Course syllabus


DAT300 / DIT616 Data-driven support for cyber-physical systems lp1 HT21 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Computer Science and Engineering

Contact details

Examiners, teachers, supervisors:

The course will also have external guest lecturers. Please see the home page for relevant up-to-date information.

Course purpose

This is a masterclass in the areas of advance, giving an overview of how important technologies from the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) area that is being used in other domains to make them more efficient ("smart"), with several examples of infrastructures for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) used in the lectures and for the projects. The focus is on algorithms, distributed computing, data processing, communication and security.

Additionally, this course aims to provide entrepreneurial experiences according to Chalmers’ definition including:

  • that students create value (see below) for others
  • understand an idea development process
  • through these activities have managed uncertainty and reflected on one’s own and others’ capabilities.

Value may be economical but also ecological, social, mental, physiological etc. Read more here: Chalmers Student Portal.



Course literature

The class sessions are built around seminars, lecture notes, research papers and project work.

Course design

The course is built around (i) seminars and (ii) project work. Through the seminars you learn about the design or development of systems, infrastructure, and applications that are related to other domains such as the electric power smart grid, production systems, vehicular systems, with a focus on the topics of the course. You are expected to participate actively in discussions.  Through the project part of the course, you are also expected to complete lab work, i.e. a significant project with interdisciplinary relevance to another domain. In this way you will also gain experience at the front connecting research and education in the main domain overlapping two of the Areas of Advance, namely ICT and Energy/Transportation/Building Technology/Production etc. Your project should be presented and demonstrated for your peers, and documented through a technical report. Through your presentations, you will also get feedback and learn to better present material to your peers. Through your report, you will improve your skills in technical writing (connected to DAT147).

Changes made since the last occasion

Pre-booked slots in Analysen for group meetings. Slightly fewer guest talks.

Learning objectives and syllabus

On successful completion of the course the student will be able to:
1. Knowledge and understanding
  • List cyber-physical systems, and in particular ICT methods for supporting adaptiveness, decentralization and cybersecurity based on the students chosen area.
  • Discuss current research and development in the area of such cyber-physical systems, in order to meet the requirements of sustainable development in (security, economic and ecological terms).
2. Skills and abilities
  • Design and analyse methods, algorithms, protocols for adaptive and/or cyber-secure cyber-physical systems, such as smart power grid networks.
  • Explain complex algorithms and concepts.
  • Plan and organize a small team project and document the work and the result in a report.
  • Identify, combine and use own and others resources, and deal with uncertainty, with the aim of creating value for others.
3. Judgement and approach
  • Relate to idea development through evaluation and selection of ideas, presenting ideas and implementing ideas in relevant context(s).
  • Present complex material to a small audience.
  • Improve skills in running a small team project, practice technical writing.
  • Judge the relevance of the literature in a topic.
  • Reflect on own and others' abilities and roles in relation to the project work - examined in a peer assessment combined with one's own reflections.

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan CTH     Study plan GU

Examination form

The course is examined by a written report on the project conducted by the student, and oral presentation, including demonstration. The written report is normally carried out in groups of 3-5 students. The students also need to complete a short individual report, reflecting on the content of the research articles chosen as a basis for the oral
presentation. In order to pass the course the student is expected to also participate actively in seminars, including presentations and discussion of new topics.

Course summary:

Date Details Due