Course syllabus

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LSP127 Professional English LP3 VT22 (1.5 hp)

This course is offered by the department of Communication and Learning in Science. 

Contact details

We request that you include the course number (LSP127) when you email us so that we can more quickly recognize what course you are in because we teach several courses with similar names.

Course purpose

The purpose of the course is to prepare the students to use English as a working language by focusing on a number of professional situations which the students are likely to meet in their future working life and that are likely to demand a high level of English proficiency and good communicative skills in speech and writing. The course focuses on enabling students to write professional texts in English.

Course design

This course relies primarily on workshops, with material also supplied through lectures. The course includes both written and oral exercises. Written exercises include for example writing a popular science text and a CV. Oral exercises include an oral presentation of a group text and also include class discussions. Additional "flipped" material will be provided for out-of class viewing; some of these materials will be videos or screencasts, while others will be written text (such as websites or PowerPoint slides).

The course is organized in lectures and workshops of two hours over the course of study period 3.


While you are welcome to access TimeEdit, see the Canvas calendar for the most up-to date information about locations and/or schedule changes; the schedule overview below will also be useful to you.


The course schedule provides a brief overview. For more thorough information, see each session's page in the course information module.



Monday, 17 January, 8:15-10:00

  • Course introduction
  • Lecture topics: professional communication, job applications

Wednesday, 26 January, 13:15-15:00

  • Workshop: analyzing an example pop science text
  • Lecture topic: overview of pop science text and presentation assignments

Monday, 31 January, 8:15-10:00

  • Lecture topic: oral presentation technique
  • Workshop: CV peer review

Tuesday 15 February, 13:15-14:00 on Zoom

  • Q & A session: ask any question that you have about any assignment

No scheduled session; complete work outside of class

Friday 18 February, 23:59

Monday, 21 February, 8:15-10:00

  • Lecture topic: how to submit a text for publication
  • Workshop: peer response on presentation slides

Wednesday, 2 March, 23:59

Friday, 4 March, 23:59

















Course literature

All course literature can be found on the page for each course meeting in the course information module.

Learning objectives

After completion of this course, the student should be able to:

    • Prepare relevant documents for professional purposes, e.g. a popular science text.
    • Adapt and present information for oral communication contexts.
    • Structure information in a CV to make a strong impression.

Changes made since the last occasion

To better align the course activities with the intended learning outcomes, some changes have been made. These include:

      • an abstract analysis activity has been replaced with a popular science text analysis activity.
      • a first draft of the popular science text has been implemented so that students can receive instructor input before the final graded version is submitted.

Examination form

Compulsory written and peer review assignments as well as an oral presentation should be passed. The course is graded Pass/Fail, and all individual elements listed below are graded Pass/Fail. If you miss a session in which an assignment is completed in class, you will be contacted to compensate for the missed assignment. For more information about each assignment, please see the module devoted to that assignment.

Assignment Individual or group task Due date and delivery method
CV peer review Individual 31 Jan. -- Complete during class session
CV Individual 4 Feb. -- CV assignment upload slot
Popular science text peer review Group 15 Feb. -- Popular science text peer review upload slot
Popular science text first draft Group 18 Feb. -- Popular science FIRST DRAFT upload slot
Oral presentation Group 2 Mar. -- Video due to presentation recording upload slot
Popular science text final draft Group 4 Mar. -- Pop sci FINAL DRAFT upload slot 

Note that missing any session for which there is a compulsory assignment requires compensation. Compensation activities will be completed individually, not in groups.


Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen: Study plan

Course summary:

Date Details Due