Course syllabus

The course content is classified into four different parts: (i) the origin, classification, and analysis of the different components of the resistance, (ii) the determination of hull and propeller performance through computational hydrodynamics, experiments in towing basins, or by empirical consideration, and (iii) the principles of hull design and tools to improve the efficiency of the design, and (iv) the principles of propeller design and tools to improve the efficiency of the design. Practical assignments using modern commercial software as well as towing tests results are used to exemplify the theoretical content of the course.

Ship and propeller hydrodynamics
- Basic equations and principles
- Scale similarity concept
- Inviscid flow
- Boundary layer flow
- Viscous flow and turbulence

Resistance components
- Classification of resistance components
- Ship wave making resistance

Resistance prediction
- Panel methods for inviscid flow
- RANS approaches for turbulent flow computations
- Empirical methods for resistance prediction
- Experimental procedures for resistance prediction

Hull design
- Resistance of different hull types
- Design considerations for resistance reduction
- Design considerations for propulsor-hull interaction

Propeller design
- Propeller characteristics
- Open-water performance
- Cavitation
- Propeller induced vibration and noise
- Advanced concepts of propulsion theory

Propeller – Hull interaction and Ship scale performance
- Propulsive coefficients
- Model testing and full-scale extrapolation

Course summary:

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