Course Syllabus
TME202 Vehicle and Traffic Safety / Fordons och trafiksäkerhet
Course PM
2022/23 (LP 2)
TME202 Vehicle and Traffic Safety is a course offered during the second quarter of the first year of the Master Programme for Mobility engineering (MPMOB). The course is 7.5 credits. The possible grades are 5, 4, 3, and not passed. The course is given in English.
The objective of this course is to provide the student with a basic understanding of the role of passive and active safety (including autonomous driving) in the context of traffic safety. After this course, the student will have knowledge that can be applied in primarily an automotive engineering career, but several components are also relevant for other modes of transport (e.g., human behavior, epidemiology/crash analysis, the use of FEM, sensors). The student will have: an overview of the literature in the field of active and passive safety, analyzed and simulated components of passive and active safety systems, and gained fundamental knowledge about designing active and passive systems.
Course specific prerequisites
BSc in Engineering, in areas such as such as Mechanical or Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics. Students should also have at least one course in Programming (6 credits)
Learning outcomes (after completion of the course the student should be able to):
- Describe various means to reduce traffic related fatalities and injuries
- Discuss the effect of different car structure design and crash configurations on in-crash load paths in the vehicle and in the occupants
- Explain means to avoid incompatibility between different road vehicles and road furniture
- Describe how car restraints and car structure can reduce injury risk
- Relate the biomechanics of the human body to crash safety
- Describe the basics of the explicit finite element method and give examples of how simulations can be used to assess crash safety
- Describe the process of performing a finite element simulation of a crash structure
- Compare simulations to experimental data and discuss the similarities and discrepancies
- List the most important sensor principles under consideration for automotive safety applications and to explain their basic technological advantages and limitations
- Motivate the scope of active safety in the context of traffic safety
- Describe the general architecture of state-of-art active safety systems
- Provide examples of active safety systems on the market and describe their operation and implementation
- Explain what cooperative systems are and how they can be used to extend the functionalities of state-of-art active safety systems
- Discuss the importance of human factors in the design of active safety systems and automated vehicles
- Illustrate the tools currently available for evaluating active safety system
- Apply data visualization techniques on the available data from different perspectives
- Design and apply basic data pre-processing routines/techniques for naturalistic driving data sets
- Understand and reflect on data characteristics/limitations and uncertainty in accident scenario reconstruction for EDR (event data recorders)
- Accidentology and epidemiology
- Crashworthiness
- Compatibility
- Future vehicle designs
- Restraint designs
- Testing
- Crash test dummy design
- Injury assessments
- Infrastructure design
- Systems for Active Safety
- Sensors for Integrated Safety
- Cooperative systems
- Human factors
- Active safety evaluation
- Crash analysis and crash data
- Signal processing and data visualization
- Analysis of crashes and near-crashes from field data
- Lectures
- Workshops
- Assignments: “Labs” and exercises
Handouts of lecture notes as provided on the course homepage in CANVAS.
Required and supplementary/optional reading is offered on the CANVASs course page. The following ebooks are available:
- Trauma Biomechanics:An introduction to Injury Biomechanics, Schmitt, K-W, Niederer, P., Cronin, D., Muser, M., Walz, F., Springer, 2014
Note that no literature purchases will be needed to complete the course.
- Examination Passive Safety (Part C; 2 of the 7.5 points total)
- Examination Active Safety (Part B; 2 of the 7.5 points total))
- Each student must actively participate in the assignments (labs and exercises). The course consists of two lab assignments: The Passive Safety Laboratory & Simulation Assignment (Part A: 2 of the 7.5 points total) and the Active Safety Lab Assignment (Part D: 1.5 of the 7.5 points total), and two mandatory exercises (Pass/Fail; pass on both needed to complete the course and get a course grade). Both mandatory exercises are in the Active Safety part of the course, namely: 1) Naturalistic Driving Data, and 2) Event Data Recorders. In addition, there are two exercises/demos that are not mandatory, but recommended: 3) Signal Processing Passive Safety, 4) Signal Processing Active Safety. For the Passive Safety part, each Lab group will consist of 2-3 students. The groups will be randomly assigned by the teacher. For the Active Safety assignment, the group size is 2-3 students per group. For the two mandatory Active Safety exercises, the group size will be 2 students per group. It will be the same groups for both of these exercises. Both the Active Safety Assignment groups and the Mandatory Exercise groups are self-assign. That is, you are to group yourselves. The group sign-up for the active safety course part (assignment and exercises) will open a week before the Active Safety part starts.
- In summary: Each student will be randomly assigned to the passive safety Assignment Group (2-3 students), and you are to self-assign for the two groups Active Safety assignment, and Active Safety exercises. See People in CANVAS for the groups. All exercises and assignments will be checked for plagiarism. A pass/approval on the two assignments and the two mandatory exercises is needed for the completion of the course.
The final grade is based on the average of the normalized examination scores (Part B and Part C). The examination is what is used for the course grade. The overall exam percentage is calculated as:
100*(Your_Points_PS/Max_Points_PS +Your_Points_AS/Max_Points_AS)/2.
If the overall exam percentage is 40% or above, the student has passed the exam.
All group work (assignments: labs and exercises) are pass/fail.
The final grade is then:
- fail: overall exam percentage <40%
- 3: 40 <= overall exam percentage < 60%
- 4: 60 <= overall exam percentage < 80%
- 5: 80 <= overall exam percentage
The two exams will both be on-campus exams. During the exam you may use a dictionary, pens, rulers, and a simple calculator (such as, or equivalent to, Texas Instruments TI30)..
Time and place for the examination will be posted on the student portal (make sure to choose 2021/2022) and the exam-date page (search for TME202).
Teaching Team
- Jonas Bärgman (responsible Active Safety) 031-7725846
- Robert Thomson (responsbile Passive Safety) 031-772 3645
- Marco Dozza 031-772 3621
- Giulio Piccinini 031-772 1421
- Jordanka Kovaceva 031-772 1266
Teaching/lab/assignment/exercise assistants:
- Xiaomi Yang 031 772 6901
- Pierluigi Olleja 031-772 6461
- Linus Lundin 031-772 1355
- Alexandros Leledakis 0728852398
Changes from last year
- The exams will be on-campus (the first, passive safety, will be approximately half-way through the course (see schedule), while the active safety exam will be in ordinary exam time in January 2023)
- Updates/refinement of lecture content and reading material.
- Linus is a new teaching assistants (exercises)
The course is divided into one passive safety part (Part C) and one active safety part (Part B). Each part with has its own written exam and responsible teacher (see above).
Eight hours a week are allocated for lectures and assignments/exercises for course:
- 8:00-11:45 on Mondays
- 10:00-12:00 on Wednesdays (not all weeks, see schedule) for computer and assignment support
- 13:15-17:00 on Wednesdays
- Assignment support may be scheduled in addition to these times
A complete schedule with the title of the lectures and the name of the lecturers is continuously updated on this course CANVAS page. The room for exercises and assignments will be posted on TimeEdit.
The course schedule is available on the course’s CANVAS page.
Finally, make sure you comply with the rules for ethics and plagiarism. We strictly enforce Chalmers rules (in short: never copy other students work (e.g., code, text or images), never copy text or images from other documents (electronical or physical) without proper referencing – it is not a justification to say that you did not know about the rules).
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |