Course syllabus


SJO851 Towards sustainable shipping lp1 and lp2 HT21 (15 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences

Contact details


Kent Salo, 0317725656


Lena Granhag, 0317721461

Selma Brynolf, 0317722237

Maria Grahn, 0317723104

Course purpose

The course aim is to inspire and stimulate the student into reflecting on how she or he can contribute to a sustainable development. The course will enable the students to act as change agents in their future work, be it within a company, authority, organization or as a researcher.

To meet this aim, the course gives basic understanding for the term "sustainable development", as well as knowledge about use of natural resources and ecosystem services. The course highlights the relation between shipping and the natural environment. The basic understanding for the environmental problems related to maritime activities, such as emissions to sea and air, and other sustainability issues related to transport activities are presented, and it puts emphasis on how environmental impacts from shipping can be reduced. The course will promote a personal commitment regarding sustainability issues and to give the student the knowledge and tools needed to tackle complex sustainability problems in their future career.




Course literature

Shipping and the Environment - Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation (2016). Andersson, Brynolf and Lindgren editors. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg (Länkar till en externa sida.)

-literature and material published on the course web page


Course design

The course consists of lectures, group and class discussion seminars around case studies and literature, group assignments and written exams.

The course is divided into stages, which are examined in different manners. The first stage (A) is the general course. It corresponds to 7.5 credits and is examined by part time written exams conducted during the course. The second stage (B), 3.5 credits, will be mandatory literature seminars which are graded “not passed”, or “passed”. In the third, final stage (C) you will conduct a project in collaboration with Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and a company. This stage corresponds to 4 credits and will be examined by written reports and presentations.

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

Knowledge and comprehension
- explain the interrelation between shipping and the natural environment
- describe tools for decision support relating to environmental issues
- account for the definition of "sustainable development" and its implications on shipping and society
-demonstrate understanding of good energy management practices in shipping companies
- discuss and communicate environmental boundary conditions for shipping
- plan and organize projects
- apply systems perspective to identify challenges with transition towards sustainable shipping
- discuss recent research literature within the field


Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

If the course is a joint course (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet) you should link to both syllabus (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet).

Examination form

Course Stages

Stage A          7.5 credits     Examined by written exams conducted during the course.

Stage B          3.5 credits     Mandatory Seminars

Stage C          4 credits        Examined by written reports and oral presentations.

During the course, Stage A will be examined by part time exams. Each part time exam will take one hour and consists of 5-10 questions. The part time exams can give 30 points each. In order to pass a part time exam, you need 15 or more points. If you don´t pass one or more part time exams, you will have to take a re-exam at the end of the course in the exam week. Here you then only need to address those parts that you haven’t previously passed. The part time exam and home assignment results are valid during the course, and the two following re-exams. The re-exams are four hours. After all part time exams and home assignments have been passed, the total score for the exams will be combined and graded “not passed”, 3, 4 or 5 according to:

Exam score < 60 (or not passed on one or more part time exams): “not passed”

60 ≤ exam score < 80: grade 3

81 ≤ exam score < 99 : grade 4

exam score 100 or more: grade 5

Final grade

Your final grade will be based on a combination of the grades you have received in the project and the part time exams and home assignments.


Course summary:

Date Details Due