Course syllabus


TEK630 Marketing and Communication, study period 1, autumn 2022 (7.5 HEC)

This course is offered by the Department of Technology Management and Economics.

Contact details

  • Examiner
    • Dan Paulin    E-mail: dan.paulin at    Phone: 031-772 8413
  • Teachers/tutors
    • Dan Paulin
    • Kaj Suneson   E-mail: suneson at    Phone: 031- 772 5776
    • Charles Keeling  E-mail: keeling at

Course purpose

The course aims to give the students the opportunity to understand market driven prerequisites for creating successful market offers.

The course also aims to enhance and deepen the students’ ability to express themselves both orally and in writing in Swedish and English. In addition, the course is designed to increase the students’ awareness of text production and linguistic measures for effective language for specific purposes.

The course aims are that course participants shall have the opportunity to acquire:
- Knowledge and understanding of market analysis, market planning and marketing.
- Certain ability and skill to critically search for, gather, analyze and evaluate information in order to solve complex problems regarding market analysis and marketing.
- Certain ability to present and discuss information, problems and solutions regarding market analysis and marketing in speech and writing and in dialogue with different audiences.



Can be found under "Modules / Schedules"


Course literature

Jobber, David & Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona, (2019), ”Principles and Practices of Marketing” 9thed., McGraw-Hill Education, London, UK.


Distributed material: Additional material might be distributed during the course via the course web page, and will be included in the material to be examined.


Course design

Learning activities in the course consists of lectures, exercises, work shops and project activities.

During the lectures theories, tools and concepts are introduced. Students are strongly advised to have prepared by reading the course literature in advance according to the schedule available under Modules/Schedule.

Exercises and work shops are used to provide the students with opportunities to practice tools that are introduced during the lectures.

Project activities are used to provide the students with opportunities to apply theories, tools and concepts introduced during lectures, and practiced during exercises.

Project presentations and mandatory/compulsory activities.

The project is presented orally, and in a written report.

For details regarding the project, see Project-PM under Modules/Project.


Changes made since the last occasion

Since last year, the following changes have been made:

- Updated Project-PM in order to increase clarity in the project assignment.

- Projects will be performed together with actual companies.

- Mandatory/compulsory activities are limited to final project presentations. All other activities are voluntary, but active participation is strongly recommended.

- Changed examination structure. Part examinations are excluded.


Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives: 

  • Apply methods and tools for analysing macroenvironmental factors impacting markets.
  • Apply methods and tools for analysing industries, markets, competitors and customers to identify business opportunities.
  • Apply methods and tools for analysing organisations to identify business opportunities.
  • Explain the building blocks of a business model, and apply business model thinking whendeveloping a market plan.
  • Apply methods and tools for strategy development.
  • Apply methods and tools to translate customer needs into market offers.
  • Apply methods and techniques to communicate and deliver customer value.
  • Select and analyze information in order to develop market offers.
  • Compile a market plan.
  • Explore and talk about relevant professional and/or academic issues in relevant ways in English or Swedish.
  • Analyse and critically, but constructively, review discipline specific and academic material.


Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen. 


Examination form

The examination consists of three main parts (of which two are reported via Ladok):

  1. Preparation, and active participation in compulsory activities,
  2. Finalizing a group project (for details, see Project-PM in Modules/Project), and
  3. Individual examination


Final grade is given when all parts have been passed.

Final grade is given on the scale TH (i.e. Fail, Pass (3), Pass with credits (4), Pass with distinction (5)) based on the individual written examination.

It is each student's responsibility that participation in compulsory activities are registered.


All written course material, including lectures and exercises, is included in the material to be examined.


Don’t forget to sign up for the exam!


Examination dates are:

  • Oct 28 2022, between 08:30 and 12:30.
  • Jan 4 2023, between 14:00 and 18:00. (Re-examination 1)
  • Aug 18 2023, between 14:00 and 18:00. (Re-examination 2)


The written examination is planned to be performed as a “digital examination”, i.e. you will write your answers in a computer (you can use a laptop of your own, as long as it meets the systems requirements) instead of the more traditional way of writing on a piece of paper.

More information can be found via this link: .

Course summary:

Date Details Due