Course syllabus


TEK320 Digital Economics and Policy lp2 HT22 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the Department of Technology Management and Economics

(Note that a full Canvas page with modules and readings will be published in the first study week.)

Contact details

Examiner and course responsible:

Erik Bohlin, and tel +46317721205

Course assistant:

Parissa Mokhtabad, and tel +46317721160


Erik Bohlin (EB), Professor, Chalmers University of Technology, (examiner and course responsible)

Johannes Bauer (JB), Professor, Michigan State University, USA

Anwesha Chakraborty (AC), PhD, Bologna University, Italy

Simon Forge (SF), Ph.D, Managing Director, SCF Associates, United Kingdom

Rob Frieden (RF), Professor Emeritus, Pennsylvania State University, USA

Martin Glaumann (MG), Partner, Arthur D. Little AB, Sweden

Per M. Johnsson (PMJ), Director, Ericsson AB, Sweden

Fredrik Lindeberg (FL), Ph.D., Security Director, NetNod, Sweden 

Chun Liu, Professor, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Gérard Pogorel (GP),  Professor emeritus, Télécom ParisTech (formerly École Nationale Supérieure des Telecommunications - ENST), France

Stephen Schmidt (SS), Chief Legal Counsel, TELUS Inc., Canada

Georg Serentschy (GS), Managing Director, Serentschy Advisory Services GMBH, Austria

Pratompong Srinuan (PS), Director, National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission, Thailand

Jonas Wessel (JW), Director, Post- och telestyrelsen, Sweden

Harald Øverby (HØ), Professor, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Course purpose

The course Digital Economics and Policy introduces students to one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy, namely the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector, and its effects on other sectors. The aim of the course is to provide tools for analysing the complex dynamics of  digtialisation, by taking both a historical and forward-looking perspective on key strategic and policy issues, as well as their underlying economic logic. 


The course Digital Economics and Policy addresses digital issues from different angles, which include:

  • Key policy and strategic issues in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry;
  • Overview of tools to understand institutional change, regulation, policy, industry change and corporate strategy;
  • Investment, costing and demand;
  • Foresight and future issues relating to digitalisation;
  • Interaction between government actions and strategic decision making;
  • User perspectives of technology change and development;
  • Identification and analysis of the particular ethical dilemmas that the ICT sector poses, related to privacy, inclusion, and sustainability


Find here the preliminary overview schedule in file format: Overview Schedule TEK320-v4 Nov 2022.pdf  

Check out also TimeEdit for the schedule (to be revised by course start).

The Canvas Calender will be available at the course start.

The general zoom access link for TEK320 is (used only as seen in the overview schedule above):

Syllabus Overview

Find the introduction slides here which provide an accessible overview: TEK 320 Introduction 2022.pdf 

Course readings and videos

Course literature is available on the course homepage, with some readings to be uploaded at least one week before the lecture. Lecture slides will be uploaded on the course homepage after each lecture. See applicable week modules for readings and slides.  Recorded lectures are uploaded on a Google drive link available on a separate module.

Changes made since the last occasion

The course provides for more individual feedback for the Take Home Exams. 

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

By the end of the course students will be able to:
(1) apply theories, frameworks, conceptual tools and methods related to institutions, policy, regulation, strategy, industry and innovation dynamics, in relation to the complex interplay between technology and society
(2) analyze policies and regulations relevant for digitalisation of industries and markets, in an international perspective, and addressing ethical and social dilemmas, such as sustainable development
(3) identify main policy, regulatory and strategic issues for digtalisation
(4) apply conceptual tools, methods and framework for analyzing policy dynamics and for taking strategic decisions of digitalisation.

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

If the course is a joint course (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet) you should link to both syllabus (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet).

Group Registration

Group registration opens at the start of the course. Group registration provides access for the two group-based course assignments (project outline and project report). Each group has maximum of four students, and only one group slot is open per student. The students pick themselves which group they want to join. 


In order to pass this course, students are required to complete six assignments:

  1. Project outline;
  2. Project report;
  3. Prepare questions for lectures
  4. Individual reflection;
  5. Take-home exam 1;
  6. Take-home exam 2

All six assignments are compulsory, which means that only students that deliver all six assignments can pass the course. Students are asked to complete the first five assignments while the course lectures are ongoing. The deadline for take-home 2 is usually placed after the last course lecture. Project outline and project report are group-based assignments, while individual reflection, prepare questions to lectures, take-home exam 1 and take-home exam 2 are individual assignments.

These six assignments are described in more detail in the separate modules in this course home page. Furthermore, handouts with additional instructions regarding take-home exam 1 and 2 will be distributed during the lectures and later uploaded on the course homepage.

Written assignments have to be uploaded on the course homepage, using their specific assignment slots. Deadlines for uploading assignments on the course homepage are mandatory. It is not possible to upload documents after deadlines are passed.


Each assignment gives students a certain amount of points. Students have to earn a minimum amount of points per assignment in order to pass the course. Minimum and maximum points per assignment are illustrated in Table 1. There are no points associated with the project outline, which, however, needs to be approved by the examiner.


Table 1. Minimum and Maximum amount of points per assignment




Project Outline



Project Report



Prepare questions for zoom lectures and webinars



Individual Reflection



Take-Home Exam 1



Take-Home Exam 2






The sum of all points earned gives the final grade. The final grade can be FAIL, 3, 4 or 5. The amounts of points which correspond to the various grades are illustrated in Table 2.

The sum of all points earned gives the final grade. Please have a look at the table below:


Table 2. Final Grade



Below 40


Between 40-59


Between 60-79


Between 80-100



Course summary

Mandatory Assignments, Deadlines and Max Points

Group-based Assignments

Start Date


Oral Part

Max Points

Group Registration

31 October 


13 November




Project Outline

31 October

13 November



Project Outline

14 November

22 November


Project Report

31 October

13 December

15 Dec



Individual Assignments

Start Date


Oral Part

Max Points

Individual Reflection

31 October

25 November

No mandatory oral presentation but opportunity for scheduled feedback and raise questions 


Questions for Zoom
Lectures and Webinars

31 October

Before each zoom-based lecture, in certain cases after the event. See events calendar


Take-home Exam 1

24 November

1 December


Take-home Exam 2

12 December

 20 December


Make-up Assignment

In order to pass this course, all six assignments have to be completed. For the individual assignments, written texts have to be submitted via the course homepage. If one of the written texts is not delivered, students cannot pass the course.

For the group-based assignments, both the written and the oral parts are mandatory for all students. Written texts have to be submitted via the course homepage. If one of the written texts is not delivered, students cannot pass the course. Students who cannot participate in the presentation of the project report are asked to deliver an additional assignment. Make-up assignments are available on the course homepage, in the folder “Make-up assignments”. Deadline for uploading make-up assignments on the course homepage is 5 January.

MTS requirement for all students

According to Decision 2002-12-11/C889-02 of the vice president for graduate studies, all students have to achieve credits in the study programme Humans, Technology, Society (Människa, Teknik, Samhälle) in order to obtain the degree of graduate engineer (civilingenjör). The course TEK320 is part of the MTS curriculum. 

Course Evaluation

At the end of the study period, the course will be evaluated by an evaluation group. The group evaluation is formed by the examiner and two or three students. Students can voluntarily propose themselves as potential evaluators. A course evaluation meeting is usually held at lunch time (12-13). The aim of the course evaluation is to improve and further content and structure of the course. 

Currently, the evaluators are as follows but more are free to join:

MPQOM   Moa Gunnarsson
MPENM   Max Jisonsund
MPMEI     Henry Persson

Course summary:

Date Details Due