Quiz: Consumer Theory

  • Due No due date
  • Points 6
  • Questions 6
  • Time limit None
  • Allowed attempts Unlimited


In this course we will provide ungraded quizzes to enhance learning and to allow for a self-control of understanding of concepts etc.

Once you've submitted an answer it says 1/1 or 0/1 points but this is of no significance for your grade in the course.


1) The quizzes can be seen as highlighting what is at the core of understanding the fundamentals in the course material (book, clips and lectures). But they cover far from everything important.

2) If you feel uncertain when answering a quiz question or if you answer incorrectly it's a good idea to watch the clip that covers the material, read in the course book or google the concept for complementary explanations that may shed further light on the material.  

3) If you want to master a subject, creating things is seen as the "highest order skills" (Blooms taxonomy) and to practice this we suggest that you try to submit new quiz questions to us. In this way you will both practice using your new knowledge and at the same time contribute to improving the course since we will make use of the suggestions you submit.

Submit a quiz question by emailing it to us and become a co-creator of the course =) 

What we want: Question, answer alternatives and preferably an explanation (not needed).