Course syllabus


SJM136 Profile course: Passenger /Cruise LP 2/3 HT21/VT22 (15 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences

Course Guide

Course name:

Profile Course: The offshore segment

Academic year:



Course code:


Study period:





15 hp (ECTS)


Programme owning the course:

Nautical science

Language of instruction:


Department giving the course:

Mechanics and Maritime sciences




Mats Gruvefeldt


Course responsible:



Johan Gregersson,



Other staff:

Fredrik Forsman (CCM)

Monica Lund (HF)


-Guest lecturer

-Study visits


Student representatives:




Teaching language: English
Open for exchange students: Yes
Only students with the course round in the programme plan

Course module   Credit distribution
Sp1 Sp2 Sp3 Sp4 Summer course No Sp
0121 Humanfactors 3,0c Grading: UG   3,0c 3,0
0221 CCM -Crisis & Crowd Management 4,5c Grading: UG   4,5c 4,5
0321 Föreläsningar/workshops/övningar/simuleringar 7,5c Grading: UG   3,0c 4,5c 7,5


Course specific prerequisites

Knowledge and skills corresponding to the learning outcomes on the following courses:

LNC301 Manouvering and controlled navigation
SJO596 Navigational systems A
SJO302 Navigational systems B




Moment 0121

- Introduction to Maritime Human Factors Definition and impact on the work onboard
Macro and Micro Ergonomics Economics and ergonomics
- Physical Ergonomics Anthropometry and kinanthropometry
Musculo-skeletal system, Manual materials handling
- Cognitive Ergonomics, Mental workload, Stress and Individual Differences
Fatigue and shift work, Memory, Decision making,"Human Error", Communication
Moment 0221
-Crisis & Crowd Management
- Give the student working on passenger ships ref STCW Section A-V/2 para. 1-3 required training to be able to handle critical situations on board.Upon completion a documentary evidence for Crisis & Crowd Management will be issued.
Moment 0321 On normal and safety operations in general onboard  large Cruise/Passenger ship.
"To provide a more in-depth understanding of what can be expected of us as officers on large cruise and passenger ships"


The course comprises three parts.  
Part/Moment 0121- Introduction to Maritime Human Factors
focuses on Human Factors within the maritime domain.
garding Human Factors education is carried out with lectures and seminars.
Moment 0221 -Crisis & Crowd Management
is carried out with mandatory lectures and seminars.
Moment 0321 On normal and safety operations in general onboard  large Cruise/Passenger ship.Mandatory lectures/workshops/exercise/simulations



Navigation Advanced – Mates/Masters, 2nd (2015), Capt. Nadeem Anwar

International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the Bridge Procedures Guide, 2007

International Maritime Organization, Resolution A.893 (21), Guidelines for voyage planning

Handout material to be downloaded from the course web page.



Examination including compulsory elements

-The part on Human Factors is examined by Take Home exam and partly 80% presence at lectures, 100% presence and active participation at seminars. This part regards objectives 1 and 2.
-Crisis & Crowd Management examined with mandatory presence on lectures and practical exercises. 3, 4 and 6 
-Normal and safety operations in general onboard large Cruise/Passenger ship. examined with mandatory presence on lectures, workshops, activities and practical exercises. 3, 4 and 6 
In the end of LP3 a mandatory presence simulator exercise is conducted to examine the ability to carry out a sea voyage as single OOW (Officer Of the Watch) on the bridge for objective  8,11,12.
The course examiner may assess individual students in other ways than what is stated above if there are special reasons for doing so, for example if a student has a decision from Chalmers on educational support due to disability.




A-II/1 Contribute to the safety of personnel and ship (ingår även i kurs MMS055SJM005SJM035SJM127SJO114SJO762SJO763SJO764SJO880)
A-II/1 Manoeuvre the ship: Ship manouvering and handling (ingår även i kurs SJM005SJM015SJM031SJM080SJM127SJO762SJO763SJO764SJO765)
A-II/2 Determine position and the accuracy of resultant position fix by any means (ingår även i kurs SJM005SJM015SJM031SJM060SJO765SJO775)
A-II/2 Use of leadership and managerial skill (ingår även i kurs SJM102SJM107SJM111SJM127SJM136SJO901)






Course summary:

Date Details Due