Course syllabus


ARK263 ARK263 Future visions for healthcare, housing and work 3: Healthcare architecture lp1 HT21 (22.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Contact details

Examiner and supervisors

Course purpose

Designing spaces for healthcare is one of the most complex and therefore challenging

architectural design commissions there is. You must be able to handle intricate design tasks

in which many and often conflicting parameters have to be prioritized and weighted with

many stakeholders involved. In this process you are requested to create a high quality

building design, coordinating a good, safe and secure patient environment combined with

requirements for high-class work conditions, sufficient space for treatment, care logistics,

advanced technical systems design etc. Also the urban context of the healthcare facility in

focus needs to be considered.

The Healthcare Studio at Chalmers Architecture has a curriculum that is founded on a

dedicated pedagogical vision. It combines explorative design exercises with analytical and

systematic procedures, literature studies and organized reflection. The Studio works with

context-rich "real" commissions that are a part of the planning processes in one Swedish

County Council/ Region together with clients and users.

The students shall obtain general knowledge about and ability to design complex

and sustainable healthcare buildings integrated into the surrounding environment and

urban setting. This includes among other aspects.

- Design healthcare facilities that supports sustainable development from environmental,

social and economic aspects.

- Work interactively with complex programming, combining spaces for care, patient

experience, work environment, logistics and architectural systems thinking.

- Handle a design driven work method for complex commissions.


This year’s healthcare studio will focus on the design of the new Närsjukhus/ Community Hospital of Wieselgrensplatsen in Hisingen, Gothenburg.

The community hospital has an important role in the region. The regional plan “Healthcare supply in Västra Götaland” from 1/3/2021 states that:

“The care that is common in the population or frequent for individuals must be close to the patient. Close care includes, for example, digital care, primary care, community hospitals and municipal home care. Close care must be a clear entrance to the overall range of health care. ”

The brief includes a combination of specialist clinics, primary care (health center, rehabilitation clinic and emergency unit) and other healthcare facilities. The client is Västra Götaland Region through Västfastigheter (VF). The size of the hospital is estimated to be between 15,000 and 20,000 square meters.

Work on a detailed plan for the site is underway, in collaboration with the city planning office and several other stakeholders. A new swimming pool, an ice rink, housing and parking are also included in the detailed plan. The students will design the new specialist hospital, taking in consideration the development of the whole area.

The aims of this project are to plan an open and welcoming healthcare building that contributes with qualities to the urban site, to shape an environment that supports safe, qualified and professional healthcare services, to create an attractive work environment for the staff and to use all lessons learned from the pandemic in the design of the new hospital.



Course literature

All mandatory literature is to find in canvas/files/ compulsory literature.

Further reading can be found in extra literature.

Course design

The course structure, lectures, supervisions and critiques is described in the course PM, to be found in canvas/ files.

Deliverables for each critique are described in the specific documents in canvas/ files. 

The course is graded F, 3, 4 and 5. To pass the course all deliverables have to be handed in as well as active participation at critique sessions and lectures is required.

For more information, see document: Grades ARK 263.

Changes made since the last occasion

A summary of changes made since the last occasion.

- Groups of 3 persons will be recommended.

- Relevant literature and project information will be translated from Swedish to English by the students as a common preparation work, at the beginning of the course.

- The phase Preparation and Brief will be shorter than previous years to allow for a longer design period.

- Criteria for grades have been clearly described in a specific document, made accessible at the beginning of the course.

- All deliverables for each critique, are clearly described in specific documents, made accessible at the beginning of the course.


Course summary:

Date Details Due