Course syllabus


SJO571 Environmental impact from shipping lp1 HT22 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences

Contact details


Ida-Maja Hassellöv 


Kent Salo

Oscar Allestam

Fayas Kanchiralla


Student representatives:

Adam Eriksson
Johanna Perryd Mattsson 

For general information of this task: Being a Student representative | Chalmers studentportal

Course purpose

The aim of the course is to increase the student's awareness and knowledge about:

  • The concept of Sustainable development
  • The environmental impact of shipping, today and in the future
  • Instruments and analytical methods for environmental decision support
  • Technical solutions to reduce emissions from shipping to the sea and atmosphere



Course literature

Shipping and the Environment - Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation (2016). Andersson, Brynolf and Lindgren editors. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. The book is available as e-book at Chalmers Library

- Literature and materials

Course design

The course covers five main areas:

  • Sustainable development, the concept in general, for shipping and methods for analysis
  • Shipping emissions to the sea and their impact on marine ecosystems
  • Air Emissions - impacts on health and environment
  • Technology, regulations and economic instruments to improve the environmental performance of ships
  • The view on sustainability and environmental issues in the shipping industry.

The course consists of lectures, laboratory work and a literature project. Some of the lectures given by guest speakers. The course ends with a written exam.

  • Lectures, the course is mainly scheduled with 2-3 2 hour lectures per week
  • Mandatory guest lecture
  • A literature project that is presented in a report and at a seminar. Participation in seminars and hand in of report are mandatory
  • A mandatory study visit at the Swedish Coast Guard
  • A mandatory full day laboratory exercise is given by the bilge water cleaning company Marinfloc


Changes made since the last occasion

No major changes.

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

  • Explain the concept of sustainable development including the environmental, economic and social dimensions
  • Compare the environmental impact by shipping in relation to other ways of transport and to the society and exemplify sustainable solutions.
  • Explain the impact by shipping on the environment and describe available treatment techniques and solutions
  • Summarize the legal framework regulating discharges from shipping to air and sea
  • Describe the work with environmental issues onboard
  • Relate to the ethical aspects linked to shipping and the environmental impact
  • Apply methods for analysis of sustainability
  • Apply knowledge on the environmental impact from shipping in communication with authorities and consultants
  • Critically examine and summarize scientific papers related to the environmental impact from shipping

Link to the syllabus at the student pages at

Study plan

Examination form

Part A (6 p), that consists of the lectures is examined with a written exam, (Monday October 23rd, 14.00). The maximum number of points on the written exam is 60 points, but project B (see below) can give 0-4 extra points. The written exam is valuated to a grading scale of 3-5 (Pass) and Fail.

Part B (1.5 p) consists of a literature project that address scientific research about environmental aspects of shipping. The project is presented in an oral presentation and in a written report that summarize scientific papers. This project can give 0-4 extra points on the written exam. Such extra points can be used to reach the grades 4 and 5, but cannot be used to reach grade 3 (Pass).

Mandatory elements in the course are participation in seminar, guest lecture, study visit at the Swedish Coast Guard, and laboratory exercise.

Course summary:

Date Details Due