Course syllabus

Course PM/Guide


Intellectual Property Strategies (IPS)

CIP058 (7.5 hec)

Examiner: Ulf Petrusson

Course leader: Anna Holmberg Borkmann and Christoffer Hermansson

Course administrator: Carina Jogevik

Questions relating to the course organisation and content must be posted on Canvas IPS course page.


Course Aim and Fit in the Business Creation Lab

The aim of the IPS course is to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the critical role that intellectual assets and property play in commercial activities within the knowledge economy. The course puts particular emphasis on strategic management of technology through patents and other control mechanisms as a core means to create successful entrepreneurial start-ups and achieve competitive advantage in corporate settings.


The IPS course relates to DTIM in the way that understanding of various IP/IPR is key when it comes to formulating innovation strategies and controlling resources enabling competitive advantage on both new and existing technology and product markets.

Furthermore, the IPS relates to the TBE due to the management of key resources and the execution of IP strategies necessary to ensure sustainable growth and value creation. 


Changes and Updates from Last Year

Disposition of lectures – for example the patent information workshop (PRV) is now in the first week of the course instead of the second week. This will generate a more effective learning in relation to the IPS Case work. Course materials including exercises have been updated to correspond current technology and market trends.

Learning Outcomes

Chalmers (CIP058)



Learning outcomes (after completion of the course the student should be able to):

·        Demonstrate ability to define and interpret the concepts of intellectual assets and property in relation to innovation and business strategy from a legal, management and technology context including ethics and sustainable development.


·        Demonstrate knowledge regarding the relevance and scope of different mechanisms for controlling intellectual assets and property, such as patents, trademark rights, copyrights, design rights, and secrecy.


·        Use and apply the concepts of intellectual property to business constructions in order to formulate and successfully express intellectual property-based strategies based on choosing and using appropriate intellectual property protection; making strategic choices as to how and when to obtain protection, enforce protection and evaluate the protection of others (and act accordingly); and on evaluating and creating licensing strategies and other value creation mechanisms to leverage the value in intellectual property.


·        Demonstrate ability to functionally and creatively utilize their knowledge of legal constructions in combination with their awareness of knowledge-based business development to perform an intellectual asset and property analysis to support strategic innovation and business decisions.





The aim of the course is to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the critical role that intellectual assets and property play in commercial activities within the knowledge economy. The course puts particular emphasis on strategic management of technology through patents and other control mechanisms as a core means to create successful entrepreneurial start-ups and achieve competitive advantage in corporate settings within various technology areas, including a particular emphasis on how such companies can use these strategically important assets to achieve a competitive advantage.

The course gives a general overview of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) as a tool and building block to build sustainable technology-based innovations, and how to manage IPRs as a strategic asset in organizational and business strategic development. In the course students learn the basics regarding when and how IPR protection can be claimed based on the status of current Intellectual Assets (IAs), and how patent information and documentation can be used for monitoring technological, competitive and market developments. Finally, the course also focuses on the commercialization of IPRs, including licensing of technology and bioscience based innovations.

The course consists of lectures and a series of exercises. Attendance at the exercises is mandatory.



The schedule is available in Chalmers Time Edit, MPBDP year 1. Even though we try to avoid it as much as possible, changes may occur. So please check the schedule on a daily basis for any updates.

In the IPS course the schedule mainly consists of lectures that include discussion questions to be prepared, and then group wise scheduled consultations for the major hand-ins. In connection with some lectures there will also be guest appearances from practitioners in addition to responsible teacher.


0 Date Start End Details Room Lecturer 
      THEME WEEK - Intro to technology based innovation and IPRs    
Mon 2022-09-26 09:00 11:45 Course intro/Introduction to Innovation and IPRs See Timeedit AHB/CH
2022-09-26 13:15 17:00 IA/IP management See Timeedit BH
Tue 2021-09-27 09:00 11:45 Patent law basics See Timeedit CH
2022-09-27 15:15 17:00 IPS case intro + Patent information as a tool for business intelligence See Timeedit Orbit
Wed 2022-09-28 15:30 17:00 Orbit intro See Timeedit CH
Thu 2022-09-29 09:00 11:45 Innovation Law  See Timeedit UP
Fri 2022-09-30 09:00 11:45 IP strategy See Timeedit PH
2022-09-30 13:15 17:00 IPS Case Consultations See Timeedit CH/MS
      THEME WEEK - Patents and technology based innovation    
Mon 2022-10-03 09:00 11:45 Patents and openness See Timeedit UP
2022-10-03 13:15 15:00 IP as tool for competitivness See Timeedit NP
Tue 2022-10-04 09:00 16:45 Patent information workshop See Timeedit LPF
Wed 2022-10-05 10:00 11:45 Track workshop See Timeedit
Thu 2022-10-06 09:00 10:45 Patent exercises, half class See Timeedit CH
2022-10-06 15:15 17:00 Patent exercises, half class See Timeedit CH
Fri 2022-10-07 10:00 12:15 IPS Case Consultations Zoom (See Announcements) CH
        THEME WEEK - Knowledge information and digital solutions based innovation    
Mon 2022-10-10 09:00 11:45 Copyright law basics See Timeedit EU
2022-10-10 13:15 16:00 Technology and patent licensing See Timeedit UP
Tue 2022-10-11 09:00 11:45 Data protection See Timeedit ST
2022-10-11 13:15 16:00 Innovation law  See Timeedit UP
Wed 2022-10-12 13:15 16:00 Piracy and copyright infringement  See Timeedit ACB
Thu 2022-10-13 08:00 11:45 IPS Case Consultations See Timeedit CH/MS
2022-10-13 13:15 16:00 Copyright licensing, open source etc. See Timeedit LA
Fri 2022-10-14 09:00 11:45 Half class, copyright exercises See Timeedit LA
2022-10-14 13:15 16:00 Half class, copyright exercises See Timeedit LA
        THEME WEEK - Brand management and branding strategies for technology based innovation    
Mon 2022-10-17 09:00 11:45 Trademark law basics See Timeedit AHB
2022-10-17 13:15 16:00 Design right basics See Timeedit AHB
Tue 2022-10-18 09:00 11:45 Branding strategies workshop See Timeedit LA
2022-10-18 13:15 16:00 Branding strategies workshop See Timeedit LA
Wed 2022-10-19 13:15 15:00 Brand based business models See Timeedit LA
Thu 2022-10-20 08:00 11:45 IPS Case Consultations See Timeedit CH/MS
2022-10-20 13:15 16:00 Product design See Timeedit ML
Fri 2022-10-21 09:00 11:45 Trademark and design right exercises See Timeedit AHB
2022-10-21 13:15 16:00 Trademark and design right exercises See Timeedit AHB
        THEME WEEK - Strategic management of IP/IPRs for technology based innovation    
Mon 2022-10-24 08:00 11:45 IP quiz/Seminar degunkification See Timeedit LA
2022-10-24 13:15 16:00 IP quiz/Degunkification exercise See Timeedit LA
Tue 2022-10-25 08:00 11:45 IPS case - student presentation See Timeedit CH/MS
Wed 2022-10-26 09:00 11:45 Summing up exercises See Timeedit LA
Fri 2022-10-28 08:30 12:30 IPS exam See Timeedit UP/LA/AHB


