Course Syllabus

Course PM

This page contains the program of the course: lectures, exercise sessions and computer labs. Other information, such as learning outcomes, teachers, literature and examination, are in a separate course PM.


See the separate course website for more course content.


The schedule of the course is in TimeEdit.

The events formerly known at the lectures

Lectures scheduled in TimeEdit will complement the course videos. See also the course website.

Recommended exercises

In general, after watching the videos replicate what is demonstrated on the gantenbein training system. See the course website for more specific tasks and the assignments.

Computer labs

Students are expected to join two lab sessions.

Labs generally take place on Monday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday afternoon, and Friday morning and afternoon; See TimeEdit for exact time and dates.

See the course website for the content.

Reference literature

See the course website for the course content. For formal reasons, we reproduce the text there verbatim.

Our main resource are the slides and videos provided at this website. If you take this course as a student at Chalmers/GU, you can also access the code on gantenbein in the folder /home/hpc2023/code.

We do not have a formal course book, but the following could be of help:

  • T. Sterling, M. Anderson, M. Brodowicz. High Performance Computing.

A good, and free, but slightly technical summary of the language C can be found in:

However, a web search gives access to many examples and tutorials.

  • Stackoverflow hosts answers to many questions, basic and advanced.

  • Performance is discussed at C++ conferences: e.g. CppCon, code::dive. They publish video recordings on YouTube.

One essential part of your training is that you learn how to solve specific problems in groups using web resources, because this is how problems are commonly solved in real programmer’s life. In fact, it is a common job interview question where you find solutions to unprecedented problems.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due