Course syllabus


TEK285 Logistics and supply chain management lp4 VT22 (7.5 hp)

The course is offered by the Department of Technology Management and Economics, div. of Service Management and Logistics.

Contact details

Course purpose

The purpose of the course is to give fundamental knowledge of logistics and supply chain management. Furthermore, to establish an understanding of logistics terminology and concepts and thereby be able to apply the most important methods for analyzing, developing, monitoring, controlling and implementing material flow systems in industrial and commercial supply chains.  


The course schedule can be found on TimeEdit but is only time slots, the course will be carried out on-site, and the subject in focus is shown on the course activities page.  Note the schedule can and will probably be a subject of change throughout the weeks.

Course literature

A recommended reading is the book used is Jonsson P.,  Logistics and Supply Chain Management, McGraw Hill 2008.

The book is supported by short films available on Canvas for each module.

In addition, several articles will be recommended and made available by files/links provided by the teacher.

Course design

The course follows the following design:

The course is divided into 4 "Modules".

  • Each module includes several short films that are available online.
  • Each film relates to a specific chapter in the book.
  • In addition, articles will be made available linked to each module.
  • Literature seminars will be linked to modules 1, 2 and 4 and a case study to module 3.

The flipped classroom will be applied, i.e., traditional lectures combined with own studies that include watching the films stated in the module description and reading recommended text on the course activities page. Students should prepare lectures by watching the videos before the on-site session. During on-site lectures, the particular topics and questions from students will be discussed. Students will work together with specific questions or topics and come back with answers or another kind of input to the topic being discussed.

Course content

The course has the following contents:

  • The logistics and supply chain management system.
  • The physical material flow (packaging, storage, materials handling, freight transportation).
  • Goals and performances of the logistics systems (customer service, costs, tied-up capital, environmental impact).
  • The structure of the logistics system (products, material supply, production, distribution).
  • Planning and control of logistics and supply chains (demand management, materials planning, manufacturing planning and control, transport planning, material supply processes).
  • Collaboration in supply chains.
  • Logistics information systems.
  • Environmental aspects of logistics.

Learning objectives and syllabus

After completion of this course, the student should understand and be able to describe:

  • Logistics and supply chain management objectives.
  • Processes, tasks, activities, functions, flows and the role of participants in logistics systems.
  • The purpose of storage, materials handling, freight transportation and packaging in logistics.
  • The issues of customer service and traditional metrics for measuring such service.
  • Different logistics costs and related performance metrics.
  • The importance of environmental aspects of logistics and transportation.
  • Various structures of logistics systems, including materials supply, production and distribution.
  • The basics of design and control of the procurement/materials supply, customer order and forecasting processes.
  • The basics of manufacturing planning and control.
  • The basics of distribution and transport planning.
  • The basic materials planning methods and lot sizing methods.
  • The purpose of various types of inventories in material flows
  • cost analysis, ABC analysis and total logistics cost analysis.
  • Various logistics effects in supply chains and some concepts to increase collaboration in supply chains.
  • The role of some important logistics and supply chain management information systems.

The syllabus can be found on the "Studieportalen".

Examination form

The final grade will be based on two major parts described below. The maximum amount of points a student can get is 80p.

  • Digital Quizzes (Duggor) (3x20p) and/or digital exam (60p). To be able to use the Quizzes as a combined final grade, all 3 MUST be approved. NO remakes will be given! If any quiz has been missed or not satisfactory, a final exam needs to be carried out. The final exam is always an option if all the quizzes have ben done and then the grades from the quizzes will be dismissed and only the results from the final exam taken into account. The quizzes and the exam will be conducted digitally on-site at Campus according to the schedule. This means that all students will write on their own computer that you bring, it must be connected with wifi to Chalmers Eduroam, and a Safe Exam Browser (SEB) must be installed. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that this exists. Information will be published on how to do this and how to control your computer.
  • In addition to the quizzes/exam an additional grade component is based on the results of a case study assignment linked to the lectures that will make up to 20p of the course grading. 

In addition, a compulsory part is partaking in the so-called Beer Game that includes playing one round of a game and turning in a result report. The grade for the report is passed or not passed. Another mandatory activity is to attend and submit the preparation report for the three literature seminars that are spread throughout the course. The grade for the preparation report is passed or not passed, see more information below.


A case study will be available as a complement to the teaching. The case is carried out in pair of two. Students will add themselves to a Case Study group at Canvas here. Students are offered online tutoring sessions throughout the course (see dates on the course activities page). 

Grading: Approved case report, (Max 20p (grade 5), 15p (grade 4), 10p (grade 3)). Calculations spreadsheet should be submitted together with the written report.

Late submission can give a maximum grade of GK. Submissions that require completion can receive a maximum grade of GK. 

Literature seminars

Three (3) seminars will be conducted online, and it is mandatory to attend all of them. Students will add themselves to a seminar group at Canvas here.

Before each seminar, students must submit a preparation report with answers to study questions based on the suggested literature. This is done in groups of two students (Seminar pairs).  Submissions must be done no later than 17:00 before the seminar (see course activities page).

Each student must also design a question to be discussed during the seminar. The designed questions should be posted in a discussion forum for your seminar (here) the day before the seminar.


We run a game in the course called "The Beer Game". The game will be held on Campus on Thursday 19th May. The Game is Mandatory!

Course summary:

Date Details Due