MVE170 / MSG800 Basic stochastic processes

First lecture is Wednesday 2 November at 3.15 PM in room KA.


Course PM

Course PM pdf-file.

Handouts etc

Crash course in probability theory and useful facts from math intended for self-study pdf-file.

List of Errata for Hsu's book (version 14 November 2020) pdf-file.

Digital lectures from last years course

Crash course pdf and movie part 1, movie part 2.

Sections 5.1-5.4 in Hsu pdf and movie.

Section 5.5 in Hsu pdf and movie.

Sections 5.6-5.7 in Hsu pdf and movie.

Section 5.8 in Hsu pdf and movie.

Sections 6.1-6.3B in Hsu pdf and movie.

Chapter 9 in Hsu pdf and movie.

Sections 6.3C-6.5 in Hsu pdf and movie.

Sections 6.1-6.4 in G&S pdf and movie.

Sections 6.5, 6.8-6.9 and 6.11 in G&S pdf and movie.

Exercises Sections 6.1-6.5 in G&S pdf and movie part 1, movie part 2.

Exercises Sections 6.8-6.9 and 6.11 in G&S pdf and movie.


Link to Exercises.

Digital exercise sessions from last years course

Problems for own work Exercise Session 1

Problems for own work Exercise Session 2

Problems for own work Exercise Session 3

Problems for own work Exercise Session 4

Problems for own work Exercise Session 5

Problems for own work Exercise Session 6

Student representatives

Xiaolingzi Hsu

Old Exams

Exam 22 August 2023 pdf-file.

Exam 3 April 2023 pdf-file.

Exam 9 January 2023 pdf-file.

Exam 11 April 2022 pdf-file.

Link to Older Exams.


The schedule of the course is in TimeEdit.

Additional information about the course can be found at Chalmers Student Portal.



Course summary:

Date Details Due