Course syllabus


FKA091 / FIM530 Condensed matter physics lp3 VT22 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Physics. The official syllabus can be found in the study portal (Links to an external site.).

Contact details


Teaching assistants

  • Raul Perea-Causin, Soliden 3018, e-mail: 
    office hours: Mondays 15.00 - 17.00 

  • Daniel Erkensten, Soliden 3022, e-mail: 
    office hours: Thursdays 15.00 - 17.00 

    Please make use of the office hours to ask questions about the course and the problem sets.

Course representatives: 

  • Viktor Bekassy    
  • Nils Ciroth  
  • Johanna Huhtasaari  
  • Karn Rongrueangkul   
  • Shan Zhang    

Course purpose

The course will introduce students to phenomena, concepts and methods with central significance for the physics of condensed matter. The emphasis will be on experimental observations and theoretical models that have contributed to the development of the area. The focus will be on quantum mechanics-based microscopic models used to account for the properties of electrons, lattice vibrations and their interactions, such as diffusion, conductivity, superconductivity and magnetism.


TimeEdit (Links to an external site.)

Course literature

Course design

The course is based on a series of lectures and mandatory home problems covering the topics covered in the lectures. Teaching assistants will be available during designated office hours (Mondays and Thursdays from 15:00 to 17:00) to help with the home problems.


The most important concepts will be included in the powerpoint presentations that you can download either shortly before or shortly after each lecture under Lectures. Derivations of equations will be performed on the blackboard. Therefore, regular attendance of lectures is highly encouraged.

Problem sets

There we will be four problem sets giving a total of 100 points in the course. Problem sets will be available for downloading under Assignments.

General instructions:

It is fine to hand in on paper, but write readable! Hand in by LaTeX-generated documents is greatly appreciated.  Points will be deducted for poor explanations and missing steps. Note that the deadlines for the assignments are sharp, meaning that assignments which are handed in late will not be corrected. 

Deadlines for problem sets:

Deadlines are sharp! There is no possibility of late nor second hand-ins.

  1. Problem set:  21 January, deadline 01 February, before 17:00
  2. Problem set: 01 February, deadline 18 February, before 17:00
  3. Problem set: 18 February, deadline 03 March, before 17:00
  4. Problem set:  24 February, deadline 10 March, before 17:00

Changes made since the last occasion

No major changes have been made compared to the last year.

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives: 

  • Recognize the main concepts of condensed matter physics including the introduction of quasi-particles (such as excitons and phonons) and approximations (such as Born-Oppenheimer and Hartree-Fock)
  • Define the many-particle Hamilton operator in the formalism of second quantization
  • Calculate the electronic band structure of nanomaterials
  • Realize the potential of density functional theory
  • Explain the semiconductor Boltzmann scattering equation
  • Recognize the main steps in the carrier relaxation dynamics in nanomaterials including carrier-carrier and carrier-phonon scattering channels
  • Be able to explain the many-particle mechanism behind the occurrence of superconductivity

Examination form and grading

The course will be accompanied by four (4) problem sets that should be solved in groups of 2-3 students. All students with more than 60% of points in problem sets can take part in individual 20-30 min oral exams that are held at the end of the term.

Main weight for grading lies on oral exams, however with a minimum requirement of 75% / 85% of points in problem sets for grade 4/5.

Grades 3-5 correspond to the following requirements:

Grade 3: Understanding of basic concepts of condensed matter physics, ability to sketch some of the most important equations/approximations. At least 60% of the total possible score in the problem sets.

Grade 4: Thorough understanding of basic concepts of condensed matter physics, ability to write down and derive certain equations (most important steps), ability to sketch solution of problem sets. At least 75% of the total possible score in the problem sets.

Grade 5: Deeper and more critical understanding of concepts and introduced equations as well as their background/derivation. At least 85% of the total possible score in the problem sets.

Course summary:

Date Details Due