Course syllabus


DAT540 Emerging trends and critical topics in interaction design lp2 HT20 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Computer Science and Engineering

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen


Teacher team

Examiner: Sara LJUNGBLAD  Technology trends and inclusive design

Teacher: Kıvanç TATAR  Emerging trends in Interaction Design in Art and Technology

Teacher: Mikael WIBERG Interactive material explorations and ethics

Teacher: Morteza ABDIPOUR (group work, design workbook support)

Teacher: Kelsey Cotton (group work, design workbook support)

Guest teacher: Gordana Dodig (ethics)

Guest teacher: Miriam Sturdee (sketching)


Course aims

After the course, the student will have good insights in current trends and critical topics within interaction design. The aim is that the student will be able to become, and keep, up to date with ongoing research and development within the interaction design field. The actual course content will thus change from time to time.

This year, the topics and trends are:

1. Technology trends and inclusive design (Sara Ljungblad)

2. Emerging trends in Interaction Design in Art and Technology (Kıvanç Tatar)

3. Interactive material explorations and ethics (Mikael Wiberg)

For each part there will be lit and crit sessions as part of group work to read, discuss, analyse some technology trend or topic.  The group work is conducted on a selected topic, different for each part. The group work lit and crit sessions is the foundation of the individual hand in - a "design work book", where each student in individually will reflect on the technology trend and topic from the group work. A final presentation of the group and individual work is held as a Miniconference in January, on the last day of the course.



See Schedule Page

Course literature

Scientific papers that is selected by the teacher for each part.

Course design

The course is held in English. It consists of lectures and seminars, where students are expected to participate actively. It also consists of a mandatory, individual design project that runs throughout the course.

Changes made since the last occasion

There have been some minor changes in the syllabus. The course is now pass/fail. Sara Ljungblad is the new course responsible and Mikael Wiberg is a new teacher. Instead of essays, the project is presented an individual design workbook and at the final Mini conference. There will be smaller groups with lit/crit discussion sessions, instead of group presentations in class.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
Get familiar with and get insights into current trends in interaction design.
Get familiar with and get insights into novel technological solutions relevant for interaction design.

Skills and abilities
Analyze, discuss and sketch designs in relation to a certain trend.
Analyze, discuss and sketch the use of novel technical solutions.
Read, analyze and extract relevant content from academic literature.

Judgment and approach
Discuss societal and ethical consequences of a certain trend, design or technical solution.


Current trends in interaction design.
Novel (emergent) technologies relevant for interaction design.
Different views and approaches in regard to novel trends and technologies.
Systematic and practical exploration and communication of ideas within a design space.
Reading and understanding of academic literature and search for the current state of the art and practice presented on the web and in the media.


The course is held in English. It consists of lectures, group work and seminars, where students are expected to participate actively. It contains a mandatory, individual design project that runs throughout the course.


Relevant academic literature complemented with trustworthy web references and media concerning the actual topic.

Examination form


Written and oral assignments
[Lit and crit discussions, reviews, posters & Mini-conference]

3,0 credits

Grading: UG


Project [Assignment 1, 2, 3]

4,5 credits

Grading: UG


The course is examined partly by written and oral assignments ( Discussions at lit/crit sessions & presentation at Mini-conference), and partly via a continuous design project (Assignments for the design workbook 1, 2, 3). In order to pass the course, both these parts must be passed.