Legend Lecturers:

UP – Ulf Petrusson

CH – Christoffer Hermansson

AHB – Anna Holmberg Borkmann

LA – Lars Andersson

BH – Bowman Heiden

PH – Per Hultén

ML – Mats Lundqvist

MS – Martin Stockhaus

EU – Erik Ullberg Wistrand

LPF – Linus Plyhm Forsell PRV

ST – Sandra Torpenheim Mannheimer Swartling

ACS – Ann-Charlotte Söderlund Gozzo

TPM – Tanya Praise Mangemba Questel



Written Exam

The written exam takes place at the end of the course and is the main form of examination. The purpose of the exam is for the student to demonstrate familiarity with, knowledge of and understanding of key components in the course and the literature. The exam contains questions relating to classes, literature as well as key take-aways from the assignments.


The course contains one main group assignment (case report) and a number of smaller exercises (see below). All assignments are carried out within the BCL teams assigned in the beginning of the semester. Details relating to the assignments (content as well as how they are assessed) are published as the course progresses. Your individual understanding of the assignment can also be assessed as part of the written exam.


The exercises are case-based training in relation to the theoretical lectures where the students get to train and discuss in groups to develop their skills and tools. The exercises are tied to the weekly themes throughout the course. The exercises also contribute to the learning progression by increasing the complexity when designing and implementing intellectual property strategies.

IP Quiz

A multiple choice based test encompassing the fundamentals of intellectual property rights. One or more options might be applicable. The test is based mainly on the literature and exercises and run for 15 minutes via Canvas.


All work handed in for examination must have been produced by the ones claiming to have produced the work. The written assignments are scanned through the ‘URKUND’ plagiarism check. By submitting an assignment for grading you acknowledge that you have read and understood the rules regarding plagiarism and its consequences.

Course Grade

The students are graded on their performances in the form of participation in the exercises, group assignment, a quiz, and a written exam. The Examination Activities (figure 1) are further explained and set out in separate documents at the time for each examination.



Figure 1

Examination Activities



Patent Exercise



Copyright Exercise



Trademark and Design Rights Exercise



Degunkification Exercise (deadline hand-in 24/10 at 17.00)



IP Quiz



IPS Case report (deadline hand-in sometime during 24/10), including presentation

0-20pp (Pass/fail)


Written Exam







Grading CIP058 (Chalmers)

The final grade for the IPS course CIP058 is determined based on the total sum of points earned as described in figure 1. Grading for specific course elements is as follows:

  1. The specific grade for the Written Exam is determined by using the following scale:

Points                      Grade

0 – 7,5pp                  U/F

8 -11,5pp                 3

12 – 15,5pp              4

16 - 20pp                 5


  1. The specific grade for the IPS Case report is determined by using the following scale:

Points                      Grade

0 – 7,5pp                  U/F

8 - 20pp                   Pass


  1. For Pass on the exercises active participation is required
  2. For Pass on the IP Quiz a minimum of 50% of the total score is required.


The minimal requirement to pass the course is Pass on all of the examination activities presented in figure 1. The final grade is further determined by the points earned in the IPS case report and Written Exam summing up to a total sum of points.


The final grade for the IPS course CIP058 is determined by using the following scale:

Total sum of points             Grade

0 - 15,5pp                             U/F

16 - 23,5pp                           3

24 - 31,5pp                           4

32 – 40pp                             5



Mandatory literature

  1. Pila, J. and Torremans, P. - EU Intellectual Property Law, 2nd edition (2019)
  2. Various - The Compendium of Legal Acts 2021 edition
  3. Various - Collection of articles presented on the course platform

The Compendium of Legal Acts 2021 edition can be bought at Cremona. Books can be bought on the Internet.

Course summary:

Date Details Due