Course syllabus


SSY081 SSY081 Transforms, signals and systems lp1 HT21 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Electrical Engineering

Contact details

Silvia Muceli, (examiner and lecturer) 

Mohammad Ali Nazari, (teaching assistant) 


Student Representatives:

Max Hvid-Hansen,                          

Simon Johansson,                          

Albin Karlsson,                          

Carl Ridderstolpe,                          

Vera Svensson,                          


Course purpose

The course will provide a basic knowledge of linear systems and how these can be used to describe effects in physical systems. Various mathematical tools for calculating the relationship between input signal and output signals of a linear system are taught.



Due to covid-related issues, the two weeks of lectures and exercise sessions will be held over zoom. We will then switch to a hybrid format where some students will be allowed in the lecture room and some will have to attend online. 




Every Tuesday

13:00-15:00 Lecture

    Password: 790459

Every Thursday

13:00-15:00 Lecture

    Password: 559623 

Every Wednesday



    Password: 309704

Every Wednesday

09:00-10:00 Consultation time 
   Password: 092376

Every Tuesday and Thursday

15:00-17:00 Exercise 
   Password: 092376


Course literature


Signal Processing and Linear Systems
     International Edition,  B.P. Lathi, Oxford Univ. Press

If you have a different textbook that was used in the same course (SSY080) in the past years, likely you will find similar material.

An example of alternative book is

Signals, systems, and transforms

Phillips, Charles L.

Course design

The course includes

  • lectures held by the examiner
  • exercise sessions held by the teaching assistant
  • project work that you (the students) will carry out in pairs
  • online quizzes during the lectures

Material will be posted over Canvas. The project implementation requires the use of Matlab (that can be downloaded from the Chalmers software center). You should have a computer or smartphone to be able to reply to the quizzes.

Changes made since the last occasion

There are three main changes compared to the past year

1. Only one lecturer

2. Online quizzes during the lectures

3. Grading system for the written exam

4. Written exam and project work are now reported separately in ladok 


Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

  • identify and give examples of different signal types, such as periodic signals, absolutely summable/integrable signals, finite energy signals and band-limited signals.
  • identify important system properties, such as linearity, shift-invariance, causality and BIBO-stability, in examples.
  • select the appropriate transforms (Fourier series, Continuous and Discrete time Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Discrete Fourier transform and z-transform) for a given problem.
  • compute the transforms of commonly used signals in the course.
  • apply transform techniques to solve the LTI-equation y = h * x, both in continuous and discrete time, when two of the factors are known.
  • identify the Nyquist rate of a band-limited signal.
  • employ the Sampling Theorem to reconstruct band-limited signals from sampled data.
  • interpret plots of the DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) of a sampled signal.


Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

Examination form

Mandatory: Written examination + Project work (in pairs, report + presentation)

Mandatory examination is enough to have the possibility to get up to 25 / 25 points, corresponding to a final grade of 5 / 5.

Optional: online quizzes during the lectures

They give up to 4 / 25 points that can be added to the points obtained from the mandatory examination, to improve the final grade.


Course summary:

Date Details Due