Course syllabus


SJO369 SJO369 Research methods lp1 HT22 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences

Contact details

Examiner: Per Mottram Hogström,

Tutor: Xiao Lang,

Guest lecturers: 

  • Fredrik Forsman
  • Charlotte Sellberg
  • Camilla Sagerström

Course purpose

The purpose of this course is to give the students basic knowledge in the theory of science, and ethics, and that he/she shall be able to design research projects within the science and social domain. The course is divided into two strands; one dealing with qualitative research methods, the other dealing with basic statistical analysis methods. By the end of the course students will be able to design empirical studies and to apply different research methods and methods of analysis.



Course literature

Course literature is available on Canvas 

Course design

The course embrace lectures with different examples of research applications and theory. Connected to this, the students are supposed to accomplish different assignments in relation to the theory represented at the lecturers. The course consists of two strands;

a) Qualitive part, focusing on research design and methods, and

b) Quantitative part, training basic statistical methods


Changes made since the last occasion

New tutor - Xiao Lang - and new lecturer for the quantitative (statistics) part - Per Mottram Hogström. 

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

- define and delimit a research question
- discuss the benefits and drawbacks of basic data collection methods
- apply basic data collection methods
- interpret and assess the quality of the results
- formulate and organize a discussion
- plan and write a PM for their own research project
- apply general statistical methods in research

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

If the course is a joint course (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet) you should link to both syllabus (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet).

Examination form

The course includes the following mandatory elements:

  • Qualitative part: The students shall carry out a research project, which includes:
    • Establishing a research subject with a research question and aims
    • Formulation a research plan to be submitted for feedback
    • Carry out the research in accordance with the plan
    • Present the research for the class in a seminar and give feedback to others presenting their work
    • Submit a final report
  • Quantitative part includes three mandatory computer assignments

If above tasks are fulfilled, the student has passed the course and obtains Grade Three. To obtain a higher grade, a written examination on the statistical methods needs to be taken. In addition, 1-2 bonus points for the exam are given if the mandatory assignments are carried out well. 

Course summary:

Date Details Due