Course syllabus

Welcome to TMV166: Linear algebra and systems of linear equations!

TMV166 Linjär algebra och system av linjära ekvationer lp3 vt23 (7,5 hp)


Contact information:

Examiner: Karine le Bail

Teachers: Vincent Desmaris, Karine le Bail, Rüdiger Haas, Denis Meledin

Teacher assistants / exercise leaders: Tadeus Carl, Peng Feng, Teresa Margheri, Magnus Strandberg



We added two sessions to prepare for the exam:

Monday 6/3 - 13:15-15:00 - room ML11. We will review the exam from 19 March 2022.
Wednesday 8/3 - 10:00-11:45 - room SB-L200. We will review the re-exam from 9 June 2022.


Course plan (KursPM)

The main information for the course is summarised in the Course Plan that can be downloaded here: CoursePlan.pdf . This document contains all contact information of the teaching team, general information about the course, learning objectives, course structure, schedule at a glance (including all deadlines and exercise sessions information), availability of teaching team for answering student questions, and examination conditions.


Course description and course literature

This course discusses systems of linear equations and how to manipulate matrices. We start by studying geometry in space. We study both theoretical aspects and solution methods. We use both analytical and numerical methods.

The course picks up where TMV151 left off. The course literature is part III in the series Matematisk Analys och Linjär Algebra, by Stig Larsson, Anders Logg and Axel Målqvist. The book can be downloaded here: BOOK and the hard copy book can be purchased at the STORE: Supplementary teaching material will be posted on the Canvas page if necessary.



The course schedule can be found here: TimeEdit

Schedule TMV166 VT23

Week Day Date Time Who What
 W3/A Mon 2023-01-16 13:15-15:00 L-00 K Introduction
  Tue 2023-01-17 13:15-15:00 L-01 V Book sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
      15:15-17:00 EX-01 TA Exercises
  Wed 2023-01-18 08:00-09:45 L-02 V Book sections 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
      10:00-11:45 EX-02 TA Exercises
  Thu 2023-01-19 08:00-09:45 L-03 V Book section 2.1
 W4/B Mon 2023-01-23 13:15-15:00 EX-03 TA Exercises
  Tue 2023-01-24 08:00-09:45 L-04 V Book sections 2.2, 2.3
      10:00-11:45 EX-04 TA Exercises
  Wed 2023-01-25 08:00-09:45 L-05 V Book sections 2.4, 2.5
      10:00-11:45 EX-05 TA Exercises
  Thu 2023-01-26 08:00-09:45 Q-01 K+V Questions + QUIZ
 W5/C Mon 2023-01-30 13:15-15:00 L-06 V Book section 3.1
  Tue 2023-01-31 08:00-09:45 EX-06 TA Exercises
  Wed 2023-02-01 08:00-09:45 L-07 V Book section 3.2
      10:00-11:45 EX-07 TA Exercises
  Thu 2023-02-02 08:00-09:45 L-08 V Book section 3.3
      10:00-11:45 EX-08 TA Exercises
 W6/D Mon 2023-02-06 13:15-15:00 L-09 V Book section 4.1
      15:15-17:00 EX-09 TA Exercises
  Tue 2023-02-07 08:00-09:45 L-10 V Book sections 4.2, 4.3
      10:00-11:45 EX-10 TA Exercises
  Wed 2023-02-08 08:00-09:45 L-11 V Book section 4.4
  Thu 2023-02-09 10:00-11:45 EX-11 TA Exercises
 W7/E Mon 2023-02-13 13:15-15:00 L-12 V Book sections 4.4, 4.5
      15:15-17:00 EX-12 TA Exercises
  Tue 2023-02-14 13:15-15:00 L-13 V Book sections 4.5, 4.6
      15:15-17:00 EX-13 TA Exercises
  Wed 2023-02-15 10:00-11:45 Q-02 K+V Questions + QUIZ
  Thu 2023-02-16 08:00-09:45 L-14 K Book section 5.1
 W8/F Mon 2023-02-20 13:15-15:00 EX-14 TA Exercises
  Tue 2023-02-21 08:00-09:45 L-15 K Book section 5.1 (cont.)
      13:15-15:00 EX-15 TA Exercises
  Wed 2023-02-22 08:00-09:45 L-16 K Book sections 5.2, 5.3
      10:00-11:45 EX-16 TA Exercises
  Thu 2023-02-23 10:00-11:45 L-17 K Book sections 6.1, 6.2
 W9/G Mon 2023-02-27 13:15-15:00 EX-17 TA Exercises
  Tue 2023-02-28 08:00-09:45 L-18 K Book section 6.3
      10:00-11:45 EX-18 TA Exercises
  Wed 2023-03-01 10:00-11:45 L-19 R Book section 7.1
  Thu 2023-03-02 10:00-11:45 L-20 R Book section 7.2
  Fri 2023-03-03 13:15-15:00 L-21 K Summary
 W11 Sat 2023-03-18 13:00-17:00 E   Exam
 W23 Thu 2023-06-08 13:00-17:00 RE1   Re-exam 1

K: Karine; V: Vincent; R: Rüdiger; TA: Teacher Assistants.


Course structure

The course contains a) lectures, b) exercises (mixed of arithmetic exercises and computer exercises), and c) voluntary quizzes.

For the computer exercises we use the programming language Python. Being able to use a computer to make calculations in linear algebra is a very important goal in the course. Computer exercises are integrated into the course planning and are not scheduled separately. Python is recommended because students are expected to have sufficient knowledge of Python.

The CANVAS page is organized by modules. Each week, a module describes the teaching for each week.


Learning objectives

The learning objectives can be found in the Module "Course introduction", under "Learning objectives", as well as on Studieportalen: Studieplan . The pdf version in both English and Swedish is provided here: learning objectives.



The course has a classic written examination. The examination contains 14 individual exercises combining arithmetic calculation as well as demonstration with a maximum of 50 points (any bonus points are added, see below).

For a pass (grade 3): at least 20 points are required.

For grade 4: 30 points are required.

For grade 5: 40 points are required.

No aids are allowed.



A total of 6 bonus points can be obtained: there are two quizzes that give a maximum of 2 bonus points each and a Python graded homework (maximum of 2 bonus points). These bonus points are added to the final examination grade. During the academic year, two re-examinations are normally given with the same grade limits. The students keep their bonus points for these two re-examinations.


The quizzes will be on CANVAS! They will happen on Thursday 26 January, 2023 at 09:21 and on Wednesday 15 February, 2023 at 11:21.

There will be a total of 8 questions in each quiz, which has 5 answer options each. If you have 7 or 8 correct answers, you get 2 bonus points. If you have 4, 5 or 6 correct answers, you get 1 point. Less than 4 correct answers gives you no points at all.


The Python homework will be given on Thursday 23 February, 2023 at 11:40. It will be related to one of the topics covered during the lecture on the same day ("LU factorisation and iterative methods"). The homework (Python code + questions related to the code) is due on Friday 3 March, 2023 (23:59).

Course summary:

Date Details Due