Course syllabus

(For more details see 'TEK165-Course PM')

TEK165 TEK165 Operations improvement project lp3 VT22 (15 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Technology Management and Economics

Contact details

Examiner - Magnus Persson, Associate Professor (, Division of Innovation and R&D Management

Project supervisor - Jan Wickenberg, Senior lecturer (, Division of Innovation and R&D Management

Course purpose

The main aim of this course is to allow the students to apply the knowledge gained of Operations Management to a practical project. Students will work with an actual problem inside a company. The project will stretch over a four-month period.

The project will allow for the integration of several subject areas:

  • Students will be able to apply the knowledge gained in other parts of the program.
  • Aspects of project planning and management will be practiced.
  • The project will force students to learn to work in a team.

Change management will be an integral part of the project, accomplishing real changes in a company.



Course literature

This course will cover a broad range of literature. To accomplish the projects there will be a huge need for literature in different fields, and from different sources. Hence, the literature needed will vary between the different projects. For the different lectures in this course some literature will also be used. This will be a number of articles that are possible to find through Chalmers Library or other places on the Internet.  

Learning objectives

After completion of the course the student should be able to:

  • Understand what is needed to work with practical projects in the field of Operations Management
  • Have the ability to identify, formulate and solve complex problems
  • Have the ability to improve organizational processes, through select scientific and analytical approaches
  • Apply quantitative as well as qualitative tools to improve organzational processes
  • Plan, and manage, accomplishment of an actual improvement project inside a company
  • Have the ability to communicate their conclusions
  • Understand some of the issues in managing a change project in a company
  • Ability to take into account different ethical aspects when doing interviews


The examination is based on two different parts, the team-based project work and the project diary. Finally, attendance on mandatory lectures, project meetings, presentations of planning reports and final reports etc. is needed to pass the course.

Having passed these requirements (and having 40-59 points on the written report), a grade of “3” will be awarded. A result of 60-79 points on the written report will result in the grade “4”. The highest grade “5” will be awarded for 80 points and over.