Course syllabus


KBT245 KBT245 Green chemistry lp1 HT21 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Teacher and examiner

Per-Anders Carlsson


Phone: +46 (0) 31 772 29 24

Office: 2075, K building)


Jerker Mårtensson (

Hanna Härelind (

Magnus Skoglundh (


Course purpose

The course explains the principles of green chemistry and end-of-pipe methods, with a basis in the molecular and materials chemistry, and discusses alternative chemistry solutions to support a sustainable development. The level of understanding should be such that the students in their professional career critically can participate in discussions regarding selection of chemical methods (i.e., reactions) for increased sustainability within industrial production of chemicals and fuels, and to avoid environmental stress caused by pollution and energy-related problems. Basic knowledge in catalysis and organic chemistry is beneficial but not necessary.



Note that the sharp schedule is give as a pdf-file named "Syllabus & schedule KBT245 Green chemistry 2021.08.25" in Canvas and may not match completely the schedule in TimeEdit.


Course literature

Green Chemistry – An introductory text (3rd edition) by Mike Lancaster. It can be bought at Cremona or other commercial actors, for example, Bokus and Adlibris. The Chalmers library provides limited access.

Lecture notes will be provided via Canvas as pdf files during the course. 


Course design

The course contains a series of lectures corresponding to 5.0 hp based on the textbook and lecture notes.

The course also includes four case studies and a miniproject together amounting 2.5 hp. The case studies and project report should be handed in using Canvas in due date for guaranteed feedback before the written exam (27 October 2020). Unless sound reasons can be given, missed deadlines will lead to limited feedback and final reporting may be delayed. Time for consultancy of case studies is scheduled. For additional questions please contact Per-Anders Carlsson for case studies 1 and 4 as well as the mini project and Jerker Mårtensson for case studies 2 and 3. 

Canvas will be the main tool for communication.


Changes made since the last occasion

The course is given on campus instead of zoom.

Individual deadlines for assignments.

Small discussions will be inferred in some lectures.

The miniproject is assessed using individual student-to-student peer review remains also for on campus teaching. The process is followed within the Canvas environment by the examiner.  


Learning objectives and syllabus

Green chemistry solutions will be discussed within the fields of Chemical production: choice of feedstock, solvents, catalysts, synthesis routes including microwave and ultrasonic assisted synthesis; Chemical energy storage and conversion: chemical energy carriers, synthesis routes for alternative fuels including electrofuels and hydrogen; Carbon dioxide utilization: conversion routes to chemicals and fuels; Emission control: chemical, automotive and shipping industry, adsorption, ion-exchange and catalytic methods.

Learning objectives:

  • Account for the principles of green chemistry and end-of-pipe methods
  • Propose green solutions for industrial production of:
    • Petroleum and petrochemicals
    • Surfactants
    • Organic and inorganic chemicals
    • Hygiene products and pharmaceuticals
  • Propose green solutions for chemical energy storage and conversion with knowledge about:
    • Energy carriers and alternative fuels including electrofuels and hydrogen
    • Future fuel synthesis routes
  • Describe chemical conversion routes for carbon dioxide
  • Propose end-of-pipe solutions for pollution prevention in:
    • Industrial chemical and fuel production
    • Automotive industry
    • Shipping industry

Examination form

Written exam (grades TH) and approved case studies and project (grades UG). The written exam covers the lecture series (notes and excerpts), the textbook and the case studies.

Course summary:

Date Details Due