Course syllabus


MMS045 MMS045 Project management lp1 HT21 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences

Contact details 

Examiner and Lecturer:

Henrik Ringsberg, [RINGSBER], e-mail:

 Course representatives


Course purpose

The course aims to provide in-depth knowledge and understanding about initiating, planning, directing and implementingprojects. The course is based on the importance of communication and management of information between project managers, executives, employees, subcontractors and project stakeholders. Because of this the course emphasizes the importance of the project manager, and the dynamics within the project group. During the course, participants will have the opportunity to experience the dynamics, manage projects and participate in a workshop with a focus on setting up a project. The purpose of the workshop is also to promote critical thinking and reflection on the project management process. Finally, the course aims to provide knowledge in writing and presentation of a project proposal.



Course literature

Kerzner, Harold (2017) Project Management, A systems approach to planning, scheduling and controlling twelfths Ed. 

Additional reading (non-mandatory)

  • Norris, C, Perry J., and Simon, P., Project Risk Analysis and Management, The association for project management (APM).
  • Project risk analysis and management MINI GUIDE, Association for Project Management (APM), January 2018.
  • Chapman, C. (1997), “Project risk analysis and management-PRAM the generic process”, International Journal of Project Management, Volume 15, No. 5, pp. 273-281.
  • Szmanski, P. (2017), “Risk management in construction projects”, Procedia Engineering 208 2nd International Joint Conference on Innovative Solutions in Construction Engineering and Management: 16th Lithuanian-German-Polish colloquium and 6th meeting of EURO working group Operational Research in Sustainable Development 24 May- 2nd International Workshop on flexibility in sustainable construction, ORSDCE 2017, 24-26 April, Pp. 174–182


Course design

The course is organized around lectures, video-recorded lectures, a workshop (mandatory), a seminar (mandatory), and a project assignment including oral presentation (mandatory)

Lectures and videorecorded lectures

The course comprises eight in class lectures which all are based on the course literature, and videorecorded lectures. The video-recorded lectures are available on Youtube. Links to the video-recorded lectures will be included in the lecture-slides from in-class lectures which are posted on Canvas approx.  24 hours prior to an up-coming in-class lecture. Attendance during in-class lectures and watching video-recorded lectures are strictly recommended.

In compliance with Chalmers Guidelines to manage Covid-19 situation the following two lectures will be offered via zoom:

  • Lecture August 31st between 09.15-12.00
  • Lecture September 3rd between 09.15-12.00

Chalmers guidelines on management of the Covid-19 within teaching:

  • During study period 1 – teaching should be conducted by 50% in lecture halls at Chalmers University of Technology (incl. Lindholmen).
  • During study period 2 all teaching activities (i.e. 100%) should be conducted in lecture halls at Chalmers University of Technology (incl. Lindholmen).


The course includes a workshop where attendance is mandatory. The aim of the workshop is to identify and discuss:

  • Project stakeholders, linked to the identified/ selected project
  • Project main- and sub activities, linked to project objective(/s)
  • Deliverables as outcomes of project main- and sub activities

Each group must attend at ONE pre-booked workshop; Please use the following choodle for booking of workshop-slot: 


Results from workshop discussions shall be used/ included in the project assignment report (part A, see below).

In compliance with Chalmers Guidelines to manage Covid-19 situation the following two workshop occasions will be offered via zoom:

  • Workshop September 7th between 08.15-12.00
  • Workshop September 9th between 08.15-12.00


The course includes a mandatory seminar. The aim of the seminar is to explore how project risk is managed in organisations, the causes and consequences of project failure and the importance of effective contracts in achieving project success.

The seminar will take place as a guest-lecture on-line via zoom

Project assignment

The project assignment (mandatory) takes it starting point in studies of project management. The purpose of the project assignment is to deepen knowledge and understanding of practicalities and theory about project management. The project assignment:

  1. Must be scientifically supported
  2. Is conducted in groups of 3(-4) students/ group.
  3. Reported as a project plan (Project assignment Part A+ Part B), sent on Canvas no later than on October 6th (12.00 AM, CET): allowed file types: doc, docx.
  4. Project assignment Part A, sent in on Canvas no later than September 24th (12.00 AM, CET) contain:
  • Introduction section
  • A Work breakdown structure (WBS)
  • A Responsibility and Assignment Matrix
  1. Project assignment Part B contain the following documents:
  • The RMP
  • Quality Plan
  • Communication and dissemination plan
  • Preliminary project budget
  1. Orally presented on October 13th

Changes made since the last occasion

- Lecture 3-9 will be conducted at lecture halls (according to Chalmers guidelines)

 - Improved description of the SOW incl examples 

 - Improved description of CPM/ PERT method in scheduling of projects

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives

  • Describe and explain the structure of a project life cycle and describe the characterizes of each phase of the cycle
  • Critically evaluate the concepts and theories being studied
  • Use and evaluate project management methods used for integrating and controlling project activities as well as for decision-making throughout the life cycle
  • Consider and review the conditions for effective teamwork to deliver projects successfully
  • Assess requirements for dissemination and documentation of project information and identify the communicative aspects of project work.

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen: Study plan

Examination form

The examination consists of the following elements:

  1. Written exam: (2,0 Hp),
  2. Project assignment (Part A+Part B):
    • Part A (2,5 Hp)
    • Part B incl. presentation (3 Hp)

 Written exam is graded: TH (i.e. Failed, 3, 4, 5)

Project assignment is graded: U-G. (i.e. Failed (U)-Passed (G)


Course summary:

Date Details Due