Course syllabus


EEN035 EEN035 Modelling and simulation in biomedical engineering lp1 HT23 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Electrical Engineering

Contact details

Course purpose

The purpose of the course is to introduce and apply methods of general interest in modelling and simulations. The course aims at giving a mix between theory and hands on practice in relevant application areas. The focus is to study methods and applications that are of relevance in biomedical engineering within diagnostic and therapeutic applications as well as for physiological processes.

Course content

This course contains studying methods and principles used to construct mathematical models of dynamical systems and how to numerically solve or simulate them.

The modelling methods studied in the course are based on basic physical principles and system identification.

Numerical simulation methods are studied, with particular emphasis on their accuracy and stability.

Methods and modelling principles of general interest are studied, however with a particular focus on methods that are relevant for modelling of biomedical applications within diagnostics and treatment as well as for modelling of physiological processes.


Here is a link to the general schedule in Time Edit

For detailed planning see the information on this Canvas page.

Course literature

Lennart Ljung, Torkel Glad. Modeling and Identification of Dynamic Systems, 2021, ed. 2, Studentlitteratur, ISBN: 978-914-41-5345-2. Available at Chalmers book store STORE.

Supplementary books:

Suresh R. Devasahayam. Signals and Systems in Biomedical Engineering: Physiological Systems Modeling and Signal Processing 2019, Third ed, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. ISBN 978-981-13-3530-3. Available at the library as eBook.

Stanley M. Dunn, Alkis Constantinides, Prabhas V. Moghe. Numerical methods in biomedical engineering, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2005. ISBN 978-008-04-7080-1. Available at the library as eBook.

Additional material will be made available during the course and uploaded on the course page. 

Course design

The course consists of lectures, exercises, self-study sessions and home assignments.

In the lectures, the basic theory is presented and exemplified. Based on the lecture material problem solving is exemplified and demonstrated in exercises. The course also consists of a number of home assignments where students work with and solve problems related to the course material. The assignments cover both theoretical questions and computer exercises in MATLAB and Comsol. The projects are solved in groups of two students. Each project is to be presented and documented in a written report that is handed in online. If a deadline to hand in an assignment is missed you can still hand it in, but there is no guarantee that we will have time to correct it so that the result can be reported by the end of the course. We will correct them when we have time. 

All course material, such as lecture notes, project assignments and complementary course material will be uploaded in Canvas. The material will be added throughout the course and we recommend that you regularly visit the course page in Canvas. Home assignments are handed in by uploading them in Canvas. 



Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

  • describe methods and principles for modelling and simulating a system.
  • apply these principles when designing mathematical models for realistic systems.
  • implement and use computer-based modelling and simulation for studying relevant problems within the field of biomedical engineering.
  • apply these methods and principles for modelling of systems and processes relevant for diagnostics, treatment and as well as different physiological processes.
  • critically evaluate the applicability and usability for different models and simulation techniques.

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

Examination form

The final grade of the course will be based on a written exam and four assignments. The grading scale is U, 3, 4, 5.

The assignments consist of four projects/computer laboratory works, which are marked. At the end of the course we will also organise a seminar where you get to present and discuss your assignments. Here you get to show that you have mastered the topics of the assignments as well as solver the assignments by yourself. All four assignments must be marked as passed to complete the course. The projects are reported separately in LADOK with grades pass or fail (U/G).

The exam tests the theoretical knowledge and problem solving of the course material. Part of the exam will cover material from the home assignments, it is therefore an advantage to have completed those before the exam. The examination is a closed book written exam. You may bring one A4 page where you can write down, on both sides, your own formulas. It is not allowed to write down solutions to problems. Time and place of ordinary and reexaminations can be found here: Student Portal

The final grade in the course will be based on the combined results from the projects and the exam with weighting according to the credits of the course, 3 hp for the projects and 4,5 hp for the exam. 


Each project is marked with scores 0-12 and you need to get at least 6 points to pass the project. Projects handed in after the deadline will be marked with 6 points at most. The four projects can give up to 48 points in total. You need to participate in the final seminar in order to credit these points.

The exam is marked on a scale with scores 0-30 and you need to reach at least 15 points to pass the exam. The result of the exam is reported on LADOK as a grade on the scale U, 3, 4, 5. The scores needed on the exam for the different grade levels are Grade 3: 15 points, Grade 4: 20 points, Grade 5: 25 points.

The final grade on the course is calculated from the scores of the projects and the exam and weighted together to give a final course score on which the grade is based.

The calculation of the course score is made according to the following formula:

LaTeX: fs=\frac{3}{7.5}\frac{100\cdot\left(p_1+p_2+p_3+p_4\right)}{48}+\frac{4.5}{7.5}\frac{100\cdot p_e}{30}

(p1-p4 are the scores from the projects, pe is the score from the exam and fs is the final course score.) This means that the maximum course score is 100. The scores needed for the different grade levels are Grade 3: 50% of total score, ie 50 points, Grade 4: 66% of the total score, ie 66 points and Grade 5: 83% of the total score, ie 83 points.

Course summary:

Date Details Due