
- Technical solutions to reduce emissions from shipping to the sea and atmosphere
Course literature
Shipping and the Environment - Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation (2016). Andersson, Brynolf and Lindgren editors. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. The book is available as e-book at Chalmers Library
- Literature and materials
Course design
The course covers five main areas:
- Sustainable development, the concept in general, for shipping and methods for analysis.
- Shipping emissions to the sea and their impact on marine ecosystems.
- Air Emissions - impacts on health and environment.
-Technology, regulations and economic instruments to improve the environmental performance of ships
- The view on sustainability and environmental issues in the shipping industry.
The course consists of lectures, laboratory work and a literature project. Some of the lectures given by guest speakers. The course ends with a written exam.
- Lectures, the course is mainly scheduled with 2-3 2 hour lectures per week
- Mandatory guest lecture
- A mandatory full day laboratory exercise is given by the bilge water cleaning company Marinfloc.
- A literature project that is presented in a report and at a seminar. Participation in seminars and hand in of report are mandatory.
Changes made since the last occasion
The water lectures have been extended with one extra occasion.
Learning objectives and syllabus
Learning objectives:
- Explain the concept of sustainable development including the environmental, economic and social dimensions.
- Apply methods for analysis of sustainability
- Compare the environmental impact by shipping in relation to other ways of transport and to the society and exemplify sustainable solutions.
- Explain the impact by shipping on the environment and describe available treatment techniques and solutions
- Summarize the legal framework regulating discharges from shipping to air and sea
- Describe the work with environmental issues onboard
- Relate to the ethical aspects linked to shipping and the environmental impact
Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.
Examination form
Part A (6 p), that consists of the lectures is examined with a written exam, (Monday October 25th PM). The maximum number of points on the written exam is 60 points, but project B (see below) can give 0-4 extra points. The written exam is valuated to a grading scale of 3-5 (Pass) and Fail.
Part B (1.5 p) consists of a literature project that address scientific research about environmental aspects of shipping. The project is presented in an oral presentation and in a written report that summarize scientific papers. This project can give 0-4 extra points on the written exam. Such extra points can be used to reach the grades 4 and 5, but cannot be used to reach grade 3 (Pass).
Mandatory elements in the course are participation in seminar, guest lecture and laboratory exercise.
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |